Home remedies for tooth decayed

in #health7 years ago

What Is Tooth Decay?
Cause Of Tooth Decay
Symptoms Of Tooth Decay
Who Is At High Risk Of Tooth Decay?
When To See A Doctor?
Home Remedies for Tooth Decay

  1. Ginger
  2. Green Tea
  3. Sea Salt And Lemon
  4. Guava Leaves
  5. Garlic

Most of us have ever heard about tooth decay and probably
witnessed many people to “suffer” from the pain that this
disease brings. You wonder what tooth decay is when your
teeth or your family members’ teeth are showing signs of pain
when eating, and besides, you and they also have bad breath.
Is this a difficult disease? If possible, how can you cure it? All
this will be answered in the article below. This article will give
you some basic information about this disease and suggest
home remedies to cure it. These are home remedies that have
been proven by so many people, so you can fully trust their
safety and effectiveness.
Do not hesitate, let’s go to find out about the information
about tooth decay first.
What Is Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is the process by which bacteria touch, attack
the tooth structure, causing tooth damage. Tooth decay
results in a broken dental cavity. This happens when bacteria
interact with sugar and starch that clings to the teeth, and
releases acid that corrode the teeth. Tooth decay causes deep
holes on the surface of the tooth or around the crown, which
can make the sick person uncomfortable. Dental disease
usually occurs soon after the teeth are teething, but there
are also people who do not have decay .
If not supported, dental treatment will first cause pain, which
eventually leads to infection, loss of teeth and damage to the
pulp. Tooth decay is a disease that affects many people.
Although tooth decay is not a life-threatening illness, it
brings a lot of trouble in everyday life. Over the years, with
the advancement of science and technology, people have been
aware of the causes and mechanisms of tooth decay. This has
brought good results for the prevention and treatment of
tooth decay.
Tooth decay is deeply affected by lifestyle – food you eat, the
way you care for your teeth, fluoride levels in water and
toothpaste. Genetic factors also play an important role in
whether your teeth are susceptible to tooth decay. While
tooth decay is a common illness in children, adults are still
very vulnerable. Types of decay include:
Tooth Decay On The Tooth Surface : it is the most
commonly seen in children and adults. It is often seen on
the chewing surfaces or between the teeth.
Tooth Decay At The Root : when we are old, the gums
will fall, revealing the roots. Because the root teeth do
not have enamel (enamel protect the root teeth), exposed
parts will be susceptible to tooth decay.
Tooth Decay Recurrence : cavities can form around
the crown areas. The cause is due to the tendency to
accumulate plaque in this area, which can eventually lead
to decay.
What Are Common Cause Of Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is caused by the following main causes:
Bacteria are usually formed in plaque, tartar and are one of
the causes of dental diseases, including tooth decay. The
combination of bacteria and leftovers in the oral cavity
causes tooth decay. After you eat, there will be a thin film of
bacteria that are called plaque always forms on your teeth
and gums. The bacteria in this plaque interact with residual
food from sugary foods and produce acid. These acids attack
the teeth within 20 minutes or more after eating by
dissolving or decongesting enamel. Over a long period of time,
the enamel-destroying acids weaken and lead to cavities .
Sugar In Foods
Sugar-rich diets, such as cakes, soft drinks, can cause tooth
decay to burst and damage faster because harmful bacteria
use sugar to form and develop the amount in the plaque and
tartar. At the same time, they ferment the sugar in the
process of metabolism and release acid on the surface of the
teeth. The acid will soften the enamel surface and gradually
erode the inorganic substances in the enamel and dentin,
forming cavities.
Foods that contain carbohydrates (sugars and starches) such
as candy, ice cream, milk, cake, soft drinks, or even some
fruits, vegetables, and juice can cause terrible tooth decay.
As we age, we often face conditions such as: decreased
salivation and poor oral hygiene. These are also causes that
can make the possibility of tooth decay higher and the rate of
disease development faster.
Oral Care Regimen
This is an extremely important factor in protecting your
teeth from the risk of cavities. Usually, about 15 minutes
after we finish eating, a thin film begins to appear on the
teeth. They quickly combine with bacteria to form plaque if we
do not clean our teeth in time.
Adults are especially prone to tooth decay if they have dry
mouth, a salivary deficiency syndrome. Dry mouth can occur
due to illness, drug use, radiation therapy and chemotherapy,
and can be temporary (up to several months) or long term,
depending on the cause.
What Are Common Symptoms Of Tooth Decay?
When the tooth decay is developing at an unusually quiet
stage and does not show any obvious symptoms, it is very
difficult for the patient to recognize the damage to the
teeth. Once you notice the following symptoms, the condition
of the tooth decay is quite severe:
Plaque and tartar appear around the gums and teeth.
Appears deep holes on the surface of teeth.
Patients begin experiencing painful discomfort, which can
be prolonged, and the pain will work more strongly at
Your gums are reddened, weakened, and it is easy to
bleed, especially when brushing your teeth.
Mouth foul odor.
Who Is At High Risk Of Tooth Decay?
People who regularly eat sweets but have bad oral hygiene
habits, and older people are at high risk of tooth decay. In
addition, people with chronic dry mouth also face this problem.
When To See A Doctor?
When you encounter one of the above symptoms, it is best to
see a doctor to check your dental condition. In addition, if
your teeth show signs of pain for a long time and this pain
does not stop, it is essential to see a doctor. Tooth decay is
very serious. If left untreated, decay can damage your teeth
and kill the sensory nerves in your teeth, which can cause an
infected area to be inflamed at the top of the tooth. Once the
abscess forms, the teeth can only be treated by the pulp,
surgery or tooth extraction.
There, you have discovered some information about tooth
decay. To overcome this condition many people have come to
see a dentist. This takes a lot of money and time if your
problems are not too bad, right? Therefore, it is time to find
out what the effective home remedies for tooth decay are.
Take a look at TrueRemedies.com !
Top 16 Effective Home Remedies For Tooth Decay

  1. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay – Ginger
    Due to the antibacterial nature, ginger is used in many
    combinations in traditional medicine to prevent bacterial-
    related diseases, and tooth decay is no exception. Fresh
    ginger juice not only significantly reduces pain, but also
    causes tooth decay to gradually be killed. According to
    Oriental medicine, ginger is spicy and warm, so it has the
    effect of curing diseases such as flu, headache, dysmenorrhea,
    and gallstone disease. In addition, ginger has a very effective
    pain reliever, so a prominent use of ginger is to treat
    toothache . The composition of ginger contains terpenes,
    oleoresins and zingiberin. Zingiberin is one of the natural
    pain killers with high anti-inflammatory properties. Using
    regular ginger can reduce the amount of prostaglandin, thus
    helping to reduce toothache effectively.
    To use ginger to treat tooth decay, you can apply some of the
    following methods:
    Method 1. Chew Ginger
    The easiest way to cure tooth decay is to use fresh ginger
    directly. All you need are placing thin slices of ginger on the
    tooth decay and chew. Chew 3-5 minutes before ginger
    extraction. When ginger essence is secreted, you do not feel
    any spicy anymore, take the other ginger and do the same.
    Repeat several times until you feel better. You can repeat this
    method every day to get the best results. The ginger juice
    that comes out and infuses the affected area helps to reduce
    pain and reduce swelling. This is really what you need when
    you suffer from tooth decay.
    Method 2. Ginger Tea
    Fresh ginger juice not only significantly reduces pain but also
    effectively removes tooth decay. However, ginger is spicy so
    few people can chew directly. Therefore, you can use the
    treatment of tooth decay with ginger tea. The way to do is
    quite simple, you clean the ginger and cut into small fibers.
    Then put in a kettle, pour a little boiling water and soak for
    15-20 minutes. Then you can use this water to rinse your
    mouth to clean the oral cavity, or you can drink it.
    This ginger toothache treatment is suitable for anyone
    suffering from toothache due to tooth decay. Ginger can
    relieve the pain caused by this problem. Persist using ginger
    for several days and monitor your caries to see how effective
    this method is.
    Method 3. Ginger And Garlic
    Garlic and ginger have high anti-inflammatory properties, so
    they should be used in the treatment of tooth decay. All you
    need to do are taking a branch of ginger and a few cloves
    garlic pounded with a little salt and applying to the affected
    areas, or you can get the cotton to absorb water and apply
    directly to the toothache. Active ingredients in garlic ginger
    will help reduce pain and inhibit the growth of cavities. You
    can apply this method several times a day to see a clear
  2. Green Tea
    Among home remedies for tooth decay, using green tea is one
    of the most effective. Besides antioxidant effects, green tea
    also has high antibacterial properties, preventing or slowing
    the growth of tooth decay. One study found that drinking at
    least 3 cups of tea a day can help keep your teeth in good
    condition, reducing the risk of decay.
    Antioxidants of catechins in tea can help fight inflammation
    and inhibit the growth of plaque, thus helping to protect teeth
    and gums. In addition, fluoride in the green tea component
    can help teeth whiter, so the ability to whiten teeth with
    green tea is effective practical. This is why it is not a bad
    idea that many famous toothpaste companies have developed
    refined tea leaf extract products.
    In addition, green tea also works against two types of
    bacteria, Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus, which are
    thought to be linked to cavities and gum disease .
    To use green tea to treat tooth decay, you can apply some of
    the following methods:
    Method 1. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay Using
    Just Green Tea
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    Prepare 5-10 green tea leaves, 2 teaspoons of sugar and
    some hot water
    Take green tea leaves to hot water, wait for 10 minutes to
    have green tea water
    Add sugar and stir well, so you have a delicious green tea
    Drinking green tea regularly helps improve oral health very
    well. Let’s drink this kind of tea at least 3 times a day to get
    the expected results.
    Note that when comes to the stomach, tannin in tea makes the
    protein in the food become hard. Furthermore, tea also
    inhibits the absorption of iron. Besides, you should not drink
    green tea when hungry. Drinking green tea while starving will
    put you in a state of alcoholism, hangover, irritability, and
    dizziness. Therefore, drink green tea after eating for about
    30 minutes, this will benefit your health.
    Method 2. Brush Your Teeth With Green Tea
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    Prepare a little green tea powder
    Mix green tea powder with toothpaste and brush your
    teeth as usual
    In addition, you can prepare extra green tea to rinse
    your mouth after brushing your teeth
    After applying this method, you will feel your mouth is cleaner
    and your breath is more fragrant. After a period of
    application, your cavity condition will definitely improve
    significantly. Please apply this method every time you brush
    your teeth.
  3. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay – Sea Salt
    And Lemon
    This is another must-try home treatment in this list of home
    remedies for tooth decay. Sea salt is considered as an
    indispensable ingredient in daily cooking and disinfection. In
    addition, salt is a natural anti-decaying material, especially
    salt also effectively limits bad breath . Meanwhile, lemon
    has the effect of whitening and brightening teeth. Acid in
    lemon helps clean teeth, removes bad breath and helps to
    whiten teeth. Therefore, the combination of sea salt and
    lemon is a good choice.
    To use sea salt and lemon to treat tooth decay, you can apply
    one of the following methods:
    Method 1. Just Sea Salt And Lemon
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    Squeeze lemon juice, then mix lemon juice and salt (mix
    only enough to use)
    Use this mixture to massage the teeth for 2-3 minutes, or
    you can use this mixture to brush your teeth like regular
    Then rinse your mouth clean with water
    You should only apply this method 1-2 times a week. You should
    not do it continuously every day because acid in lemon will
    erode your teeth, making your teeth more susceptible to tooth
    decay. When applying this method, you may feel your teeth
    hurt. However, this feeling will quickly disappear after a few

Method 2. Sea Salt, Lemon, And Baking Soda
Baking soda is very easy to find and buy in bakery because it
is used as a cake. Baking soda is alkaline so its use will help
teeth whitening and exfoliation. In addition, baking soda also
helps keep your breath fresh. Besides, this powder also helps
to make the oral cavity smell fresh, remove harmful bacteria
to oral cavity. The combination of sea salt, lemon and baking
soda will definitely give you unexpected results in the
treatment of tooth decay and tooth whitening.
To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
Prepare lemon juice, a little sea salt and a little baking
Mix all these ingredients together, stir well
Use this mixture to brush your teeth like regular
You should only apply this method 1-2 times a week to get the
best results.

  1. Guava Leaves
    This remedy is one of little – known home remedies for tooth
    decay. Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial
    properties, so they help to relieve toothache quickly, and cure
    gums, toothache, mouth heat, and tooth root bleeding
    effectively. In addition, guava leaves contain astringents
    compounds that work to strengthen the gum, tighten teeth,
    and reduce erection toothache. With natural antibiotic
    ingredients, guava leaves help to prevent the growth of
    pathogens of tooth decay. This will cause toothache to
    To use guava leaves to treat tooth decay, you can apply one
    of the following methods:
    Method 1: Home Remedies For Tooth Decay Using
    Guava Leaves And Salts
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    Prepare a few guava leaves, a little salt and a little warm
    Grind the guava leaves, add salt and water and continue
    to grind
    Filter this mixture to get water
    Use a cotton swab to apply it directly to the affected
    tooth. You can also use this water to rinse your mouth
    Apply this method every day before brushing your teeth to
    achieve the effect you desire. Note that selecting the young
    leaves of guava will give you the best effect.
    Method 2: Guava Leaves And Vinegar
    Because acetic acid in vinegar only has a concentration of
    about 5% so it is very benign with the body and enamel.
    Therefore, you can be absolutely sure when applying this
    method. Vinegar can remove dirt and tarnish on the oral
    surface so using this method persistently will help prevent
    cavities very well.
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    Prepare a few guava leaves and a little vinegar
    Grind the guava leaves, add vinegar and stir well
    Filter this mixture to get water
    Use a cotton swab to apply it directly to the affected
    tooth. You can also use this water to rinse your mouth
    Although vinegar is quite safe, however, to be sure, you should
    only do this method two or three times a week. Before
    brushing your teeth, take this water to rinse your mouth.
    Keep it in your mouth for about 2 minutes. You can also dilute
    vinegar to reduce acidity, avoid tooth enamel damage.
  2. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay – Garlic
    The next treatment in this list of home remedies for tooth
    decay is using garlic. Have you ever heard about the ways to
    treat tooth decay with garlic? When it comes to garlic, people
    think of a great “catalyst” to enhance the taste of the dish.
    However, few people know about its other effects, especially in
    the treatment of tooth decay.
    Garlic contains many natural antibiotics such as azione,
    dianllil disulfide, and diallyl-trisulfide that can resist the
    attack of viruses and inhibit more than 70 kinds of bacteria.
    People often use garlic to treat diseases like flu, sore throat,
    and tooth decay. According to many studies, garlic contains a
    lot of antibiotics allicinthat help the body against high
    pathogenic viruses. Garlic oil also contains many components
    of glucose, allin and phytonoxide. These ingredients have
    bactericidal, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
    Garlic has antiseptic properties so it will help heal infections,
    including toothache. All these advantages make many people
    choose to treat caries with garlic at home .
    To use garlic to treat tooth decay, you can apply one of the
    following methods:
    Method 1. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay Using
    Just Garlic
    To apply this method, please follow the steps below:
    You just peel a garlic clove
    Put it into the area of tooth decay and chew to release
    the garlic juice. The effect of garlic juice on the tooth
    decay area will help reduce inflammation
    If you cannot tolerate the smell of garlic directly, you can
    pound garlic, filter garlic juice, then use a cotton swab dipped
    in garlic juice and rub directly on the area of tooth decay.
    This also gives you the same effect. Please apply them
    whenever you feel the pain caused by tooth decay makes you
    Method 2. Garlic And Sea Salt
    This is the most popular garlic treatment method, because it
    is simple and it does not cost much.To apply this method,
    please follow the steps below:
    Crush a dry garlic with some salt
    Then add salt and crushed garlic to the position of
    Be sure to apply this method every day, your condition will be
    improved gradually.
  3. Olive Oil And Clove Oil
    Olive oil contains some substances that can reduce
    inflammation. It helps to remove toxins from the gums that
    could be a cause of stains on teeth. This oil removes food
    debris trapped between teeth and gums, which over time can
    turn into tartar.Olive oil naturally removes stains on the
    teeth: it removes stains from tooth enamel that do not
    disappear by conventional brushing (most of which are
    liposoluble). The plaque that build up in the gum line will also
    be cleaned if you use olive oil daily.
    Clove is a spice used in a variety of dishes and it is also a
    herbal medicine that helps to treat toothache effectively.
    Clove is green all year round. Its leaves are long and have
    large numbers of crimson flowers.Clove oil has an effective
    anesthetic, analgesic and antiseptic effects.Using clove oil to
    relieve toothache is one of the simplest remedies to get rid of
    the discomfort that cavities cause.Clove contains a very
    powerful anesthetic substance called eugenol. Eugenol is not
    just an anesthetic, it also causes anesthesia and helps relieve
    pain. In addition, it is antiseptic and it helps kill bacteria to
    minimize tooth infection . According to many studies, the
    eugenol analgesic in cloves is about 20 times higher than that
    of eugenol in other herbs.
    The combination of olive oil and clove oil creates a mixture
    that removes many people’s decay. To apply this remedy,
    please follow the steps below:
    Prepare olive oil and clove oil in a ratio of 1: 1
    Mix them together
    Use a cotton swab to apply this mixture directly to the
    affected tooth
    Apply this remedy every time the tooth decay causes you pain,
    you will be surprised by the effect it brings. Source
  4. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay – Black
    Pepper And Sea Salt
    This sounds strange when it comes to home remedies for
    tooth decay, but it works. The analgesic and anti-
    inflammatory properties of black pepper make them an ideal
    choice for those who suffer from tooth decay. When combined
    with salt, black pepper-salt mixture will help reduce pain
    causes by tooth decay, bad breath and bleeding in the gums .
    To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:
    Mix equal quantities of black pepper powder and salt
    Add a little water, stir well
    Use a cotton swab to apply this mixture directly to the
    affected tooth
    To reduce the pain in your teeth, you can just mix black
    pepper powder with clove oil and apply it to the affected
    area. Apply this remedy whenever the tooth decay causes you
    pain to get the best results.
  5. Yellow Chrysanthemum
    The chrysanthemum was no stranger to us. However, not
    everyone knows that the yellow chrysanthemum can cure
    cavities quite effectively. According to some conceptions,
    chrysanthemum contains fluid that inhibits the growth of
    many bacteria. Therefore, it can be used as a medicine for
    decay with chrysanthemum. Many people with decay can also
    use yellow chrysanthemum to carve the bacteria that cause
    tooth decay.
    To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:
    Put 5 washed petals of chrysanthemum on the tooth decay
    It is possible to chew the petals to release the
    bactericide. Chew this for 15 to 20 minutes
    Then, with the remaining petals, you can put in a small
    bottle to soak with white wine
    After a day, take a small sip of this yellow chrysanthemum
    You should apply this remedy after brushing. Maintain
    frequency 2 – 3 times / day to get the best results. During
    the period of use, you will notice a significant reduction in
    tooth decay, and after about 15 days of use, you will notice
    the results.
  6. Home Remedies For Tooth Decay – Young
    Papaya Resin
    This is one of the little-known home remedies for tooth decay.
    Young papaya resin has been shown to have a significant
    effect in reducing toothache and inhibiting the growth of
    bacteria, which has long been regarded as a useful way of
    supporting effective tooth decay. Papaya resin to cure tooth
    decay should be resin from the young papaya.
    To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:
    You just need a young papaya, cut it to get resin
    Use a cotton swab to apply resin directly to the affected
    Hold for about 10-15 minutes to spit out (note that not to
    swallow) and rinse your mouth with clean water
    After applying this remedy a few times a day and continuously
    for 7-10 days, you will get the best results.
    Read more: 15 Effective Home Remedies For Tooth
    Abscess Pain
  7. Coconut Oil
    According to Dr. Damien Brady, head of research at the
    Athlone Institute of Technology, three types of essential oils
    (vegetable oil, coconut oil and olive oil) were tested and
    treated with yeast as in the digestive tract. After these
    tests, only the coconut oil had the ability to inhibit the
    growth of Streptococcus strains, while also killing Acid-
    producing bacteria that can break down enamel.
    In addition, coconut oil also contains natural antibacterial, so
    it can help relieve pain and tooth decay very well. This is
    reckoned one of the best home remedies for tooth decay
    treatment .
    To apply this remedy, please follow the steps below:
    Prepare a little coconut oil
    Use a cotton swab to apply coconut oil directly to the
    affected tooth
    After 20 minutes, rinse your mouth with clean water
    This remedy to cure tooth decay from coconut oil is effective,
    but you need to persist for a long time to get the results you
    Above are home remedies for tooth decay. These are all very
    simple and effective ways. Choose some of them and alternate
    them in your treating to see how effective they are. If you
    have any contributing ideas about our article of “Top 16
    effective home remedies for tooth decay” introduced in
    Home Remedies Category , do not hesitate to drop your
    words below this post. We will answer as soon as we could.

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