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RE: The Snake

in #harrypotter7 years ago

Thank you! I tried to leave it open ended because I wanted some flexibility to play with the timing of Nagini and Voldemort's meeting. I was originally thinking that they did meet while he was in exile but did Voldemort really have the strength to make her a horcrux? We know that he got to Quirrel in this time and that Nagini is independently powerful so it is possible. Maybe it's the romantic in me but I also like the idea of Nagini and Voldy having a long standing relationship based on mutual respect rather than need. Something inside of me wants to sympathize with Voldemort and him having a wholesome relationship with Nagini makes that more possible. So much more so if Nagini knew him while he was powerful and found him again in despite his weakened state. I need to do some more research to stay true to JK but will be posting a part 2 soon. Thanks for taking the time to respond!