@hellenna I liked this post very much - I struggle with my own anxiety problems and I use all these techniques. Breathing and music work best for me, along with a daily meditation practice.
I see you are writing good content here and I hope your lack of sources is merely a misunderstanding about the Steemit platform. I hope you will search around and see for yourself that all Steemians take plagiarism (whether text or image) very seriously. Sourcing your photos is a common human courtesy to the hard working artist who took that picture. If you do not have direct permission from the site or artist you can use free and open source photos :)
Here's a helpful link that will help you post awesome,honest posts that are "legal" and more importantly honest - if you did take the photo or create the picture or words we want to praise you for your work too, but it's fair to give props to the person or site when it's not your own.