Gates’ Plan To Control World’s Seeds, Agriculture, Food

in #health4 years ago

By Neenah Payne

Why COVID Policies Are A War Against Humanity discusses threats posed by globalization, automation, robots, AI, and the COVID polices that Bill Gates recommended for the world. This article discusses some of the documented threats Gates poses to our food supply.

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard. He became a multi-billion-dollar software developer after he reportedly stole the DOS code that was the foundation of Microsoft’s Windows technology. In early 2020, Gates was featured all over the global media as he announced that the world cannot go fully back to normal until almost all of the world’s 7+ billion people get his rushed, poorly-tested injection.

WATCH: Bill Gates Lets You Know That Mass Gatherings Will be Cancelled Until You Take the New Vaccine. How did an unelected, unappointed software developer who has no background in healthcare suddenly become in charge of world health?

The FDA authorized COVID injections under the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Act in December just as doctors were discussing cures for COVID in Senate hearings. However, an EUA cannot be issued for a vaccine if there are existing remedies. There are 5 inexpensive proven treatments for COVID -- at least one was well known since last March.

FREE PDF: 10 Best Books To Survive Food Shortages & Famines

In addition, the COVID injections do not meet the five criteria to establish them as vaccines. The COVID injections are deceptively called “vaccines” to allow approval under the EUA because an EUA cannot be issued for injections. So, the EUA for COVID injections are illegal both because they are not vaccines and because there are effective ways to treat the virus that make a vaccine unnecessary. In addition, the CDC statistics show that the COVID virus poses less than a 1% threat for most people.

Gates’ vaccines in India and Africa had disastrous results. Why should anyone trust this man to be in charge of world health? Given Gates’ deep financial investments in vaccines, there is a clear conflict of interest in his urging the unprecedented plan to have everyone in the world -- even healthy people -- get the COVID injections multiple times.

Gates’ Multi-Faceted Global Influence

Discussion of James Corbett’s 2020 four-part documentary Who Is Bill Gates?

It’s a challenge to cover the extent of Gates’ global influence because his interests include Decade of Vaccines, synthetic meat, GMO foods, GMO seeds, GMO mosquitos, 5G technology, “smart cities”, media, digital IDs, and American education (Common Core), and US farmland (see further below).

Greetings, Useless Eaters: A Message From Your Global Human Health Overlord

Gates Now Biggest Owner of Farmland in US

Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill

Gates Biggest Owner of Farmland in US Now says:

“Bill Gates, the billionaire founder of Microsoft, has been revealed as the biggest private owner of farmland in the US, after buying up 242,000 acres in 18 states. The tech mogul, who is the fourth richest person in the world with a net worth of $121 billion, according to Forbes, has quietly built up a massive agriculture portfolio. The 65-year-old's largest holdings include 69,071 acres in Louisiana, 47,927 acres in Arkansas, 25,750 acres in Arizona, 20,588 acres in Nebraska and 16,097 in Washington state."

The article adds:

“Gates hasn't just invested in farmland. In total he owns 268,984 acres of land of all types in 19 states, including a suburb up for development - as a so-called 'smart city' - outside Phoenix, Arizona. Since 2017 he reportedly holds a significant stake in 24,800 acres of land on the west side of Phoenix. The area off Interstate 10, called Belmont, has space for 80,000 homes as well as more than 4,000 acres for schools, offices, and stores; and 3,400 acres of open space. When fully developed the area could be home to 200,000 residents and be similar in size to the Phoenix suburb of Tempe, The Land Report said. Last year, Cascade Investment made a second major investment in Arizona by acquiring more than 2,800 acres known as Spurlock Ranch in Buckeye for $25 million, that could be built out to include 8,500 homes.”

Gates’ Recolonization of Agriculture

Gates Ag One: The Recolonisation Of Agriculture explains, “In January 2020, the Gates foundation launched “The Bill & Melinda Gates Agricultural Innovations LLC”, also known as “Gates Ag One”….Gates Ag One is being hailed as a new non-profit to “bring scientific breakthroughs to smallholder farmers whose yields are threatened by the effects of climate change” and shrink the supposed ‘productivity gaps’ present in Africa, Asia, and Latin America”.

The article points out that “this merger also provides unprecedented leverage on individual country policies and mass access to genetic seed resources…. In 2010, a US financial website published the Gates foundation’s annual investment portfolio, which showed it had bought 500,000 Monsanto shares at around $23m. Ag One will be based in St. Louis, Missouri USA, home of Monsanto…. This shows just one of the numerous ventures in which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Monsanto have co-invested together with a false narrative such as 'helping the poor in South Africa'.”

The article further highlights:

“Contrary to what Bill Gates might think, agroecological food systems are overall more productive, more resilient to climate change, and provide greater livelihood security…. contrary to the myth that small farmers and their agroecological systems are unproductive, and thus we should leave the future of our food in the hands of the Poison Cartel, small farmers are providing 80% of global food using just 25% of the land that goes into agriculture. There have also been countless studies that have proven that agroecological, organic agriculture, especially those based on biodiversity, are all around more resilient to climate change, more economically viable and lead to increases in crop productivity. For example, biodiversity helps reduce diseases, improving the resilience of crops and leading to higher yields. The diversity of knowledge embedded in agroecological and traditional farming systems also provides a greater safety net for confronting extreme weather patterns and ecological shifts….

As shown, the future of agriculture is based on biodiversity, seed sovereignty and agroecology, not on “Ag One” or “Ag Tech”. We need to rise up and look past the corporate narrative and look to time tested indigenous knowledge and Agroecology to shape the future of Agriculture based on Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity. We need a rejuvenation of small farms, real farms with real people who care for the land, who care for life, who care for the future and who do produce diverse, healthy, fresh, ecological and real food for all.”

Dr. Shiva’s Fight To Save Seeds and Small Organic Farms

In COVID-19, Dr. Shiva explains the devastating impact of the COVID policies on Indian farmers.

Vandana Shiva Calls War On Bill Gates said in 2015 the global economy will have 3% space for people! She says urban gardens are the greatest revolution.

Also see Dr. Shiva on my Urban Gardens Revolution site.

Global Food & Farming Issues: Dr. Vandana Shiva Slams Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg & Monsanto says:

“Physicist, environmental activist and renowned author Dr. Vandana Shiva explains modern day global food and farming issues. There are links within the article to her very informative work. When organic agriculture has shown to be the best way to feed the world, why do giant corporations insist on taking over and doing things their way? Why do they have so much sway over government policy?"

It points out:

Dr. Vandana Shiva is a renowned author, environmental activist, and physicist. Shiva founded Navdanya, an international movement started 30 years ago in India to defend seed and food sovereignty and small farmers around the world. Navdanya pioneered the movement of seed saving and seed freedom, which began in response to the crisis of erosion of agricultural biodiversity and introduction of GMOs and patents on seeds through intellectual property rights (IPRs) and so-called ‘free trade’ agreements. It has long fought against biopiracy, the patenting of indigenous knowledge by self-interested multinational corporations and won cases related to Neem, basmati rice and wheat in India. Navdanya promotes a new agricultural and economic paradigm, a culture of food for health, where ecological responsibility and economic justice replace the present greed, consumerism and competition which have become dominant in society. It aims at regaining the common good as a foundation for a renewed sense of community, solidarity and culture of peace.”

In the video on the site, Dr. Shiva says “Bill Gates is continuing the work of Monsanto.”

In Dr. Vandana Shiva on India’s🇮🇳 Farmers' Protests: Indian Farmers Are a Victim Of FOOD IMPERIALISM, Dr. Shiva discusses her fight to save seeds small farmers. She says small farms produce 80% of the world’s food and small organic farms are the most productive. She shows the devastating impact of COVID policies on migrant workers in India.

Dr. Shiva’s 2020 book is Oneness vs. the 1%: Shattering Illusions, Seeding Freedom

Amazon Description

With a new epilogue about Bill Gates’s global agenda and how we can resist the billionaires’ war on life. “This is what globalization looks like: Opportunism. Exploitation. Further centralization of power. Further disempowerment of ordinary people. . . . Vandana Shiva is an expert whose analysis has helped us understand this situation much more deeply.”―Russell Brand

Widespread poverty, social unrest, and economic polarization have become our lived reality as the top 1% of the world’s seven-billion-plus population pushes the planet―and all its people―to the social and ecological brink.

In Oneness vs. the 1%, Vandana Shiva takes on the billionaire dictators of Gates, Buffet, and Mark Zuckerberg, as well as other modern empires like Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Ag, whose blindness to the rights of people, and to the destructive impact of their construct of linear progress, have wrought havoc across the world. Their single-minded pursuit of profit has undemocratically enforced uniformity and monocultures, division and separation, monopolies and external control―over finance, food, energy, information, healthcare, and even relationships.

Basing her analysis on explosive facts, Shiva exposes the 1%’s model of philanthrocapitalism, which is about deploying unaccountable money to bypass democratic structures, derail diversity, and impose totalitarian ideas based on One Science, One Agriculture, and One History. Instead, Shiva calls for the resurgence of: Real knowledge, Real intelligence, Real wealth, Real work, Real well-being/

With these core goals, people can reclaim their right to: Live Free. Think Free. Breathe Free. Eat Free.

Monsanto’s World

Monsanto’s/Bayer’s crops threaten the world with GMOs, loss of biodiversity, loss of traditional knowledge, death of bees (who pollinate 30% of our food supply), overuse of water, increased use of pesticides, driving farmers into debt and/or off the land, farmer suicides, epidemic of degenerative diseases, loss of democracy, destruction of soil, threats to organic foods, intimidation of farmers, refusal to label GMO foods, etc.

Another World Is Possible

Food Sovereignty: Reconnecting Food, Nature and Community

A powerful local, national, and international alternative coming from small farmers around the world are creating a life-saving paradigm from the ground up! They are evolving a new society, a new consciousness on a very ancient principle that we have all forgotten. They are protecting the soil/water/air and other species, saving the biodiversity of seeds, restoring freedom and democracy, protecting priceless ancient knowledge, evolving the most effective new technologies, and enhancing the health of consumers of their foods. It’s a win-win situation.

Gates’ Control of World’s Seed Bank

“The Great Food Reset and How to Counter Centralized Seed Banks” in Counter Markets issue 43 asks, “So while we often talk about the dangers of centralized banking, what about centralized seed banking?....It can’t be a coincidence that the term Reset is now being applied to food at the exact same time as the promotion of an economic reset by the very same interests. As the Ice Age Farmer highlights, a Rockefeller Foundation report, Reset the Table, makes it quite clear that this is indeed part of a cohesive overall plan.”

The Great Reset: Is Bill Gates TOO Powerful?

The Great Reset: Bill Gates & Farming - WHAT'S GOING ON?: 85 million jobs displaced by 2025!

Gates, the Rockefellers, Monsanto, and Syngenta are “custodians” of the world’s seed vault in Norway!

  1. The Corporate War Against The Planet, People and Democracy
  2. How Bill Gates, Syngenta and Rockefeller Became Custodians of the Doomsday Crop Diversity Vault: “It would seem the foxes are guarding the hen-house of mankind – the global seed diversity store in Svalbard.”
  3. “Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic: Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t
  4. Svalbard: Bayer-Monsanto & Syngenta planning farming monopoly in a global crisis?
  5. One Empire Over Seed: Control Over the World’s Seed Banks : “It should come as no surprise that Gates is also funding Diversity Seek (DivSeek), a global project launched in 2015 to map the genetic data of the peasant diversity of seeds held in gene banks to then take patents on these seeds through genomic mapping.….In the 1980s, Monsanto led the push for GMOs and patents on seed and life. Today the flag bearer is Bill Gates. In a nutshell: one billionaire given free access to use his wealth to bypass all international treaties and multilateral governance structures to help global corporations hijack the biodiversity and wealth of peasants by financing unscientific and undemocratic processes such as DivSeek, and to unleash untested technologies such as the CRISPR technology on humanity.”

2015 Film: Seeds of Time

This film features Cary Fowler who from 2005-2012 served as Executive Director of the Global Crop Diversity Trust which helped create the Svalbard vault. The Trust managers the seed bank and acquisition of seeds. It says their "sole mission is to ensure humanity conserves and makes available the world’s crop diversity for future food security."

The Trust’s list of financial sponsors include Bayer Crop Science, which now incorporates Monsanto; DuPont Pioneer Hi-Bred; Syngenta AG, owned by ChemChina. These are the world’s largest purveyors of GMO patented seeds and agrichemicals such as Roundup. Crop Trust Donors include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the major donor to initiate the Trust in 2004 with the FAO, the Rockefeller Foundation which first financed the creation of GMO biotechnology in the 1970s, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, and CGIAR acting through Biodiversity International.

New film traces Cary Fowler’s quest to build the doomsday seed vault

A perfect storm is brewing as agriculture pioneer Cary Fowler races against time to protect the future of our food….Fowler and the farmers embark on passionate and personal journeys that may save the one resource we cannot live without: our seeds.

Top image: YouTube


Gates has a Napoleonic concept of himself, an appetite that derives from power and unalloyed success, with no leavening hard experience, no reverses.” — Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, presiding judge in the Gates/Microsoft antitrust-fraud case

This so-called "philantropist" wants to destroy all the original life on the planet all that is pure must no longer exist.
There are more and more protests in the world where the crowd chant "arrest Bill Gates"
I admire the people as Vandana Shiva she is really a great person with a beautiful soul. We must follow her example and support her actions. This book is interesting too : Who Really Feeds the World ? The Failures of Agribusiness and the Promise of Agroecology.
We people have the power to change the world as we want to see it. The solidarity and love are the key words.
Thank you activistpost for this very interesting article.

Gates will eventually die in the next 10 years. So he's going full tilt into his nightmarish Earth dystopia.

I be hones .... some how I feel also this that something happens soon what this man in next 5 or 8 years . It is not normal that someone not want do something against him how he treats society and tries to demolish it in a criminal way. But soon we see.

Very good post and lot good info what lot have not seen or must 1000 % look and see what this man do.

Interesting post the world must be alert to avoid the monopoly of seeds