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RE: California to list glyphosate as cancer-causing; Monsanto vows fight

in #health8 years ago

Telling people how they can and can't run their business won't stop them from using another product that's not yet been classified as carcinogenic, if that is what they want to begin with. I think people simply need to be responsible for their choices, and how they chose to spend their money is their fault more or less. What is wrong is allowing companies like monsanto and other big ag conglomerates have free rides in the economic sense of subsidies and exemptions, this will only lead to more incentive to cut corners and not actually compete based on products or services offered, but only to appease the ones that are responsible for how much subsidies get allocated, in turn they have abandoned their business in that sense.

Spreading information like this is important, this is how people decide on what products to spend their money on, and when enough people stop paying for the cheap and familiar, then we won't need to play catch up with the next poison to replace this poison.


I only ask that laws be applied equal. If I can't build a shit house on my property because it might contaminate 'wetlands' on my property than Monsanto shouldn't be allowed to sell glyphosate that get's sprayed everywhere that seeps into ground water and contaminates it for decades.

Agreed, I think education and maybe some civil disobedience is the best way counter our corrupt government.