2021 - Happy New Year!

in #happynewyear4 years ago

It's 2021 - are we all glad to see the back of 2020??


For me ... in some ways yes but in some ways no!

2020 had the usual start for me, continuing to plan holidays and spend time with my nearest and dearest - gym sessions, fun nights out, a trip to London to see 'The Script' in concert along with a visit to the Olympic Park.
Upon returning I was overwhelmed by the surprise party set up by my friends to see the launch of the website for my PT business.

Then... lockdown struck and we hit a road block in everything that we considered 'normal'. For the next few months my days consisted of online lessons for school, plenty of walks and home workouts!

Like so many, I struggled with things at times - particularly being on my own for so long. But at the same time we all learnt a lot more about ourselves and how strong and resilient we can be - and have become.

Glimmers of hope returned as some forms of 'normality' came back to our lives, but unfortunately the year finished with it all being taken away again with us finishing 2020 and entering 2021 in Tier 4!

But - the final week of the year did see me enjoying some 'mild' snow flurrys! 😄


Bit gutted that it wasn't enough to settle - I would have had no issue heading out and making a snowman and snow angels 🤣
Although whilst walking around in it I was smiling like mad and even got told by a little old lady that I was crazy being out in it... she did however say that about the both of us not just me! But we both agreed that YES we were and it was a good thing and very pretty! LOL!

New Year's Eve was a fun one - I spent time at Wollaton Park in Nottingham seeing the festive lights...


The event led you on a trail around the grounds with different styles of lighting, candles, and fire.
The final part of the route was a huge light show on the outside of the main house...


It was a lovely way to see out the year...


So... what does 2021 have in store for us all?? Well we will just have to wait and see!
I have not made any 'traditional' New Years' Resolutions - by this I mean things like; stop eating crap, exercise more etc.

Why?? Because these are already generic habits that I have in place and can control without them having to be something like a resolution.
Instead I have made resolutions like being more positive towards myself, reaching out to friends and family regularly, and giving myself 'me' time to develop skills or even just relax with a book.

How about you??

Whatever it is I'm sure you will do great and I wish you happiness and good fortune in 2021 😀 x