Milk is a complete food. Milk and egg are the only food items that are the whole diet. All essential proteins and amino acids are found in the milk. Only iron and vitamin C are found in milk. All other nutritious ingredients are present. Drinking milk is both physical and mental development. It can be given to any age person. However today I am telling you, at what age, how much milk is right to drink.
0 to 1 year
Children of this age should not give milk to cow, buffaloes or packets. Mother's milk is the best for them. For some reason, if the mother can not feed then Formula can give milk.
0-6 months
Daily up to 600 ml
6-12 months
One to three liters daily
1 to 2 years
These children need more fat diets for better brain development, so full cream milk should be given. For them, 3-4 cups of milk (about 800-900 milliseconds) is necessary in the day.
2 to 3 years
Two to three year olds should give two cups of milk or milk products daily.
4-8 years
Children of this age need to give two and a half cups of milk and dairy products like paneer, curd etc. daily.
Over 9 years
For children older than 9 years, about three cups of milk or milk products like curd, cheese etc. should be given to them. Physically active teenagers need around 3,000 calories a day. They can give up to 4 cups of milk and milk products. Milk is essential for the strengthening of bones, so children should drink milk too, not only children but also adults.
for adults
Adults should drink tod or skimmed milk instead of full cream. In a glass full cream milk, 146 calories, 8 grams fat, so much soaked milk 102 calories and 2 grams saturated fat. Skimmed milk contains 83 calories. It does not get fat.
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Wow thanks for this information I seriously didn't know this :D
Thought I can drink milk limitless ;)