Well, medicine in today's form exists less than 100 years.
There was plenty of time for all imaginable alternative therapies to prove the efficiency. And all those techniques failed.
Lifespan was short, human population was low but sure, medicine is wrong.
We will probably live by the age of 100, while our ancestors lived 50, but sure medicine is wrong.
Neurotoxins, fish have them, Japanese people eat them, plants have them, people are using plants.
Antigens? Are you sure what does it means "antigen"?
Human DNA? I just kissed my girlfriend and trust me, there was a lot of human DNA in that kiss.
Human cell lines from aborted infants... Even worse my man, cell lines from the dead people who died from cancer.
Proteins from human blood... You heard about the transfusion, there is a lot of proteins there and it saved countless lives.
But, you are right, we, ignorants are wrong. Although we save lives.
And you, the smartest people in the word are right. Although you don't save lives.
But feel free to prove me wrong and live healthy for 150 years without the medicine.
I would be happy if you prove me wrong.
Guess who is not living longer babies !
I'll tell you the secret...
When you eat something, some of those ingredients come into the blood.
Trust me, every time you eat, every time you bread, every time when some bacteria die in your body...
Some DNA enters your blood.
And a lot of your/ my DNA doesn't originate from humans. Thus... Foreign DNA is entering our DNA every single day in the last years.