How to get a kiss ... part 1

in #haw7 years ago (edited)

How to get kiss a girl

You have your eye on a girl but things just aren't moving quickly. And trying to read girls is like reading Greek (unless you can read Greek). How do you know if she wants you to kiss her? Simple. Get her to kiss you.

Method One of Three:
Lay the Foundation

Make her happy. Even if she isn't your girl just yet, do something to thrill her. The smallest of things can win her over.
Surprise her. Nobody's talking diamonds here. Flowers, her favorite food, a new CD, anything. She'll be likely to show her gratitude physically.
Do something for her. Has she been complaining about wanting new headphones? Did she miss biology class and needs the notes? Take the time to listen and find opportunities to help her out.

Catch her in the mood. Odds are you'll be able to tell when she's feeling kissable. Take in her appearance and behavior and gauge what mood she's in.
If she's calm and flirty, she's there. Note if she's touching you and smiling. Make sure you have her attention and she's not distracted.
If she's loud and all over the place, she's probably not feeling very romantic. She may be caught up in her day or excited about something else.

Get her alone. Most people aren't comfortable with displays of affection, especially if it's the first kiss. What's more, it should be cozy and intimate. Take her somewhere you won't be interrupted and you can focus on each other.
