Staring into the Face of Hate

in #hate6 years ago (edited)

Are you ready for some serious bat-shit crazy Steemit-Drama?


There is a random guy here on Steemit who seemingly doesn't understand the math behind how rewards are paid out on Steem and came to the conclusion that I (aka @smartsteem) scammed him.

Multiple people have already tried to reason with him, but it seems that he hasn't enough brain capacity to process that and thus comes to the conclusion that it has to be a scam.


The user @prometheusrisen (with his sockpuppet accounts @leewilliamson and @emergedinsteem) is making the accusation that the bid-bot @smartsteem has hold back on profit.

(flagged due to the fact that the user didn't even wait for a statement, but created a public post spreading lies)

The user sent 20 SBD to @smartsteem and received a vote back accordingly to the number of bids at that time with a max ROI of 10% and min ROI of -10%.

The ROI is calculated by the USD values of STEEM & SBD as post-rewards are paid out in SBD & SP. For a more detailed explanation please see this link:

ROI capping means that a vote can be at most 10% profitable and can also go only max 10% into the negative (overbidding).

This knowledge has been shared with the accuser as soon as I found out about the claim. The accuser had also created a public post which spread his false claims & lies; which in return was flagged. (I won't accept lies & false claims!)

The comment below was screenshotted from the initial post:

At that point, I hoped that things would calm down again and the user would realize that he made a mistake - as Smartsteem is extremely profitable:

But no - the real crazy shit just started.

One crazy steemian

From there on everything got even better. The user made it his life's mission to find out who I am and seemingly has nothing better to do than to manually spam comments and posts with multiple accounts.

Honestly? How fucked up does someone need to be to invest so much time and energy into hate?

And now?

I've already contacted @steemcleaners and hope that they take care of that crazy person.

But other than that, I won't invest more time into this.

I wanted to create this post to clear up the situation.

And to make one thing clear:

@prometheusrisen - you will NEVER (NEVER) get anywhere in life with your attitude. I will not waste anymore of my energy onto you - karma and law of attraction made sure that you get what you deserve you human garbage.

I won't give into hate

In my time on Steemit there has been so much hate directed at me - especially over the last few months .. but that's good: it forces me to grow as a human being.

I love what I'm currently doing on Steem. I love at which point I am right now in my life and I will make damn sure to use and leverage every possibility I get with this amazing technology - no hate will change that!

And a message to everyone who is giving me positive energy via comments, discord & messages & co.:



Don’t feed the fire, I flagged him because he posted his paranoia on my post...if he does it again I will flag 100% instead of 10%....I have a rule comments must relate to my article...

People would never behave this way if they had to negotiate face to face😏

Just spammed mine as well.

Not sure if he even realizes that he's pissing everyone off. I'm just a little minnow. Been here for 2 weeks.

Indeed, the internet with its mostly anonymous nature (for the less tech savvy anyway) has allowed a lot of dumb people to dumb things in even bigger and dumber ways. It’s an unavoidable side effect that simply bypasses the need for courtesy or any kind of character at all.

I like the steemit platform and believe in its facility as a means to incentivize creativity and put great people in touch with each other. Trying as it is, it is best to remain a gentleman or lady about things or people that frustrate and confound.

I would be extremely happy to negotiate with this pedophile face to face, anyone who can arrange that meeting please reach out to me. Here's therealwolf upvoting child porn on the blockchain. He's a better talker than I, lots of psychos are. I tend to get emotional about child abuse, pedophilia, scamming childrens charities, that sort of thing. Emotions on the internet are often just judged as being emotional and the "calmer" mind wins. Be careful who you are aligning yourself with. Imgur Pic of therealwolf upvoting childporn.


Interesting... It seems like for that one person that is unhappy with your service, you have 30 comments of people that love your service. Something tells me that someone that isn't established on this community and hasn't proven their worth shouldn't go and threaten those that have proved themselves to this community.

I would take everything that dude is saying with a grain of salt...

I have seen that around leaving his link to almost all posts and that is the fastest way to get people to ignore you.

I have always used Smartmarket for my curation rewards and smartsteem and have always profited because I know how to use it.

Understand how it works and you'll be fine, use it as a crutch instead of getting people to care and engage on your work then you are deluding yourself.

are there any in-depth articles explaining how bid bots or smart steem works? i am 'minnow' and would love to learn more! thanks for consideration

There have been some posts that I saw you can look at the smartsteem tag to show some of the posts is a good way to assess bid bots as well by looking at the details.

@smarsteem and @smartmarket has always been a great service for me.
Without it my steempower wouldn’t be where it is now.

Lots of evil sick people are financially successful and help to provide financial success to others it harnesses greed for more and fear of loss as a shield and is not a new tactic for the morally depraved. I'm not trying to bilk anyone out of anything or profit off others. Just shining a light.

I think if steembottracker would fix their payout calculator it would help you a lot. I don't think it puts in the 10 percent cap. Possibly he was also displaying his profit in USD. I've reported him as well. He commented on a post of mine and I had not even used your services.

Don't let these scumbags get to you. It's just probably some dumb sicko with no life (or a brain). @smartsteem is easily one of the best services on STEEM platform. I hold truth in high regard and liars should be pushed to negative rep or STEEM would turn into another political toxic swamp like Twatter.

Dropped a few 100% flags on this nutjob. It'll all pass pretty soon. Just keep up the good work :-)

what does flag 10% or 100% mean? thank you in advance friend

It's just the amount of voting power you use. You need to have 500SP to unlock the voting slider on steemit or you can use

You did it right, the only wise decision is to leave this BS behind and move on. I'm sure that smartsteem is one of the rare services with top notch quality that I can find in this place.

However, I've been buying my votes from MB, would be great if you can consider to improve the vote buying ROI!

Thank you @fr3eze!

Regarding the ROI - we currently have a dynamic 15% ROI. You will always find the return ratio at

Ah I see you upgrade the 210% to 228%!

Yes and no. The ROI is dynamic - based on the USD price of STEEM & SBD.

That's the most fairest way :)

Most thing that i really disliked in those correspondences is how often being mentioned children's charities, children without mothers and mothers day.
That is really sick, if you really want to help children you just do it without crying all over the world trying to grab more attention to yourself, rather than really to those children

I was surprised when I first read his comments, then realised his poor maths.

American education system needs an upgrade. Bet he voted for Trump too, being from Texas 😂

Things like this happen, if you are not wrong no body will harm you. I myself use always @smartmarket and @smartsteem for bid bot.
Because of lack of awareness and working of bot, people may get mislead while checking on tracker. Same I think has happened to him too.

He spammed a post of mine as well. But, on a positive note, I wouldn't have run across you otherwise. I don't use Smartsteem but based on everyone's comments, it seems well liked and well run!

Thank you for the wonderful information
I really did not know how bonuses were distributed
You are a wonderful and successful person

It is a shame we cannot block people on Steemit.

Lock him up and throwaway the keys.

Oh... You have all my support. Bids bots are a game, and he lists (but not a lot!). Everybody know he can lost money (even - 10%)

Probably some high school kid.

Amen. Great job spreading nothing but good vibes. Thank you for everything you do with smartsteem and I have nothing but praise. @wolfje was kind enough to introduce me to your services and I'll always be eternally grateful. @therealwolf will always have my support

smartmarket is awesome, i'v been getting 200% upvote on my posts, in first few minutes so it almost everything goes to me :) lately i was not using bots, don't want to risk negative ROI, tons of people bid in last min...

He he he. This is so funny. Where do these people come from. That guy seriously needs a life. 😅

This is one of the craziest and most entertaining stories I've ever read! 😂 Wonder if you'd answer a question: what's a "whitelisted" user? TIA.

You've got this @therealwolf, shrug that dirt off your shoulder!

I kind of feel bad for the dude, I mean there are some people who are mathematically impaired... I'm not being sarcastic, this is just a fact...

That being said I flagged him a few times already hoping he gives up on his one man pitchfork campaign.

I'm not the only one to realize therealwolf is a pedophile, this has been going on for awhile but the wolf is about profit and those that are about the same don't seem to care if he enjoys looking at naked little kids as long as their SP is growing, guess we all have to choose what matter most for own lives.

Oh, so now its not about the money you lost, its about the children... got it..

Listen, I'm not even friendly with @therealwolf I don't know him, he doesn't know me. As an outside observer who analyzed the evidence I clearly saw two things.

  • You don't understand how the upvote services work
  • You did not understand the math (which i verified)

With uncontrollable outrage you started a smear campaign against him.

So, here are some things I can conclude about you, without even knowing you. You are extremely volatile and aggressive. There is a very good chance this reflects in your personal life as well, thus affecting real life relationships in a negative way. You are extremely self centered and think this whole thing was about you, against you and that type of personality also does not simply shut off because there is no switch for it. This also means that you must be similarly unequipped to deal with conflict in a healthy manner in real life.

The resentment you keep holding on to also shows signs of very deep emotional scaring, it could be because of participating in the army, the loss of someone special in your life, early retirement turned into depression via loss of purpose. I don't know, but this is obvious to anyone who understands the field.

You are left with two choices, very clear choices... You can keep on drinking this poison, festering on this resentment, attempting to end the reputation of someone who factually never did nothing to you, in the hopes that one day you will get divine justice. (which life has shown you it does not exist, im sure)

Or you could attempt to move on, heal your heart, and attempt to take your peace of mind and happiness back from the pit you left it in.

I'm writing this knowing full well, you will probably attack me, because you will think that I've said all this in anger, as if I'm also in a mission to hurt you. This is not the case, not in the slightest, my only purpose here is to put a mirror in front of your face and show you, you are fighting yourself.... not @therealwolf , not the oppressive system that keeps you down and certainly not the Child Porn Ring that was debunked 9 months ago.

Do yourself a favor, move on...

You start by trying to claim some impartial stance but it's clear from the chain history that not only are you voting for therealwolf as a witness you have been profiting from the actions of this pedophile for several months. You sentence should have read "As someone heavily vested in one of the parties" which of course isn't an outside observer at all. This is the kind of disinformation and straight dishonesty I've come to expect when dealing with the wolf and his crowd and it's easy to spot now. Nothing about what titusfrost posted on was debunked, just argued and buried by larger accounts. I know you want an easy way to get money and you think therealwolf is providing you with this but is that really the sort of person you want to align yourself with? Let go your cognitive dissonance read what happened look at therealwolfs upvotes ... DO THE WORK and free yourself from being warped by people like this. Maybe you were a better person than blatantly misleading others before you started trying to defend pedophiles. You can be good again. therealwolf doesnt need defense he needs to be incarcerated in a mental facility until his desire to upvote childporn or fantasy childporn is understood to be a sickness and his actions discontinue, if left unchecked it almost always spreads into the real world. I've seen nothing from therealwolf that says that's not what's happening here, I wouldn't be surprised to find it's much more than just the fantasy and roleplaying for him that he says it is.

Thanks for the concern, but I'm actually very good. I have a loving girlfriend, a rocking career and a well-rounded life.

If you're envy about that - then how about you focus on improving your own life.

Hey real wolf... apparently we are colluding, so since we are... pleased to make your acquaintance.

Aren't we best friends since you voted for me as witness?

I'm the dissonant? Ok, fair enough.

Keep on with your smear campaign, its your right, I'm sure this has brought a lot of happiness to your life.


This has not brought me any happiness and that's ok personal gratification is not high on my list for what I want accomplished here. Darkness always reviles at the light. You started your post with dishonesty and false claims and tried to continue with what granted were many assumptions but obviously intended as some sort of character assassination. I didn't even bother with most of it just pointed out the clear and provable lies. If you want to support pedophiles that's your choice, but there will be a reckoning.

You're accusing him off character assassination. Anyone that attempts to tell you you might have got the math wrong and that steembottracker doesn't calculate the 10 percent cap correctly you accuse of lying and colluding with @therealwolf because they don't agree with you.
You are attempting to assassination everyone's character you don't agree with.
You also clearly violated the rules of steemit when you thought you were ripped off. So even if you were, why don't the rules apply to you?

Yeah, you are right... your campaign of justice has been doing great so far. Look all the people rallying up to help you fight evil.

You are doing great, carry on.

I live in Korea, but I am a famous actor in my face.

I am very grateful to you for the excellent service @smartsteem! Do not pay attention to such people. Those who use your tool, they know that it is profitable.

If profit is all that matters why not get into human trafficking as well as supporting pedophiles? I hear slavery is all about that bank.

Are you seriously comparing Steem Investors to crimes?

I'm calling you a pedophile and saying if people don't mind profiting by being in business with a pedophile then why stop there. If profit is all that matters and that certainly seems the case with your type then just throw all natural law out the window.

And I'm calling you a psychotic loser who will never achieve anything in his life, other than hating on successful people.

Everything you've written so far is full of errors and as you have seen by know - nobody believes a nutjob like you. ;)

He's still doing it. Have to admire his persistence, shame he can't use that commitment on something more productive.

He posted (via a sockpuppet) his stupid accusations on my music blog, too. Flagged and muted. Good riddance. But I'm glad I ran into you now! I'll have to dive in some more! Thanks!

I used several times smartsteem and I don't have any complains. It seems people still don't get how the earnings are calculated.

It’s funny that he doesn’t even have to do any math... At the time I looked at the post in question, he’d paid 20 SBD and it had a pending payout of 19.95 SBD and about 7 SP...
95% of rewards were SmartSteem derived. It doesn’t take rocket science to realize the 7 SP is all profit. (Disregarding curation rewards of course.)

Hey @therealwolf,
haters gonna hate, you know the business :)

I'm very thankful towards you, not only because you got me started and motivated me to do my thing here, but also because you are adding great value to steem as a platform. I find it kind of funny that people think you are scamming anybody.

Never forget that you have people out there that support you, even if they stay in the background :)

Best regards,