COVID-1984 From A Two-week Lockdown To Mandatory Vaccination & Life In Prison

in #health4 years ago

Unfortunately, COVID-1984 continues to escalate. We were initially told that we would need to have a temporary two-week lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’

Six months later, we are still in lockdown and now mandatory vaccination policies are being rolled out in addition to severe penalties for violating mandates which include life in prison!

By Spiro Skouras

We have seen cases where people have been forcibly removed from their home by the police, in front of their families, and have been forced into quarantine.

All of this in response to a virus with a 99+% survival rate, which multiple world-renowned experts believe originated in a laboratory funded by the US government.

Watch the full video report for free and decide for yourself.

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The public health commissioner was factually incorrect on each point he made regarding the virus and vaccine. The vaccine's being tested now aren't safe at all, with 80% of test subjects suffering systemic side effects and 20% being hospitalized as a result of those side effects for the Moderna vaccine.

That is massively unsafe. It's far more dangerous than the virus, with 50% of folks getting it having no symptoms at all.

More people have died from increased numbers of suicides as a result of the lockdown in Australia than have died from the virus in Australia.

It's a bunch of lies, and nothing more than pretense at justifying the totalitarian police state tyranny with checkpoints, mandatory DNA modification through DNA vaccines, and total enslavement of sovereign people by malignant overlords. Eventually even vapid Communists will grasp this as they starve to death, but that is far too late to prevent them from starving.

Folks need to stop this NOW!


so it is happening...