ADSactly Awareness - Essential Diet Tips to Defeating Diabetes

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Essential Diet Tips to Defeating Diabetes

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At some point, we lost focus on curing & reversing diabetes and just settled for sustainability. For many countries in our world, diabetes is now an epidemic, and families are losing their children & loved ones to a preventable disease. I remember taking a child nutrition & cooking course with Dr. Maya Adams of Stanford University, where I learned how severe this illness has become. That course, "Just Cook for Kids" educates communities about how to prevent diabetes, and teaches a variety of diets, foods and healthy meals that help reverse diabetes.

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The programming we've endured makes us damage our bodies, and it gets worse when we think something may be wrong health-wise. When people's gut instincts tell them they have to get their health in check, panic seems to set it, and the reaction that ensues is to drink even more alcohol, or eat even more sweets, instead of visiting their physician. It's programming from decades of elite branding and high-level marketing techniques by successful food companies, often specifically targeted towards the impulse-reward sector of our brain, while the quality of their food declined into what we now know as processed foods.

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Prolonged high blood sugar levels can cause diabetes, with genetics as another common factor. You're diagnosed with diabetes when you stop releasing and responding to standard amounts of insulin. There are 2 kinds of diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes is usually diagnosed before 20 years of age, and Type 2 Diabetes affects a lot of adults over 40 years old. Let's explore some symptoms that may help you recognize diabetes, and change poor habits to help prevent being affeted altogether.

Type 1 Diabetes Symptoms

  • wounds & bruises heal unbelievably slow
  • a constant thirst for water
  • numbness in hands, feet or limbs
  • shortness of breath
  • dizzy spells and fainting

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

  • dark patches begin to show in the creases of the body such as armpits and the back of the neck (acanthosis nigricans)
  • constant itchy & dry skin
  • numbness & tingling in feet & hands
  • unexplained weight gain
  • reproductive problems such as erectile dysfunction

If you feel you have one or more symptoms, then go get tested for diabetes as soon as possible so you at least know how to correct it. The human body is a beautiful & powerful temple that houses your spirit. The body can do a number of miraculous things, including healing itself. Let's explore together how the correct foods can help achieve the miracle of healing the human body.

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We Must Essentially Change our Views on Food

Let's break this term "processed foods" down so you can see a person's path to becoming a diabetic. It may help us brainstorm ways in which we can help our children prevent this illness in the near future. Processed foods are foods that have been drained of their natural vitamins & minerals and pumped back up with fats, chemicals, and preservatives to satisfy your taste buds and to keep for longer. They then pump the foods back up with artificial vitamins & minerals, the same kind that you take in supplements, to save the companies more money. Often, when eating processed foods, you're consuming something with hardly any nutritional value, and inserting yourself into the vicious cycle of diabetes as an epidemic.

If you've been diagnosed with any type of diabetes or at an early prevention stage, remove these from your everyday diet.

Food and Drink to Remove from Diet

  • Alcohol: of every kind, especially beer. It's been a great run and now it's time to hang up the legendary status, especially if you already have diabetes.

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  • All dairy products, because quite simply, milk has been scientifically proven to harm the body. A cow's milk is designed by nature to take a calf to a 400-pound animal as quickly as possible for survival. The calf doesn't even drink its mother's milk its entire life, what makes us think we should?

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  • Banish refined sugar: Sodas and mixed fruit juices are the worst for you. They spike your blood sugar levels to dangerous levels every time you consume them. Honey is a better option, but should be used in extreme moderation until you have your health under control.
  • Remove grains: I recommend removing all types of grains (especially wheat, which contains gluten) for 120 days so your system can maximize the natural healing.
  • Stop using conventional cooking oil: We're specifically speaking of hydrogenated oils such as soybean oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, and cottonseed oil because they're all processed oils.
  • All GMO foods: Canola & corn from GMO stock has been scientifically proven to contribute to kidney and liver disease, which is a "no Bueno" for people dealing with diabetic issues.

Food to Add to Diet

  • Eat fiber-rich foods: You're aiming to consume more than 40 grams of fiber per day. Fiber-rich foods help slow down the absorption of glucose. Fiber-rich foods that come to mind are avocados, blueberries, oatmeal or dragon fruit (dragon fruit in moderation).

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  • Eat food that is high in magnesium: Research has shown that magnesium deficiency is often related to diabetes. Spinach, almonds and pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium and great in helping lose weight.
  • Eat chromium-rich foods: Chromium naturally balances out your blood glucose levels by strengthening your body's glucose tolerance factor. Pure grape juice has 8 micrograms of chromium per cup while a cup of mashed potatoes and 1 cup of mashed potatoes has 3 micrograms.
    -Eat Clean Protein: Great sources are egg whites, lentils, tofu, and fish high in omega-3 fats.

Knowledge has been passed down for generations through language. Just look at this English phrase "You are what you eat." The food you put into your body is your life's fue,l and if you're having diabetic issues, it may be from poor eating habits. The great news is your body is used to making miracles happen, but you need to treat it well so it can heal. This primarily means feeding your body the freshest, and healthiest foods you can.

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When you are fixing diabetes related illnesses, try to remember not to over-season your food when you cook. Excessive sodium adds up, and in this case, less is better. Correcting our eating habits is a big part of correcting diabetes, and we have to be aware that we're doing so. If your stage of diabetes is 3 or more, then believe in yourself and your physician at all times and your diet has probably already been changed for you. Those in the lower stages or show signs of it coming on, have to accept that your body is sending you some very important messages that you can't ignore and it's time to change your diet & lifestyle. The biggest fight of our lives is the fight for our lives.

We have to be aware because the foods forced upon us by monopolized food corporations have our great health as least important. We have to correct our own diets because there is no one coming to help us get healthy. At some point, we must forget sustainability and actually begin reversing & curing diabetes.

Authored by @stewsak

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Another symptom of type 1 Diabetes include frequent urination which some times avoided by the person. I saw my grand father had this symptom when he was suffering from diabetes.

Its a great post. Good information provided for the steemit community. It will be a great help. You have written a good content post. Thanks for sharing such a good blog.

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That is so usefull information . We have diabetic in our genes. Its scares me sometimes . Even thou im not into sweets . Even rice can make ma sugar high .

Even rice? Oh! Sorry for that.

I know right? No! Not rice!! LOL.

Hehehe! OK.

Yeah , I feel you 😢😢😢

Unfortunately, you are super correct about the in moderation :) And genetics can be scary but even if our parents and so on, gave us this genetic make-up, remember that our bodies can make miracles happen. We just need to give it the opportunity to optimize itself. What I adds to my diet is Ganoderma mushroom spores 30 minutes before dinner and have a lot of moringa by way of curry and teas.

Thanks for stopping by and may you be empowered with great health for ages to come.

That is cool. I might try it in future . 😊😊😊

Rice is such a sticky food internally too. It causes congestion within the body and when it comes to the culinary side it's basically just filler. Swap the bun, pasta or rice for a bed of fresh veggies and the impact will be monumental : )

It's also important to exercise as it is a sure fire way by the muscles to use up the excess glucose in the body essentially reducing the increase amount of glucose in the blood

Very true. Martial arts is great and swimming is super awesome. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great weekend.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Diabetes is a kind of disease which will change your entire life style.Now it has become epidemic.There are different kinds of diabetes.But type-2 diabetes is worst.My parents are suffering from this disease.I can tell you how bad is this disease.Specially for the foody kinds of people like my father.One thing you have to look at that is sugar,you have to avoid it completely.A healthy diet is very important for the diabetes patient.Thank's for the post.

Losing weight is necessary

It sure it! We also have to teach the youth it's 70% diet & 30% exercise. They seem to think it's all about the gym.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."
Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

I believe the food is way more important as exercise. What we buy is junk food and not healthy at all. Palmfat, transfat, E numbers they are all making you fat and even cause cancer. My children are aware of it. No fast food, soda, potato chips, cookies, candies etc and if home made. If you need to prepare all your food yourself you eat different as well.
I wish you the same. Hope your parents will do better somehow.

Good idea. Home made meals are nutritious.

Absolutely agree. May your parents find the balance of healthiness, bring their health back to neutral and defeat it. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Taking back the handling of our food from others who may not have as much care for our health is a fantastic way to start letting go of foods that don't serve us. There's no reason to consume refine sugar and most do it blindly. If they only knew..

You have good work resteem frome my side big thumbs up.

Thanks for the kind words and I hope you have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Good post. image

Thanks for stopping and happy to see you like the post.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Diet sehat sangat penting bagi pasien diabetes.

Setuju, penderita diabetes harus segera mendapatkan tubuh mereka lebih kuat. Thanks for stopping by & have an awesome day!.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

your content of the post is so informative for us...
thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post with us...
@upvote & @resteem has done..

Thanks for stopping by and hope we can all help each other stay happy, healthy & wealthy! Have an awesome day.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

The best way to keep yourself healthy , by eat what you don’t want, drink what you don't like, and do what you’d rather not, to keep the your body in healthy is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals.

Absolutely....also we can train to enjoy the veggies too.....LOL. Keeping your body healthy is your ultimate duty :) Thanks for stopping by & have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

This is a great post on diabetes! My sister scared the heck out of us this morning and wouldn't wake up because her sugar had dropped significantly overnight. That was the first time I had seen it happen, it was bad. We are going to start revamping her diet to get her on track so this post is perfect timing. Thanks so very much for sharing!

So happy to hear she's ok. Since it's home and the first time, you can always put a box of emergency raisins somewhere that everyone knows about. If it ever happens again, at least they're fast acting carbs and would stabilize her quickly. May great health be in her near future. Thanks for stopping by & have an awesome day.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

I haven't heard of using raisins before so I am grateful for that tidbit of advice. We have been looking into fast acting carbs the past couple of days as well. She was only recently diagnosed so it's an adjustment for everyone. Thanks!

Big respect to ya for helping for family! It's so much easier with support <3

Hola hermano @adsactly, la diabetes es una de las enfermedades que no se le para mucho, pero se le debe prestar la debida atención ya que es delicada. tengo un sobrinito con diabetes tipo uno, le empezó como a los seis años, yo pensaba que esta enfermedad la padecían solo los adultos, pero no, es doloroso ver a un niño con esta enfermedad, ya que es mas dificil hecer que cumpla con lo especificado por los médicos.

I know the feeling, so hard when you see kids going through the pain. For your nephew, try having him drink okra water 45 minutes every morning before he eats breakfast and a martial arts. Kids are harder to deal like you said because you can't just cut calories from their growth. The course mentioned in the article is called "Just Cook for Kids" from Stanford University. It's free and can give you lots of amazing food choices for your nephew. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thank you very much brother, I will try to look for that information, with regard to the water of okra, where I find the okra?

So informative post.....👍👍✌✌👌👌
Hello @adsactly🤗🤗🤗
Thanks for sharing.....🌼🌷🌻

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Great health
I like it this food, thanks for sharing this advice.
I appreciate your post.........

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have an awesome weekend.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

I have seen reports that the processed salt is the worst because you get the sodium but none of the essential minerals of which there are over a hundred that you need. Such has been linked to Diabetes because without those minerals the glucose cannot bridge the cell walls to feed the cell. I resteemed this post as it is important information for us all.

Adsactly! I was just reading about this in an article about the differences between sea salt & table salt. Replacing those essential minerals and adding additives to prevent clumping must have consequences. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

thanks for share valuable post .I appreciated advice .

Thanks for stopping by & happy to see you enjoyed it. Hope you have a wonderfu day.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

I keep telling everyone animal protein causes diabeties but no ones listening to me lol

I'll agree it's one cause, even though most eat it anyways. Including myself...for now...LOL. Even though we know that all animal protein is recycled plant protein... and that our molars are flat and they grind side to side... we're still eating it. Thanks for stopping by & hope you have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Very interesting article thanks a lot

Great that you stopped by and thanks for the kind words. Have a wonderful day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thanks, it was a great story, I'm glad I read this stuff, it was great

Hope it helps and thanks for stopping by. Have an awesome weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Very nice food
I like it this health, thanks for sharing your beautiful advice......


Thanks for the double thumbs up and really hope you enjoyed it. Have an awesome weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Wow this was a really interesting read thanks a lot going to do my own research to follow it up but great tips to get me started!!!

So happy to see it sparked your interest and hope you have an excellent weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thanks a lot my weekend was great you? please can I ask how you work with @adsactly to post your posts?

I really consider this post useful to myself in particular.. Sadly, I lost a loved one to this disorder. I will always strive to hid to the suggestions and directives clearly stated in this post.

We can always share great health ideas amongst our peers and help the next generation not make the same mistakes. I wish great health to you and your family & have a wonderful weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thanks a lot. I appreciate your kind words.

Thanks for contributing positively to people's health @adsactly. I too hope to do the same some day

Glad to see you liked the post. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Many people with different health issues struggle with what to eat, how to cook eatable food to their liking, it's easier at times to fall back into the known path.
Stage 2 diabetes over hearing a doctor saying to their patient there is no cure for diabetes, there are many say's like the above "you are what you eat", the other is "a apple a day keeps the doctor away".
There might be some truth in these sayings.

There is much direct wisdom like you said, hidden in our languages from great minds before us. "You are what you eat." How we hear it, is on us. Thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

I will share this with a friend because of his high blood pressure. Thanks for sharing.

Happy to see the article useful and great health to you and your family and friends.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

The only solution for diabetes is jogging. Great post though! Thanks for sharing :)

LOL. That's one solution, or a fraction of many to form a solution :) Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Oh! Thanks mate. Keep the great work and engagement following.

This article has certainly made me think about my food in intake.

When people's gut instincts tell them they have to get their health in check, panic seems to set it, and the reaction that ensues is to drink even more alcohol, or eat even more sweets, instead of visiting their physician.

You are so right, when I have seen a problem, I avoid it and prefer to indulge more. I wonder why it's that?

Perhaps we were taught our bodies can't people probably panic...but the great news is our bodies CAN heal....we just have to give it the best chances we can. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."
Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Nice post you, i see read and enjoy, thanks for sharing.

So happy to see you liked the article and thanks for the kind words. Have an awesome weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Try to Dr Neal Barnard's method of reversing diabetes.

You can read his highly successful book "Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs".

Adsactly! "Power Foods for the Brain" is also great. And both books are also available as Audibles, if you're really busy etc. Thanks for stopping by and hope you have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Very interesting

Happy to see it peaked your interest and have a great day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

thank you for the post, great work i appreciate it!

I appreciate the kind words and glad you enjoyed it.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Excellent post about this dangerous disease suffered by more and more people. Certainly changing the food to a healthier diet is the key to preventing it. Thank you for your recommendations. They will be very useful to me. regards

Thanks for stopping by, we can always help each other gain healthy habits. Our bodies are magical, we just need to give them the right care to work its magic.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Good post.

Glad you enjoyed it and have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak


Helpful post for those who are suffering from diabetes. Also for others for prevention. We can prevent this disease very easily if maintain routine in our lifestyle.

We sure can prevent it, together. And help the younger generation not make the same health mistakes. Have an awesome weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

This post is rich with essential information. An Up vote from me to my constituency the adsactly. Well done my people.

Happy to see you liked it. Thanks for stopping by & have an excellent day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Good post thanks for sharing

Awesome that you enjoyed it and have a great day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thanks for your sharing...
I like it your posts.. Because about health...
Thank you and success is always for you...

Thanks for stopping by, we can always help each other stay healthy. Have an awesome day.

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thanks for your concern on the comment ..
May you always succeed

I appreciate the kind words more than you know. Best of luck to all of your endeavors also.

Those great recommendations, one interesting tip to help deal with diabetes is to separate your foods by macros as much as possible, especially carbs and fats. The fats cover up the blood sugar receptors and hinder their functions making them "tired" and dysfunctional.
Diabetes is a seroius pandemic around the world and whatever we can do to prevent it is a blessing thank ypu for your sacred work

Thanks for adding... when those receptors go as in type 2, it's a nightmare. But a nightmare we can help each other wake from. Thanks for stopping by and have an awesome weekend!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Thank you very much for your post. you have informed us in this regard. I am waiting for your support in the last posting. good luck luck

So happy to see you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by. have an awesome day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Wow. This is some amazing information.
No one in family or my husbands family has diabetes, and neither do we, but this awareness is great to know and avoid the foods you mentioned.
So many people are dealing with diabetes these days that it is really scary.

So happy to hear your family is in great health. Some parts of the world just got caught up in the fast foods and processed foods for the past 50 years! Wow! Now we can help each other correct it for the generations to come. Thanks for stopping by and have a terrific day!

"May you be empowered with great health for ages to come...."

Brought to you by @adsactly & @stewsak

Nice post you, i see read and enjoy, thanks for sharing.

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Ağır hastalık geçirenlerin hayatı boyunca yapması gerekenler:

Düzenli olarak meyve suyu, sülük ve hacamat ile kanı temizlemek.
Su ve yiyecek kalitesine sürekli dikkat etmek.
Gıdaların her zaman taze, doğal ve ağırlıklı olarak sebze, meyve, bal, taze kuru yemiş gibi çiğ olanını tercih etmek. Miktar olarak az yeme­li ki, organlar yediği bu miktarı hazımda ve dağıtımda zorlanmasın.
Mide ve bağırsaklarda gaz yapan, mizaca uygun olmayan yiyeceklerden kaçınmak. Taze mayalı ekmek, bayatlamış ve bozulmuş meyveden, özellikle tatlı elma, muz, kavun ve armudun bozulmuşu) aynı şekilde sakınmak.
Ağır fiziksel işlerden, ağır kimyasallarla çalışmaktan, kimyasal madde kullanmaktan kaçınmak.
Doğru beslenme alışkanlığı edinerek, kuralların dışına çıkmamak ve ru­tin olarak bağırsakların işlevini kontrol etmek.
Her yıl, burada anlatılan tedaviyi uygulamak ve her ay 3 gün veya haf­tada bir gün açlık yapmak.
Bütün bu kurallar hastalar kadar sağlıklı olanların da uyması gereken kurallardır. Buraya kadar yazılmış olan tüm tavsiyeler ve ilaçlar sadece hastalar için değildir. Bu ilaçlar aynı zamanda gıda olduğu için, büyük, küçük, erkek, kadın, yaşlı, genç herkes kullanabilir.

Hastalıkların başlıca sorumlusu bizzat insanın kendisidir. Hasta olmak insanın kendi ayıbı, kendi suçudur. Çünkü bedenine, onu hastalıklardan koruyan öyle mükemmel bir mekanizma yerleştirilmiştir ki, bu mekanizmayı tahrip etmek için çok “uğraşmak” gerekir.

Great post @adsactly. The information on milk really got to me. I never knew. So is it wise to desist from milk consumption, even as a non-diabetic individual?

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