
Thank you. That's nice to know we have that option. I probably will pester you about it in future. We're very new to the entire concept.

You're very welcome. I've found it very helpful to be able to talk with others who have a similar experience. Fibro is a very confusing thing and the entire situation surrounding it can seem so mysterious in a frightening way.

Just know that while there is no cure, there are ways to live a normal life and get beyond the pain. Meditation helps a lot, especially different mindfulness techniques.

That's good to know. Thank you :)

I forgot to mention, another thing that might be found useful is finding local support groups. Others may have good advice for both her and for you living with a loved one going through such. My best wishes upon the journey towards health that you two are embarking upon.

I've already done that thanks. It's not diagnosed yet but we've sought out groups in our area and joined them pre-emptively