Iodine may one day save your life

in #health7 years ago

Vital Information

Every cell in our bodies has a receptor for iodine. The thyroid holds about 50 milligrams without even considering the rest of the bodies requirements, so you can see that the US RDA (really dumb advise) which is 150 micro grams is significantly low to sustain adequate iodine levels in the body, especially since most of us are born iodine deficient.

The Japanese people uptake an average of 12.5 milligrams of iodine per day since they eat just about anything that crawls, floats or swims out of the ocean and enjoy seaweed as a daily snack. The rates of prostate and breast cancer are significantly lower in Japan than in the united States. So you can see that higher levels of iodine are being consumed quite regularly around the world with evidence showing the consumption producing a healthier population. There have also been many studies showing iodine sufficiency in nursing mothers relating to significantly higher IQ in their children.

The Halides

If you did not fall asleep during chemistry, you may remember the periodic table. You may also remember that the four main compounds in the Halide family are fluoride, chloride, bromide and iodide. Since our bodies have receptors for a halide (Iodine) and with a person becoming deficient in iodine, it is easy for another halide impostor to show up and jump into its receptor spot and mimic iodine. Since chlorine, bromine and fluoride are everywhere in our food chain and our water, we can start to suspect that we may have a problem. Is our endocrine system and all the cells in our bodies operating on the wrong fuel. If so, how bad could the problem be? Would it be like running diesel fuel in a gasoline engine? Well, certain Doctors have taken up the study for quite some time and have found some disturbing information. Dr. Brownstein is one of the top Iodine researchers and has been broadcasting his finding for years for ears that might hear. Even with the high success in fibromyalgia treatment, iodine is for some reason a still a taboo subject in allopathic medicine circles.

What Dr. Brownstein and others found in their research was that other halides prevalent in our food chain and especially “Bromine” played a significant role in bullying the iodine receptors, kicking them out and moving in.

One of the main ingredients in Mountain Dew used to be “brominated vegetable oil”. Bromine was even given to replace iodine in bread as a preservative. They even started putting bromine in our spa’s as a sanitizer. It was everywhere for a long time. Lately we have seen the prevalence of this impostor of iodine fall out of favor. I’m not sure if it was due to the realization of the mistake and the harm or for other reasons, but I am glad to see it’s popularity in our foods ingredients on the wane. We still have many challenges to face. Consider the prevalence of chlorine and flourine in our water supply and you have to shake your head and we still have no proper source of sufficient iodine in the American diet. Are you starting to see the big picture yet?


If a person has sufficient levels of iodine in their bodies, the chances of it being kicked out by an impostor of bromine, chlorine or flouride is nill. The problem is that our societies farming methods have left no methods for the replenishment of the soil for minerals of any kind and the feeble attempts of iodizing salt are wholly inadequate, especially when the doctors put a person on a salt restrictive diet. How is one to get sufficient iodine without supplementation? Ain’t gonna happen. I have several very informative links at the end of this post that I highly recommend everyone taking the time to digest. This information may one day save your life.


I used to live in the backwoods country where the locals did not take going to the doctor or much less the hospital with much enthusiasm. It was kind of like the Knights of Ni from the Monty Python days, “Oh, it’s just a flesh wound” as their leg was chopped off. One day, a young lady developed appendicitis and she would not go to the hospital. I was not around during this drama but my friend went to my place and took my bottle of 50 mg. emergency Iodine/Iodine tablets and dosed her accordingly. She did not get better so eventually, she agreed to the hospital where she was operated on only to find out that her appendix had burst and had been in the burst condition for several days. Well, since no one survives a burst appendix much less still walks around with the condition, the doctors demanded to know how she had survived, what she had been doing different. She pulled out the bottle of Iodine and stunned the team of nurses and doctors. This had saved her life. Being a tad less stubborn would have also done the trick but you can see how significant a role iodine plays in our bodies.

I have used this during a bout with a brown recluse bite. No antibiotics were used. A drawing salve with activated charcoal and the iodine tablets healed it right up and it was bad. The wound had rapidly grown to about the size of a half dollar and was about an inch deep in dissolved tissue. The severe infection headache went away about six hours after taking my first dosage of iodine and healed up sufficiently within a week.

Looking into the past and seeing how Iodine was used before antibiotics came about is also quite revealing. This was the go to for anything that could not be cured by the normal first line of go to medicines of the time.

Wrap Up

If you have health problems that you can not seem to find a solution for, you may want to investigate if you may be a victim of bromine, flouride or chlorine acting as an impostor and miss-directing your endocrine system. You may right here have the answer to your wide range of symptoms both physically and mentally. The endocrine system controls your mood, regulates your body temperature and just about any other function you can think of. Our bodies are amazing. You take out the poisons and you will get better. In this case, removing the impostor and re-establishing iodine as the rightful heir to your iodine receptors.

Everyone should investigate having an emergency bottle of high dose Iodine around and investigate whether supplementation may be right for you. Listen to the Doctors studies and their findings in the links below to learn more. I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advise, I am simply suggesting you to investigate some of the material that I have taken in over the years and make your own decision.


Here are the links:

Be patient with this one this is a really good power-point presentation on iodine

Dr. Brownstein’s Website and Books

An article about Iodine replacing Antibiotics in the near future

Iodine Myths

Brownstein Interview

IODORAL is the go to supplement and comes in 12.5 mg and 50 mg tablets. You can find this on several popular supplement websites.