While subject such as IMPOTENCE and PREMATURE EJACULATION are focus of research and also development of new drugs, one male sexual issue that’s rarely spoken about is ‘’DRY ORGASM’’.
Dry orgasm is a state where men experience the physical sensation of climax, but don’t actually ejaculate. The cause of dry orgasm is when one is having a frequent sex, as men who have several orgasm in a short time tend to release less and less semen each time he ejaculate. This won’t lead to any serious health issue, it has it implication for couple trying to conceive. This condition can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition such as prostate issue or diabetes.
An enlarge prostate is one possible cause of dry orgasm, as it can cause retrograde ejaculation, where semen is pushed into the bladder instead of being expelled from the body. Retrograde ejaculation usually when the neck of the bladder do not close during orgasm, allowing semen to flow back. This can be cause by alpha-blocker medication such as TAMSULOSIN, which is used to treat enlarge prostate or bladder operation.
Retrograde ejaculation can also be caused by diabetes and also the treatment of high blood pressure. This situation makes a man stressful due to lack of understanding to what is happening to him.
Dry orgasm can be a problem to a couple trying to conceive. The man needs to visit a fertility specialist for treatment. Even if fertility is not a concern, you may also still need to get checked by a doctor if this becomes a recurring issue, to ensure that their isn’t some underlying medical issue that needs to be treated before it get worsen.