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RE: [Hae-Joo] What is Schizophrenia? And why are we abusing our Shamans?

in #health7 years ago

There are so many thought-provoking passages in this post that I'll be submitting several responses. The first one I'm led to offer is this quote from Marcus Borg's book, Jesus: Uncovering the Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary (Harper San Francisco: 2006).

"Jesus was from the peasant class. . . . His use of language was remarkable and poetic, filled with images and stories. . . . He was not an ascetic, but world-affirming, with a zest for life. There was a sociopolitical passion to him . . . he challenged the domination system of his day. He was a religious ecstatic, a Jewish mystic, for whom God was an experiential reality. . . . Jesus was an ambiguous figure—you could experience him and conclude that he was insane, as his family did [Mark 3:21], or that he was simply eccentric or that he was a dangerous threat—or you could conclude that he was filled with the Spirit of God." You're on to something here, Hae-Joo. Your mother was right: God does come to get the one He wants.