The combined power of 3 funded HBD proposals is crowding out other proposals that are above the return proposal, but HBD is sucking out all the air.
Wouldn't it be enough to only keep the smaller proposals up, for the time being?
The combined power of 3 funded HBD proposals is crowding out other proposals that are above the return proposal, but HBD is sucking out all the air.
Wouldn't it be enough to only keep the smaller proposals up, for the time being?
I changed some of my votes so nothing else (previously above return) is being blocked. This new 400 HBD/hour proposal is now sitting just above return, meaning it is only getting "left over" budget (currently around 80 HBD/hour).
However, it is ultimately up to stakeholders what should be funded. It's quite possible that the 20000% return might by viewed as sufficiently compelling to put some of the other proposals on hold (i.e. redirect budget now so there is even more budget available later). I'm not taking sides on it at this point, just using my votes to maintain the status quo for a while. We'll see how other stakeholders vote and how this shakes out.
That is a responsible way of dealing with it.
you need to stop downvoting content for no reason you are abusing your power and making me extremely disinterested in continuing with Hive
He did the same to me. This guy is such a disgraceful person. Spending his time rather than help the community grow taking away from ppl. Sometimes I post for a dollar and I make one rly well rewarded post and this guy comes in and swipes the damn thing with a downvote. Those tokens now go nowhere. People like this should be ashamed of themSelves they literally stop new people building themselves up meanwhile he likes all his own posts!
I was addressing a different problem here. Namely funding dynamics for proposals. And he fixed that quickly.
To your point, I know that downvotes are upsetting and hurt. Especially when you get a fairly large one. My guess as to why he downvoted your post is over reward disagreement. It is the reality of this platform that rewards are only earned after the 7 day payout window. Before that they are still part of the community pool and can be increased or decreased. It can sometimes turn ugly or seem unfair but Hive is stake based after all.
The only consolation prize I have to offer is that smooth is doing that out of principle. In contrast to other accounts who weaponize downvotes and hide behind "rewards disagreement".
I know. That is a deeply unsatisfying answer. It is what we have now. I wish we could move all rewards to a second layer, like some Hive-Engine tribes already did. That minimizes a lot of friction.
Quite clearly this user's votes are weaponized, I'm not sure how you can say these downvotes are given out over principle. That is absurd. What principle exactly? that any speech he disagrees with deserves less rewards, or that his own posts are the only ones that deserve to be rewarded and all others seen as competition? What principled person uses huge stake to constantly go around punishing users for making good, popular content rather than reward what he sees as content worth rewarding, which seems to be just himself? Maybe I'm confused what 'disagreement over rewards' is intended to mean, but what I have witnessed is a clear pattern of abuse of power to punish users for making good content that was decently rewarded. Reward pool rape is what it is.
What I mean by this is that he is targeting certain levels of rewards he deems too high. Which is an option this platform offers. The rewards are only earned after 7 days. Until then it is upon all stakeholders to judge the level of rewards.
From what I have seen, he doesn't target opinions he disagrees with. I could be wrong, ofc. I am not trying to defend his voting pattern. This was an attempt to answer a comment posted to me.
This issue has come up a few times and he usually gave his reasoning when asked in a comment below the downvoted post.
Yes it may have nothing to do with difference of opinion, it just seems whenever I post on certain topics I get hit, he claims it is random but it seems systematic when multiple posts in a row are downvotes after spending hours to research and put out well sourced info that people are clearly appreciating (comments, reblogs, etc.) downvoting to regulate payout seems ridiculous, why not just upvote the stuff you want rather than punish good content for making ‘too much’. Seems pretty subjective, we’re not talking a picture of some titties or spam or plagiarism getting huge payouts being ‘adjusted’, but original work that users often spend very much time and energy on, art, research, etc.
I never was a fan of the downvote system though, and still don’t really understand how it benefits the platform, repetitive downvotes by smooth and similar use of downvotes by others is driving people away from the platform, but they don’t seem to care about it, their self voted posts keep making lots of money whether people come or go from the platform. I just don’t understand why downvote so much when you have power to reward so much content you support, it seems childish and the nature of a particular mindset that has infected many on this earth that is not uplifting to humanity or in the spirit of freedom to live and let live. So many don’t downvote at all or so rarely, and then a few act as reward pool police and constantly downvote anything deemed ‘too high’. Really a pathetic use of time in my opinion, looking for content to punish instead of to reward...
Thanks for the comment, it isn't just my rewards, its tons of users across the board, so hopefully they get this sorted out soon, as use of downvotes to systematically police rewards is driving people away from the platform. Power abuse in my opinion, but I guess the downvote function itself encourages such behavior.
So one powerful account deems on their own to take awards away from a user, I'm sorry but I just don't get how that helps this community grow, @smooth downvoting is the main reason why I do not support their proposals this is an abuse of power by an account that is community funded
Voting is not "taking rewards away". Most of those highly reward posts got the bulk of their rewards from large accounts as well. There is no difference. Rewards are not awarded until the end of the 7 day voting period, everything up to that point is just an estimate.
nice fancy talk but this doesnt explain why you randomly downvote content
Also not sure what you mean by an account that is community funded. My account is not funded by anyone other than me. The @hbdstabilizer account that is funded by DHF does not vote.
Yeah and that is the problem, you are a powerful dev account who is trying to stabilize hbd, powerful dev accounts should not be downvoting users content for the fuck of it, what is to stop like a Google from making a Hive account and just shit on any content they to not be politically correct, this is a slippery slope, oh so the community didnt help you or any of your projects you did that all on your own I got it
Without downvoting rewards wouldn't make it outside the first 100 accounts.
They would just vote for themselves.
If you care to join the discussion you are free to do so.Much of the flagging discussions take place in this discord:
I have already been talking with people on discord, and I think we have reached a solution that will ease the friction, this has been an issue for as long as I have been on this platform and to be honest, it gives off the feel, that as content creators we have very little say on this platform
What is the principle? to be honest, this huge account randomly downvoting small accounts for no reason makes me sick to my stomach.
We need to collectively come together here. This user is a menace. Why don’t we form a collective that joins together to restore the votes he steals from people. Notice he only upvotes his own posts and comments.
This is a good idea, I'm all for it, but how could we go about doing so? It would be nice to find a way to neutralize the effects of this blockchain menace and abuse of power.