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RE: A place for my brothers and sisters to recover

in #health7 years ago

To be honest I wasn't a great soldier. I mean, I could take it physically, but I just wasn't prepared for it mentally. I was conscripted when I was 18.

I realized how bad I was during outfield exercises. I just hated it. But I endured it.

But indeed, it was a valuable lesson in masculinity.

Whenever I hear someone who has served before comment on how war movies are so cool and they'd want to enlist, I just want to laugh because they literally know nothing.

Thanks for the great post too. Keep on keeping on sir.


You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders aldentan. The military is a much more mental endeavor than physical. They want young people that are easily broken down and rebuilt as what they want. I was a little older when I joined so I wasn't totally moldable and it caused me some issues in my enlistment. At the very least ,it sounds like you gained an understanding of what it takes to be a good warrior, whether you think you were good at it or not. It was my experience that the best Marines in were the worst in combat. The best Marines in combat were the worst in garrison. Nobody really knows what they have in them and what they are capable of until they are tested to the absolute limit, which is what combat does. Unfortunately, if someone figures out that they don't have what it takes while they actually in combat, they usually get themselves or someone else killed. Usually someone else.
You are good people aldentan. thanks for your support bro.

Thank you too. I look forward to your posts. If you're on Facebook, add me. Let's stay in touch.

You will always be able to find me on here but I'm am proud to say I don't do facebook. I don't believe in the censorship that they engage in nor do I agree with anything that Mark Schmucherberg stands for. Politically or ideologically. I understand that I am limiting my exposure by boycotting facebook but I don't want them to control what I can or cant say. Id rather keep my values .

Alright man. No worries I understand. I took a Facebook hiatus myself years ago.