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RE: The Importance of Exercise... Getting Ripped on a Raw Vegan, Intermittent Fasting, Calisthenic Workout

in #health8 years ago

Sorry, but I just don't see the benefits of veganism. I totally agree with intermittenly fasting, but some nice beef in the diet can only benefit you.


There are no benefits only negatives.

Seems like a dogmatic statement. I suggest you read the primal blueprint .
Really helped me understand genetics and diet.

It's acidic and creates mucus in the body and has no nutriton... and if not organic is full of crap. Primal is better than your average American diet but still not as healthy as raw vegan.

Let's just agree to disagree and see who can lift more on the next Anarchapulco ;)

I have to agree with Alex. If anything can generally be cut out of many people's diets without much ill-effect it's the majority of high-carb foods, which can be quite damaging due to glycation and are generally found in large quantities in fruit on most raw vegan diets. Many people have actually made themselves quite ill on raw-vegan diets due to lack of some nutrients, also, especially when they try them haphazardly without really knowing what they're doing or consulting a professional.

Meat has quite a bit of nutrition, also. The statement that it doesn't is quite false and obviously so when you do some research. Go
organic and grass fed with your meats for best quality, and eat organ meats as well for the most well-rounded nutrition. For best results eat it with lots of low-carb veggies, especially greens, with lots of healthy fats. My favorite books on the subject are Primal Body, Primal Mind and Deep Nutrition. I've read many others, though, even about veganism and raw-veganism, which I tried about 10 years back. I lost some weight but wasn't sustainable for me. It can work for some but you have to be careful to not hurt yourself in the long run. Otherwise good luck and keep up the great work!