
Thanks for the clarification.

It still takes away rewards from creators, giving them to those who have not created, so I'mstill not in favor of that change.

If they rely want to help creators and the platform, they should go back to 30-day payouts, as it was in the beginning.

That would help creators and curators, without taking rewards from anyone, and would help the whole platform.

If they rely want to help creators and the platform, they should go back to 30-day payouts, as it was in the beginning.

that 30 day payout was not all that it was cracked up to be. The reality was if you didn't get upvoted well in the first 24 hour window, you would be lucky to see even a few cents in the next 29 days. Then, like now, content was buried pretty quickly.

No doubt.

But by taking rewards from content creators, and awarding them to curators, they are in effect directly awarding them to abusive whales, since we already know they will be the first to game the system.

Not exactly upholding the promise of holding abusive whales in check, is it?