How To Live as a Soul.

in #health6 years ago


Munching neurotoxins while watching TV, devouring a diseased flesh of other living beings, using chemicals and drugs to make yourself look, feel and smell better, get drunk and unconscious (to relax), and engage in dysfunctional relationships that feed the ego and drama.. and keep consuming, keep buying all those the things you think you need - new toys, new gadgets produces by the machine.... is that a way to LIVE a LIFE?
That is a sure way to become Soul-less, and live as a zombie.


That is what we were programmed to do - to self-destruct, to soul suicide, to become robots, the well-behaved little puppets - easy to control and to manipulate.
That is a mode of existence that was cleverly designed by the machine - the system..... to keep everything that lives - humanity, you and me, our kids, animals, and planet enslaved.

It takes an effort and some skills to break free from a zombi mode and reunite with one's Soul... I tell ya.

From my experience - there is a trap on every level of our rise. The moment you have accomplished something as a Spirit and moved further on your path - you get attacked and tricked, and have to find new tools.
Programming is old and deep. Machine does not want to let us go, who is going to feed it when we all unplug.


I am here for the sake of TRANSFORMATION.... and that is why I speak about SOUL... a lot.
I healed my body and my mind enough to have faith and confidence in our spiritual realm and recognize it as a main realm of existence. I reunited with my Soul, and I, as many of us, am here to guide those wishing to go there.
That is my cosmic agreement.

Now, that we cleared that, may I offer a little guide on how to enter this TRANSFORMATION zone:

First thing first-
Just by making a conscious decision to shift gears You already open a new reality door.
DECIDE what to do and stay FOCUSed.


Next step -
UNPLUG YOUR PHYSICAL FORM. Get off the slave food.
What we call food in our life has influences our human field more than many realize. It effects our thinking and our perception of reality. Most of the 'old world' foods make us stupid and numb our spiritual senses.
As you know, fluoride calcifies pineal gland and all those food additives and neurotoxins kill our brain cells.
Switch your bio machine - BODY into a cleansing-and-unplugging mode, so it can remember its original blueprint... how it was supposed to feel to you!



This is How:

  • Join groups and find support. Start by educating yourself.

  • Eliminate all processed FOODs, meat and dairy from your diet. Learn about real nutrition and how to relate to your beautiful miracle machine - Body. Remember - only life supports life!

  • Invite NUTRICEUTICALS - Superfoods in to your life. Turmeric. Spirulina. Unrefined Cacao - are the best three to start with.


  • START MOVING - run, walk, swim, jump, yoga around, do whatever makes you active, just do not remain stagnant. Stagnation is death.

  • GET INTO THE SUN. Now and then make sure you get sun kissed.

  • RUN TO NATURE. GROUND, hug the Earth. Concrete jungle is not good for our mental health.
    The closer we stay to Earth right now - the easier our transition will feel.


  • SEEK least an hour a day.
    Call it meditation or whatever you wish, just take the time to be with what is YOU, to LISTEN and to SHARPEN YOUR SPIRITUAL SENSES.

    Please understand - We are all traumatized here, one way or another.
    Unless we do the inner work and address the fragmented parts of our Self - with honesty and courage - we will remain spiritually stuck and soul-less.
    Ask for help. Trust your Spirit to lead you to the right people and places.
    Seek guidance from those who are on the path. Connect to those who live from the Soul. Admit it - You just feel it!


PROTECT YOUR MIND. My feeling - It is the best thing any of us can decide right now.
The world seems to go insane, and many struggle with mastering their already hijacked minds.
If I were You, I would pay as much attention to what I feed my mind, as to what I feed my body!



You are a living breathing MYSTERY. No one can define you, they can try....
You are majestic and unique.
Yo are a particle of the You-niverse, a spark (or whole damn fire) of pure CONSCIOUSNESS.
You can do and be whatever you wish!
You hold the power to create.

You can choose to Live as a SOUL..... light, curious and free, calm, focused and joyful.


Anna Suvorova
Health/Yoga Educator
Author. Dreamer of a better world for all.


Powerful post, and a necessary one, too. So many of us are dying a slow death, committing suicide, as you say by the choices we make. The great shame is that it is in unawareness, and so many refuse to even countenance any way of living other than the one that they feel comfortable with. I became a raw foodist 4 years and I've never looked back. I was already pretty much off all the processed junk. But, as soon as I went raw, it was like the universe gave me two big thumbs up, and put me on an accelerated path, deepening the connection with self, and enabling me up to act much more from a more heart based conscious than I'd had the capacity to, previously.

Thank you @samboomer. I so resonate with what you share. More of us seem to be exuding these vibes.. to my sheer delight. Loving embrace.

Absolutely, there has definitely been a quickening taking place over the past couple of years.

Time to wake up and realise our full potential. Thank you!