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RE: Doctors Kill More Babies Than Guns.

in #health8 years ago

Having an advance vaccine directive card may be a valuable tool using the right to informed consent, and it is worldwide. this overrides any new mandatory laws with earlier law that is protective.

From the site: “The Advance Vaccine Directive is a valid Advance Health Directive or Living Will binding on the medical community under the law of Informed Consent. The Wallet Card our legal team developed is based on the latest US Supreme Court “I Do Not Consent” case, Missouri vs McNeely (2013). It covers circumstances in which you may find yourself facing not-consented vaccination, such as being brought into an ER and being subjected to immediate vaccination.” Ralph Fucetola JD


Agreed. Dr. Laibow is a great proponent of medical and nutritional liberty.

Thank you for the comments and link.