Many nights have passed, and our earth is scorched. Kane hear me. I stand fearful under your gaze but stand I must. May Pele strike me down with a bolt if that will also bring Lono’s rain. We shall surely perish should you not intervene. Demand your underling to suspend His vicious attack on your land. Your children are dying.
I stand before you Kane. Amid this onslaught. Amid the fires. Amid the death. I send fire to the heavens. Guide my flames Kane. Target Pele and let the flames singe His skin. I fight fire with fire Kane. Make this fire dance upon Pele. Let Him feel the suffering we have endured. Carry these flames to his heart Great One and forgive my rage. My disobedience spawned only from my own great love for your people. See these flames Kane. Form them into a razor-sharp arrow that defies the wind Pele will surely use to extinguish it. Send it with great speed and accuracy to strike our angered Pele.
Kanaloa fill Lono’s buckets from your precious seas. Lono drench our land with your rains. Do away with Pele’s wrath. His anger must be great, yet we know not why. Do this for us Kane, Lono and Kanaloa. Let Makahiki come.
Let Makahiki come.#pic1000
I wonder if Kane listens and Makahiki will arrive. 👍