Benefits of Potatoes for Beauty and Health

in #health6 years ago


Benefits  of Potatoes for Beauty and Health - Potatoes are one type of vegetable  and foods that contain high carbohydrates and can be a source of energy  in the human body. Potatoes  are one of the tubers that are often consumed in all countries with  absolute ingredients for countries such as Europe and Asia. Potatoes can be used as a substitute for foods such as rice or wheat.

In Indonesia itself has been widely known that these potatoes are food that is often consumed by the public. Uniquely,  not a few Indonesians process potatoes not as the main carbohydrate,  but rather processed into side dishes that are consumed together with  rice. Despite being excessive, this habit is rather difficult to overcome by the Indonesian people.

Content in Potatoes

In  a potato contains substances such as carbohydrates, proteins,  phosphorus, iron, vegetable fats and calcium and other important  minerals contained therein. This factor is what makes potatoes good if consumed in a daily diet. Below there are some nutritional content of Potatoes available in one portion of 173 Gr Potatoes 

  1.  Vitamin B6 32%
  2.  Potassium 26%
  3. copper 22%
  4. Vitamin C  22%
  5. Manganese 19%
  6. Phosphorus 17%o
  7. Fiber 15%
  8. Vitamin B3 15%
  9. Pantothenic acid 13% 

 Benefits of Potatoes for Beauty and Health

1. Prevent Cancer

In potatoes contain ingredients such as vitamins, especially B6. This vitamin can be used as an ingredient to prevent cancer or tumor, especially prostate cancer. Not only that, consuming potatoes will reduce the chances of cancer cells spreading very quickly.

2. Reducing cholesterol levels

Proven that potatoes can be a substitute for rice in consuming it as an absolute food sourced from karbo uta. Because there are enough potassium in potatoes, the potatoes can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. It is very good to consume potatoes every day. Sugar levels in potatoes themselves are almost the same as rice. But it can be used for low cholesterol diets.

3. Maintaining Bone Health

Potatoes contain calcium which definitely affects bone. this factor is definitely obvious in potatoes containing calcium, magnesium and also phosphorus which is good for bone health. Especially for seniors who experience deterioration of work organs and body.

4. Lowering High Blood Pressure

Sodium intake should be reduced to help in lowering blood pressure, but increasing potassium intake is quite important for lowering blood pressure. Sources of other substances such as potassium, magnesium and calcium are substances that can be trusted to reduce those of you who have high blood pressure

5. Overcoming Acne Face

Facial conditions with acne make the appearance of not being self-confident, especially when hanging out with friends, because of that to overcome it is by means of potatoes thinly sliced and then washed clean, sliced potatoes stick to the pimpled face. and lift the potatoes if the color is grayish. Get used to being used before going to bed.

6. Overcoming the Swollen Eyes

The habit of sleeping too long can make the eyes swollen, to overcome them with potatoes that are washed and peeled and grated. Compress with a cloth on the swollen part of the eye. Use it several times, so the swelling will collapse.

7. Able to Disguise Fine Lines

Fine lines are not infrequently impressed when you are smiling or laughing. This line can occur at the age of over 25 years. For women, this fine line is a kind of lightning in broad daylight. Because it will reveal an unsightly face of aging. You can use mashed potatoes and then spread some kind of mask on the wrinkles. Because vitamin C and A are available, making potatoes as an anti-aging agent.

8. Brighten Skin

In potatoes contain vitamins and proteins. In this case, it can help the skin that has been nourished by potatoes immediately become fuller and brighter. And dead skin cells will also disappear when using a potato mask regularly. not only that, potatoes can also be used as additional ingredients in your mask, to maintain the skin properly. always use at least 3 times a week for fast and bright results.

9. Able to lose weight

In this case it is already common that potatoes can lose weight. Because in the content of protein and fiber and vitamins that are less than carbohydrates make the potatoes will nourish the body. Not only that, the type of carbohydrate in boiled potatoes is difficult to digest and makes the body full longer. For those of you who want to lose weight start changing rice food, aka your bread with potatoes.

10. Overcoming Hair Loss

If you experience hair loss usually due to several factors. For example, due to stress, incorrect use of the product in the liquid in the hair. The real loss can be prevented by potatoes. Because the content of vitamin A, B6 and C and potassium found in potatoes can overcome hair loss. How to use it mix potatoes with lemon juice and apply on hair.

Maybe this is just a post from us about the benefits of potatoes for beauty and health, hopefully useful for all of us, and share them with your garden if they need them, thanks to readers who have taken the time to read the above post. That is all and thank you.


Great post bro...

yes,, Thanks bro,,,