
Hello activistpost I like read your posts because they are always interesting but your are a prolific writer and it is difficult to read all your posts. I knew you through Jasonliberty which deserves to be read too because he also writes very good articles worthy of a great journalist.
Well, I wanted to added one thing about the edible garden, I prefer the incredible edible gardens created by Mary Clear in 2008 after the subprimes crisis. I like the principle "if you eat you're in and believe in the power of small actions' Their network is based on community, kindness and sharing and much more. Everybody can do it in his own town. founder of incredible edible.
Like the hummingbird, everyone must do their part on this earth.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful comment, as well as your recommendation, it's greatly appreciated!

There is much wisdom here, not least from Dr. Vandana Shiva, one of the sanest voices in this crazy, upside-down world.

Thank you very much for your wonderful comment!

I believe that whoever has land and space to plant nowadays should take advantage of it, it is a great advantage. We are seeing less and less natural products on the market and more with genetic or chemical modifications.

Absolutely! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Much appreciated!