Don't Swing Your Weights!

in #health6 years ago

Friends, I want you to get the most out of your workouts. In this case, I want to talk briefly about lifting - I think it's such a wonderful part of any healthy lifestyle program and would encourage basically everyone who is able to incorporate some kind of strength training into your workout routine!

So let's assume you've carved out the time, gotten yourself to the gym, and are admirably going for the heaviest weights you feel you can budge... BUT, how are your reps looking??

If you're swinging your weights around, using the momentum of other parts of your body, not only will you look a little silly (sorry, but it's true!) but you'll also wave goodbye to the full benefit you could be receiving from doing those exercises.

This is true for bands too - control is KEY!It's no secret that egos have a tendency to run wild when it comes to exercise. Many of us are super competitive (not necessarily a bad thing), always chasing more weight, more reps, and more results. Sounds great in theory, but that go-getter attitude can sometimes cause us to do dumb stuff!

When we lift weights, each exercise is designed specifically to target one or more muscle groups... By controlling our reps, we are most effectively able to isolate and contract those muscles that are supposed to be working - therefore squeezing as much benefit as possible out of every rep and every one of our precious, and typically limited, seconds we have to spend in the gym!

Think of it this way - the more you swing, the more you're cheating your reps. Go a little lighter on the iron, picking weights that are highly challenging yet still manageable. Only increase weight when your programmed sets get shorter or you feel like your sets are getting easier! Heavy weights only matter when you're able to move them with control and purpose.

I'll say it again: heavy weights only matter when you're able to move them with control and purpose.

Heavy, heavy weights might seem cool in theory, but it's not a good look when you're flopping like a fish to try to get them to move. Plus, your risk of injury goes through the ROOF when you attempt to wield weights past your true capability.

image takenfrom

So work on that mind-muscle connection, think about the point of the exercise you're doing, and proceed with intention for maximum benefit :)

Swinging weights around in the gym is truly a waste of time - and I don't know anyone who has enough time to waste these days!

What's your favorite lift? How do you hold yourself accountable? :)

these article is taken from my blog