This is the real reason why sitting at a computer all day will get you settled

in #health8 years ago

Those who work in front of a computer all day face an exhaustion not only mental but also physical.

What causes this fatigue? The tasks, stress and posture we get when working can be the big culprits.

Physical and mental exhaustion

For sleep medicine specialists, mental fatigue is more common than we think and has to do with how the body reacts to stress in the same way whether it is mental or physical.

The heart tends to pump and produce adrenaline if someone follows us, just as if we are upset or disturbed by something. While being aware our brain absorbs a lot of energy and that is why we feel fatigued.

Emotions and fatigue

According to experts, it is also possible to experience exhaustion by the people around us, because emotions are quite contagious and the environment in which we are can generate exhaustion.

If you surround yourself with people who talk about how stressed and fatigued they are, it becomes widespread in the group.

In turn, having to form mental and emotional responses to stimuli, also requires physical work.

Our brain has the task of constantly predicting what will happen next and our body is always activated to act in the face of these mental simulations. This can also lead to fatigue.

While we are working in front of the computer and thinking about possible future scenarios, we exhaust ourselves both physically and mentally.

For experts, people who suffer from anxiety or depression, who have a tendency to spend more time anticipating future events, may experience even more acute fatigue.

How to deal with it?

Intense mental effort can lead to illness and so it is important to treat mental fatigue as well as physical fatigue with care.

Being in front of the computer for more than eight hours a day even has serious consequences not only for fatigue but also for obesity and for diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

One of the experts' recommendations is to try to get a better and more lasting sleep.

It is also convenient to avoid sedentary lifestyle, and try to break the routine of being seated with some movements, walking from time to time down the aisle.

Hydration is also very important in such cases and is an excuse to get up from the chair to serve a glass or to go to the bathroom.

Spending the day in front of the computer can be really stressful and have serious consequences not only physical but also mental. That is why it is important to become aware and incorporate some habits into the routine that improve your quality of life.


Thanks for the article!

I'd like to add that your eyesight will get worse if you're constantly staring at the screen in front of you.

To help fix that there are a few free apps:

Windows\Linux: Mac:

They work by forcing you to take short and long breaks. Ideally you should move around when those breaks start. Walking up and down the stairs is quite a good workout.

Regarding the sleep, it was scientifically proven that blue light from the screens makes you feel awake and results in difficulties with falling asleep.
To help with that there's an awesome free app as well:

well this post was surely informative enough! THUMBS UP

Wonderful post. I am sharing on social media for sure. I am new to steemit and I am blogging about computer worker stress as well. It is something that started interesting me the other day when some friends and I were discussing how it is slowly killing us.