Firstly, thank you for taking the time to explain. Scott and I appreciate it very much. You could have just kept quiet and moved forward, but you stepped out and explained what you felt needed to be explained.
Secondly, we are not so much concerned about the voting power, but with the comment issue. We came to SteemIt and found an extremely active community that encourages via social interactions. I get so much more excitement when I see people interacting on my posts rather than upvotes. Don't get me wrong, the upvotes are welcomed and appreciated but i crave the conversations. SteemIt has been limiting the upvotes so people have chosen to encourage by social currency, using comments. HF20 seems to have put a break on this system. We have yet to see a good explanation why this, the lack of commenting, is good for the Steem community.
We are only 40 day old in this community, but we growing in our SP quickly. While our votes are not worth much at this point, a well thought out comment can make someone's day. However, because a comment is now costing almost five times the RC of an upvote we have to limit our commenting so we can post. How is this good for our community?
Thanks again for the explaintion and encouragement .
Scott & Ren
**checked our % after the above comment and it took us from 40% down to 24%. Now, i fear, i wont be able to make our weekly post.