Targeting ala Mexicana (Looks Alot Like Targeting in the US)

in #healthlast year

By Juana Oscura

Last week, a largely unreported demonstration took place in front of the Attorney General’s office in Mexico City. Banners were unfurled and speeches commenced, stating that profound and unresolved violations of human and civil rights were taking place in the country of Mexico involving the purportedly illegal surveillance and attacks upon Mexican nationals, via the country’s security procedures.

These procedures are colloquially known as “targeting” and involve a smorgasbord of offenses, including surveillance upon and interference with electronic communications as well as physical and remotely generated assaults on preselected civilians. A recently published article gives insight as to how these remote attacks take place.

According to Mexican law, these activities appear to take place under “Ley de Seguridad Nacional,” or National Security Law and are dedicated to the preservation and protection of Mexico in the face of threats and may involve intelligence and counter-intelligence activities.

However, normal and non-politically implicated citizens are now claiming that these activities are being directed towards them.

Lourdes, who organized the protest, is a case in point. She is a middle-aged professional translator who has achieved an impressive amount of documentation showing that her electronic devices, phone and computer, have been interrupted and even hijacked by other parties. Her documentation includes reports to the federal authorities which she claims have been buried.

“There are at least 500 individuals, Mexicans, who have been non-consensually interfered with,” she states. “Many of these individuals are unfortunately uneducated and believe that these attacks on their privacy are done through witchcraft.”

Pablo, who hails from Guadalajara, also attended the protest. He works in pest control and reports that he began to experience electronic interference in 2015, when he was 46 years old. He reports that he began hearing voices in his head at that time. A recently published article goes into the technology that allows for thought interruption and is archived here. In any case, sudden onset schizophrenia is not known to happen to 46-year-old individuals, and the etiology of schizophrenia, in which those afflicted start to hear voices, generally occurs in late puberty.

According to Pablo, there were initially two voices, one male and one female. The female voice told him to leave his home immediately or he would be killed. The male voice threatened to kill him.

Pablo, who is a talkative and engaging fellow, relates how he then fled Guadalajara for other cities but was unable to shake off the voices.

Mari also attended the protest. An attractive young woman of 32 years old, she recounts that she believes she was put into “the program” as a child and recalls first being aware of this activity directed at her at the age of nine or ten. She recounts that when she was pregnant (she is married with three children) she was on a feeding tube for many months as her throat was burned so badly by electronic weapons that she was unable to eat. She believes her children are now targeted and cites specific concern for her son, whom she claims was attacked by a biological weapon and now can no longer walk. Like many others, she is unclear as to why this happened to her. She wonders if this is, in her case, generational.

José is a businessman and owns a hotel in Mexico City. He states he has been in “the program” for about 23 years. He is a middle-aged man, friendly and outgoing, with a couple of grown children and is eager to help others who have experienced similar abuses, calling them “brothers and sisters.” In his declaration to the Mexican President López Obrador, he cites the provisions of the Ley General which mandate the investigation and prosecution of acts of torture and requests that his case be thoroughly investigated.

In Article 33, Chapter 2 of the National Security Law of Mexico, surveillance of electronic communications is authorized. However, such authorizations are mandated to lapse within 180 days. Lourdes points out that she and others have been subjected to surveillance procedures for far more time than this and have never been criminally charged.

Article 71 of the National Security Law of Mexico governs the cooperation and exchange of information between sovereign nations concerning these situations, greasing the gears towards international cooperation in the pursuit of the surveilled. Indeed, the right to be left alone is codified in the Mexican Constitution in Article 16, which states – “No one may be disturbed in his or her person, family, domicile, papers or possessions, except by virtue of a written order from the competent authority, which establishes and justifies the legal grounds for the proceeding.”

If there are indeed legal grounds for the interventions and disruptions experienced by targeted Mexicans, they are being kept a secret. In pursuit of discovering what reasons the government is using to maintain “the program,” those attending last week’s demonstration also filed requests with the National Transparency Institute (INE) and also with the country’s Central Intelligence Service.

Much of what is being seen here is uncomfortably redolent of the situation surrounding thousands of Americans who claim that they are also being targeted and that the government is covering this up. Unlike Mexico, the US does not have a robust torture law and its laws concerning the use of bio or chem agents on its citizens are also equivocal. Mexican Penal Code explicitly bars the use of chemical, biological or radiation weapons against its citizens, so there is indeed the legal infrastructure in place in Mexico to prosecute these crimes.

If the fate of the recently dismissed lawsuit filed by Targeted Justice is any indication, there is no such legal infrastructure which affords such prosecution within the US. Even given the concerns voiced as to the inadequate structure of the lawsuit, Judge Rosenthal’s repeated determinations of “lack of standing” may toll the death knell for America and Americans.

The full text of Lourdes’s speech is available in this PDF here.

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The media image of Mexico is that it's full of gangs.
But anyone willing to trade freedom for security will have neither.

This is bad, It will have a bad impact on Maxico's reputation.

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I am hoping the situation would get better with time.

I've heard about things like this in Mexico City?
Is it that rampant?

One of the people we know lives in a rural area far from Mexico City, so I suppose it is more rampant than one would think.

Sharing on twitter.

Today the way we see in the whole world that people listen to the news and today the news is also shown to be wrong and the way we see the real truth is through social media. So it is best that we should stop watching the news because every channel is praising the person who has been paid by the person who has been fed money or it is happening here on the news channels of Pakistan that Imran Khan No one will take the name because all these people have taken money from the government and this is absolutely wrong. When the media is free, it should not be done in this way. YouTube channels have been created and now they tell true news on it and today the situation in Pakistan has become so bad due to inflation that every day someone is stealing to feed their children.

This is horrific. The dismissal is a mockery of justice. By claiming neither the individuals themselves, nor even the courts, have the authority to redress such grievances, the judge is basically compelling victims to defend themselves however they might. I suppose the judge expects them to do nothing, and to continue to suffer such depradations, but I am confident not everyone would be comfortable simply being sacrificed to the greed and pathological cruelty their oppressors evidence.

I am reminded of the RICO suit the Chrystic Institute and Daniel Sheehan brought against the Reagan administration and the CIA for smuggling massive amounts of cocaine into the USA to raise money for the Contras after the Boland Amendment ended official government funds being spent on terrorism inflicted on the people of Nicaragua being dismissed by the judge as 'frivolous' (and also fining the CI $1M), despite probative and voluminous evidence that was not allowed to be presented in court.

Such cruel dehumanization and crimes against humanity cannot be allowed, neither in America nor Mexico. I sincerely hope swift and nominal relief can be attained by all concerned.
