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RE: What Are Some of Your New Year's Resolutions? Mine is To Stop Drinking 8 Cans of Red Bull a Day!

in #health7 years ago

Wow, that's a good one to be leaving in 2017. It's hard to cut off something like that completely. My husband loves the Rockstar drinks. He's down to a few a week, which isn't too bad. He thought we should switch from coffee to tea to reduce our caffeine. I don't think I can do it just yet. It's hard to stop something unless you really are feeling the negative effects from it.


Hi thanks for posting I agree with you that you really gotta want to stop or do anything in life. I guess when i feel fed up with it or like certain foods I eat until i get sick of them! I am not feeling any negative effects i just dont want to get to that point! Happy New year