Demon Souls walthrought part 1

in #happy7 years ago

Hello guy This walkthrough is will help
This FAQ is intended for new players, and intermediate players who still have trouble making builds. If the concepts described here seem to elemental or conventional for you, then you should start spicing things up by getting creative and making unconventional combinations :). You can also just check the APENDIX section to watch seasoned players from Demon souls giving advice and insight into advanced techniques. The FAQ just covers the fundamentals, and doesn't delve into specific gear.

Demon souls game guide is now start

Boletarian Palace

Taking your first steps into the palace there'll be 2 Ghouls, one to the right
and to the left of you, in hiding. You'll find [Crescent Moon Grass : 3] in
the first soul here, then an [Unknown Soldier's Soul] in the next. There'll
be 3 more ghouls up ahead, then at the top of the stairs, 4 more.

Take the path to the right, and dispatch the ghoul up the stairs. There'll be
a CB on a platform up ahead, with 2 ghouls on the ground right next to a pit
that spells instant death for anyone who falls down it. Don't let it be you.

The best move is to guard the sniper fire, and let the ghouls come to you.
Cut/bash them down, then finish the CB up top, and grab the
[Half Moon Grass : 2] there too.

Look out for the ghoul hiding to your right, and while you're dealing with him
a second one may come up behind you as well. Finish them off, and a third one
waits in the dark in the next room over too.

Just outside, you'll find some [Firebomb : 5], handy for toasting enemies or
exploding flammable barrels with a red stripe on them. Up the stairs are 2
LS' with shields, the fastest way is to parry and riposte, but you can always
do it the boring way too, if you like that.

Through the Fog gateway, and to the right, look for the 2 souls, containing
[Cresent Moon Grass : 2] and a [Mail Breaker: 1] great for tight spaces like
stone corridors or this stairway, until you get yourself a spear.

Upstairs, look out for a LS that lobs firebombs. Most of them will start doing
that past this point, so if LS' start backing away for no reason, it's either
to heal, or lob a firebomb. Either way, strong attack them before they can
pull it off.

On the next level up, will be a ghoul with a flaming sword (FG for short),
annoying since they can stun you for a half second when they set you aflame
with their weapon. Look out behind you for the firebomb chucking LS too.

I don't recommend running up this next set of stairs, as there's another
firebomb LS that always gets me when I run. Just move on without worrying too
much about him, and there should be two FG's with another LS on a platform
above you. Try to lure the FG's and then run under the platform before he can
set you aflame.

To the left and outside, look out for the ghoul, and then for the LS up ahead.
The other firebombing LS might step outside to assist him too, so be on your

Once inside, head left to get some [Half Moon Grass : 2].

BE CAREFUL when you head up the stairs, because there's a LS with a boulder at
the top. When it starts rolling, run back, and dodge before it overtakes you!
As a reward, you can jump down to receive a [Bastard Sword :1], one of my fave
crowd control weapons.

When you head upstairs, look out for the CB while taking out the LS. You can
keep heading in the direction of the CB for some extra soul from one more CB
and a Spear Soldier (SS from now on) up ahead. There's also some [Half Moon
Grass : 4] here as well, but-


They will one shot you. I guarantee it. Wait till you're Soul Level 30ish,
then you'll show that jerk.

There is an [Unknown Hero's Soul] behind him if you're curious.

Head back, and take on the blue eyed knight that you've no doubt noticed as
soon as you got off the stairs.

From now on, LK's and other Knight for that matter will usually take a run at
you and attempt to stab you for quite some damage. While it's better to block
it and attack normally, the brave might be able to parry that and end the
fight before it truly starts. Knights in general tend to drop Grasss, and this
one should drop [Half Moon Grass : 2] when it croaks.

Anyways, ignore the Fog gateway (yeah, I knowww...) and run through that hole
the wall behind you.

No, I'm not kidding.

There's a platform to catch you down below, with a [Light Crossbow : 1] and
some [Wooden Bolt : 16], handy for pulling certain enemies from long distances
for fairer fights.

Head through the doorway, kill that annoying LS, roll off the platform onto
the stairs, and head back up to where you killed that LK upstairs.

Once again, ignore the Fog gate, and head towards that tower you see up ahead.
It has some important items inside it you'll be needing later on. Pick up the
[Firebomb : 5], and kill your way through 3 FG's to a balcony and break the 2
chains you see out there.

Proceed downstairs, and kill the 5 FG's (I recommend using a few firebombs to
kill them when they're in a group) and pull the lever at the very bottom. Not
only does this give you a shortcut for future runs, but it gives you the most
important item in the entire game, the [Cling Ring]. With this, you now have
2/3 your total health, letting you survive more attacks, meaning less deaths
for you. The only time you should take it off, is when you finally have your
body, but till that time, NEVER remove it.

From the bodies outside, you can find [Old Raggedy Robes : 1], [Old Raggedy
Gloves : 1], [Old Raggedy Boots :1] and [Old Spice : 2], and in the other, the
quest item [Jade Hair Ornament : 1]

Now, have yourself a Grass, and get back up those stairs to the Fog gateway

Search the wall directly to the left of the stairs for a way to jump down;
you'll automatically make that jump down, and hopefully onto a platform where
a powerful looking knight is standing. He's actually weaksauce, but you gotta
help him out.

Before you do so, be sure to grab the [Thief's Ring]. It makes you harder to
detect, allowing you to sneak past some enemies that are further away, or have
their backs turned.

There should be 5 FG's down there, so throwing a Firebomb, or using some magic
might be a good choice before leaping to certain doom. Finish them off and
Ostrava of Boletaria will introduce himself and hand you a mostly useless
[Brass Telescope : 1]. Don't miss the [Unknown Soldier's Soul: 1] in the

Moving forward, two doors will burst open, and both you and useles- I mean
Ostrava, will be attacked by a LS and an Axe Soldier (AS for this one). Watch
out for the guard crushing properties of that axe!

Once your bait and yourself have finished them off, you'll both provoke a
Knight armed with a Claymore! (just call it BSK for short)

The sneaky that have the Thief's ring equipped might be able to slowly walk up
to him and backstab it for major damage, and finish it off quick, or dodge
hits till they slash it to death. Guarding against it is a fun way to get
yourself killed, I always love watching bloodsplatter replays of people
getting killed by it. Quite usually, you'll find it drops [Half Moon Grass : 2]

Continuing to the right, Ostrava the Suicidal will get himself attacked by a
Ghoul, and a GB at the same time, then after getting rescued, attacked by
another 8 ghouls down the stairs, with some [Splinter of Hardstone :3] and
some [Splinter of Sharpstone : 3] down there as well.

When the dust finally settles, be sure to grab the [Unknown Hero's Soul], and
on the other side of the wall where you fought the BSK, a shiny new
[Scimitar : 1], which should help many of us that started with stabbing
weapons only.

By now, Ostrava will be picking a fight with the AS down the hallway, be sure
to kill him before anything happens.


The AS, not Ostrava.
Just making sure, I mean, had the same thought the first 5 minutes I met him.

Moving on, there should be an [Unknown Soldier's Soul] next to some desks near
the AS.

Abandon Ostrava, as he should be safe now, and bash through those cupboards
ahead. There'll be 4 Ghouls waiting for you, and a CB may start firing on you

Head up the stairs and stick to the wall, avoiding the LS guarding the path.
You'll want to backstab him after you kill the Ghoul on the wooden stairs
ahead, and the annoying CB on the next level up too. There'll be another
[Unknown Soldier's Soul :1] up there with him.

If you feel like killing the other CB on the next level up, you'll have to go
through the LK first.

Drawing him down the stairs to solid ground will even the odds for you, as he
has the advantage with the high ground and an annoying CB to back him up.

Grab your [Half Moon Grass : 2] and head up to slash the CB off the top of the
platform, grab the [Late Moon Grass :1], and head back downstairs to kill that
LS we saw earlier.

Running forward, you should hear 2 AS landing behind you. Kill them, and head
onward to backstab an unsuspecting Pike Soldier.

There will be a LS to the right, and one in the room up ahead with all the
barrels inside it and a vendor to the left, through all those breakable

Be sure to roll away after stepping into that room full of barrels, because
the LS inside will blow it all up with a Firebomb, nearly killing anyone in
the blast.

After you're done here, head back up to the top where you killed that LK and
step through the Fog gateway.

Before you turn right at the end of this path, be sure to attack the large
wooden structure in front of you. You'll break some boards, (and hopefully not
be in the way) and 6 boulders should come rolling out, killing anything in
their path, meaning 4 Ghouls and 4 CB's.

On the next right, there'll be 2 SS' waiting to ambush you.

Head left and there'll be a dragon resting. Now, the brave, reckless, and fast
can make a dash across, and attempt to take as much stuff on the top of that
plateau as they can before getting charbroiled by a dragon, or just take the
safe path to the left and get some [Full Moon Grass : 2] and some [Splinter of
Keystone : 2].

For the brave (read : Insane) guarding, using a ring of flame resistance,
flame resistant armor, and increasing your Endurance stat can increase your
survival rate against Dragon Flame. It'll net you a [Renowned Soldier's
Soul : 2], a [Purple Flame Shield :1], and a [Ring of Great Strength : 1].

Heading down the long bridge, I would suggest killing the first AS that runs
after you, then only lingering around long enough for the dragon to fly above
the area. Dragon you ask?

Why, thats the dragon that roasts this area constantly as long as you're on
this bridge. The fast should run, the heavily armored should lighten up by
removing unnecessary armor, and run FASTER. After the dragon makes it's first
run, dash across as fast as you can ignore any enemies that aren't dead, and
roll till you're on the other side of those stairs.

And ignore those items back on the bridge, it's not worth getting charbroiled

Turn right to find an [Unknown Soldier's Soul], and go into the next room to
pull that lever to open the main gate, and watch a warning shot fired from
your first boss.

Turn around, and head down the hallway to find yourself in a pincer attack by
2 ghouls. In a situation like this, equipping a Spear, Mailbreaker or other
stabby weapon will help with the tight space.

Turn to the left, smash through the junk in your way for some [Turpentine :
4]. Head back to the right path, and kill your way to the bottom of the tower
through 2 SS, a LS, 2 FG, and three Slime Lancer's (SL). There'll be an
[Unknown Hero's Soul :1] on the balcony and some [Half Moon Grass : 3] on the
bottom floor next to the lever.

It might be worthy to note that the SL's are weak against fire based attacks,
and attacks to their rear, and that they drop plenty of valuable ore that can
be used to upgrade weapons.

From here, I recommend you head back to The Nexus to heal up, repair your
equipment, give Stockpile Thomas that [Jade Hair Ornament] you found earlier,
and just get ready for your first real boss battle.


The Phalanx is a simple boss, rather than being strong, it relies on a horde
of SL's to act as armor and weapons to keep it's central body protected. Just
use turpentine to coat your blade weapons in flames, and slash the backs of
the SL's that constantly drop off and reattach themselves to the Phalanx,
till the Phalanx runs out of armor to hide it's vulnerable body.

All those firebombs you've collected to this point should be quite useful on
destroying groups of SL's still attached to the Phalanx since they're all in a
nice big group! Fire magic is a nice alternative if you have it too.

If you get heavily injured, or just need a breather, there's always those
pillars to hide behind.

The biggest perk that comes with this battle is the fact that each SL has a
chance of dropping ores like slivers of sharp stone and hard stone to upgrade
your weapons!

Just have fun, be careful, and you'll do fine!

*** Slash your way to victory! ***

After winning you'll get your body back, and a [Lead Demon's Soul] as well! Be
sure to keep it as it can be used for a special weapon upgrade in the future.

The Nexus [N2]

After returning with the Lead soul you'll be required to meet with the
Monumental on the higher part of the Nexus. Just look among all the dead
monk's up on the top balcony, and talk to the one with a lit candle right in
front of him to hear his tale.

After agreeing to assist in his quest, you now have the ability to upgrade
your stats through the Black Maiden, and learn Miracles and Spells from the
Disciple of God and Freke's Apprentice, respectively.

You'll also receive the highly important [Blueeye Stone : 1] and the [Whiteeye
Stone :1]. These allow

When ready, touch the Archstone of the Small king and head for the Phalanx

Boletarian Palace 1-2 [BP 2]

Just past the tunnel, and into the next chamber, there will be 4 SL's
scattered about able to take potshots at you, and 2 more in the far right
corner of the room with some [Throwing Knife : 10]. This area is very popular
for those who wish to farm for ores to upgrade their weapons.

In the far left corner of the room where Ostrava is begging for your help
again you'll find an [Unknown Heroes Soul :1]. Head up the small platform in
the room to grab that [Half Moon Grass :3] before you leave.


Just past that wooden barrier, you'll see a line of white bricks in the
ground. Don't step past that, because once again, our dragon friends have
taken to roasting entire sections of bridge.

Wait till it's just overhead, and as it makes it's trip along the bridge, run
up behind it, as fast as you can, not stopping for any of those items on the
bridge. Sorry.

Once you're safe, head to the right, and up the stairs, take out the SS, then
the AS on the next set of stairs, and look out for those two CB's hiding
behind the wooden barriers ahead. You should find an [Unknown Heroes Soul],
and a [Wooden Catalyst : 1], needed for spellcasting later on, if you don't
already have one.

Head all the way downstairs, and to the left to help out Ostrava again. Along
the way you'll run into 1 Ghoul, and 6 CB's in groups of 2 along the way. I
recommend keeping your shield up and using a stabbing weapon, as up to 4 may
fire at you at one time, and wide slash attacks will leave you open here.
You'll also find a [Ring of Gash Resistance : 1], and as a token of gratitude
from Ostrava, some [Dark Moon Grass : 3].

Head down the other direction of the tunnel, and you'll already start hearing
the sound of wolves. Just keep your guard up, and after slaying the 2 ghouls
in hiding and picking up the [Unknown Heroes Soul], slow down, and keep
clicking R3 as you advance, until you spot the first wolf.

Try and lure it out, either by using a ranged attack, or edging closer and
then running back to slay it. There should be a total of 5 in here, try to
take them on in a group of no more than two, as they do have fast attacks.

Just past the gate with the [Crescent Moon Grass : 3] beside it, you'll find a
CB, and then a shopkeeper Dredgeling behind all that junk in front of you.

Head back to that last gate, and there should be a doorway obscured by a
barrier. Bash through that, head upstairs, and kill the two CB's to find a
[Compound Short Bow : 1] and some [Heavy Arrow : 6]. Head back down to the
bridge section, but look out for the 4 CB's behind you. I recommend taking
that Bastard sword you found earlier to their faces.

After dealing with them, head through the Fog gateway, and get rid of the
Ghoul, and the FG. Now, equip your Crossbow on your other L slot, and dash up
the path after the dragon roasts this path too.

Run to the right, and hide behind the cart to evade the crossbow fire and fire
back, avoiding close combat because the LK will run forward if you get too
close to him.

Finish off the next LK, and then turn right, and head up the stairs. Quickly
run into the far left corner of the room and lock on the small sparkly lizard
that looks like it's trying to get away from you, and stab it to death. These
invisibility capable creatures will disappear if you're not quick enough to
kill it, which is quite a loss since they usually carry many rare ores.

Heading upstairs, you can kill the two CB's, and then scrounge around to find
a [Renowned Soldier's Soul], a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1], an [Unknown
Soldier's Soul] and a [Royal Lotus :1].


My first tip, is to run upstairs and kill off all the CB's taking pot shots at
you. With them out of the way your job will be much easier.

Just be careful not to get hit by the TK's long range attack.

Head back down to mop up any CB's that didn't die from your attack, and the
long fall they took, and get ready for the real fight.

For mages, the battle is easy; just run behind the TK, and pelt the back of
it's head with Magic. It'll die quick.

Melee fighters will have to keep close and destroy the ankles of the Tower
Knight to topple it on it's back, and then attack it's face while it's prone.

The only moves you'll have to worry about when up close, are it's shield bash,
it's close range quake, and that backwards jump it occasionally makes.

As long as you know when to dodge to the side, you'll be fine.

Kill of the TK, and be sure to grab the [Late Moon Grass : 3],
[Renowned Soldier's Soul], and [Iron Demon's Soul] before you leave for the
Nexus, and Stone Fang Tunnel.

*** "Aim for it's knees! Giant robots are always weak at the joints!" ***

Stonefang Tunnel 2-1 [SFT1]

Before progressing too far, you should find yourself a weapon with piercing
properties; Rapiers, Spears, Mailbreakers, whatever that can stab, as most of
the enemies in this area are vulnerable to such attacks. Magic works quite
well too, like the “Magic Arrow” spell, or the invaluable “Magic Weapon” spell
that any sensible swordsman/woman should have by this point.

Head up the stairs, and quickly kill the shining Gecko on the pathway to the
right for it's ore. Head to the end of the pathway and pick up the [Unknown
Heroes Soul :1] at the edge of the cliff. Watch your step!

Turn back to the path on the right of the stairs, and watch out for the
boulders falling from the sky.
To the right of the path you just ran through, you'll be able to find some...
[Sticky White Stuff : 2].
Why you'd put it on your weapon, I don't know, but apparently, it's magical.

Head inside, and you should see a switch to activate a conveyor belt on the
outside of the building. Upstairs, you'll find a Minister. These guys love
slinging fireballs at you, so be sure to sidestep those, and stab the hell out
of them. They usually drop [Full Moon Grass :1] as well.
Behind him are two Dwarf's, also vulnerable to stab attacks. Kill them, and
grab that [Crushing Battle Axe +1 : 1] on that ledge. Before you leave don't
forget the [Renowned Soldier's Soul] in the corner.

Take the ride all the way down to the ground, and pick up that useful [Stone
of Ephemeral Eyes : 1].

Once you go back p to the ground floor, head down the hallway and you'll be
able to backstab all four Dwarf's that are digging about, as they'll be too
preoccupied to notice you. There'll be one Pickaxe Dwarf (PD) here that's a
little more alert, but they're easy enough to parry/backstab if you just run
around to their back while they're recovering from their attack.

In the next room, ther'll be 5 normal dwarf's and one dwarf carrying a sack.
The one with the sack carries a nice amount of ore with him, so it's always a
bonus getting rid of them. While finishing off the dwarf's in this room, you
may run into 3 wolves that were hiding behind some jars.

Through the opening that the jars were hiding, you'll find another Minister,
blocking the entrance to a room with two bodies containing a [Chunk of
Hardstone : 1], a [Chunk of Sharpstone : 1], and a few
[Splinter of Clearstone : 4].

Exit the small room, and turn left into a hallway with a PD waiting to ambush
you. Head up the stairs, and there'll be one running down the hallway to
attack you, and one standing in the doorway to the right to ambush you as well.

Head down the hallway, pick up the [Crescent Moon Grass : 4] from the body in
the corner, and the [Pickaxe : 1] in the room to the right, then head back
out, around and up on the roof of the rooms you were just in.

To your left, there will be a bridge, with a Minister on a platform on the
other side of it. To cross safely, you'll need to stay on the left side of the
bridge, as the rest of it will just collapse onto the floor below. Grab the
[Renowned Soldier's Soul] before jumping down below.

In your general vicinity, there should be a lever nearby. Pull it, and you'll
open the next area. Just backstab your way through all 11 dwarf's along the
way, and grab the [Unknown Soldier's Soul] just on the ledge.

From here, make your way back up to the roof before you crossed that bridge,
and continue up the stairs this time. Grab the [Unknown Soldier's Soul] here
too, and continue along the path and through the large fog gateway.

To your right, there will be a salamander on the wall, guarding a
[Splinter of Meltstone : 1]. There will also be some [Half Moon Grass :2] up
the ramps.

From there, there will be a room infested with 4 salamanders (the three in the
pit won't attack), all guarding a [Splinter of Dragonstone].

Heading out from here and to the right (past the stairs leading into a pit of
lava), you'll see a staircase with 4 Longsword Dwarves (LD). These guys can
also set you aflame with their attacks, so be careful.

If you ignore the fog gateway for now, you can bash through the debris and
find 4 dwarf's, busy mining. To the left you'll find a dead end with an
[Unknown Hero's soul] and to the right, some [Crescent Moon Grass : 2] a
switch that will activate an elevator that will lead you to Blacksmith Ed, a
blacksmith that has the ability to upgrade weapons with better materials. I
recommend coming back here for all your future smithing needs.

There's also a [Splinter of Clearstone : 1] on a platform on the way down, and
a [Renowned Hero's Soul] on the balcony outside of Ed's workshop.

Head back to that last fog gateway, and be ready for a PD waiting to ambush
you at the top of the stairs here. Up ahead, there'll be 4 dwarves, and a PD
scrounging about, with a [L. Splinter of Hardstone : 1] in the same room too.

Heading out of this room, you can head down the ramp in front of you and hold
down X to dash across the makeshift wooden bridge in front of you. It'll
crumble and send you falling if you don't dash across fast enough, so make
sure you take a good running start at it so you can grab the [Great Club] and
[Unknown Soldier's Soul : 2]. just be sure to drop down to the smaller ledge
below, and then to the ground, just in case.

When you finally get back to that ramp at the top, take a right, through all
those explosive barrels, and grab the [Crescent Moon Grass : 2] up here, and
then run right to the end and jump down to another ledge with an [Unknown
Hero's Soul] on it. There'll also be a Steel shield on the ground under some
crates in front of the ledge you just jumped down from.

From here, you can ambush those dwarf's down below with your magic weapon. You
do have the “Magic Weapon” spell by this point, right?

Once you wipe them out or run away like a wuss, continue up the ramps till you
reach a square structure with 6 Salamander's waiting to ambush you. The ramp
down leads to 3 like minded wolves below. Pick up the [Ed's Grindstone : 2]
nearby before heading down... you guessed it, more ramps to a lone
[Half Moon Grass : 1] and finally 3 PD and a normal dwarf guarding a switch.
Under the ramp you just went down to get here, is also an
[Unknown Hero's Soul].

Hit the switch, and run over to those stairs with that pit filled with lava,
and grab your new [L. Splinter of Sharpstone : 1], [Half Moon Grass : 4], and
behind that large open section of that grating you can find a
[Ring of Poison Resistance].

Now, head up those stairs, and eventually you'll hit a room with a Minister,
and a lot of explosive barrels. Through the fog gateway and to the right
you'll find another [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1].

Follow the ramps and you'll have a boulder, followed by a LD, drop in on you.

Keep pushing forward, and you'll find a lift. Take the pathway to the left of
the lift and you'll find a [Kris Knife], and if you search the back right
corner behind the lift you'll find some [Splinter of Spiderstone : 2].

Head down, and if you follow the tracks leading away from the fog gateway and
into a tunnel, you can find a [Chunk of Spiderstone : 1] inside.


The Armor spider is a mostly annoying boss that is probably best tackled at
long ranges with either arrows or magic. Just be sure to equip adequate flame
protection as it does use flaming fireballs to attack, either singly, or in a
3 shot fan spread.

Not only that, but it will sometimes fire a strand of web at you to hamper
your movement as if you had reached your weight limit until it burns off or
just disappears naturally.

Just keep evading and blocking, and you'll do alright.

Up close, the spider tends to slash at you with it's smaller legs, and drop
down suddenly in an attempt to crush you. When it's not doing that, it'll
charge up for a far reaching flamethrower attack that'll hit multiple times.
Those blocking can evade most of the damage, but will be guaranteed to get hit
at least once.

When you do see it charging, I suggest running the heck out of there or
blocking for dear life till it's done.

Just keep blocking all of it's attacks, and fight back with magic weapons when

*** “Do a barrel roll!” ***

When you are finished, in addition to the [Hard Demon Soul] and
[Pure Spiderstone : 1] you receive from the Archstone, there are a couple of
bodies in the room with a [Renowned Soldier's Soul] in one and a
[Chunk of Spiderstone : 1] in the other.

Stonefang Tunnel 2-1 [SFT2]

In this section of Stonefang Tunnel, there are two paths to take, one fast
with few enemies, but still very deadly, and the other, slow with plenty of
enemies, but a slightly lesser chance of death.

If you're for the former, then read on, but if you want to take it easy, just
search for [SFT2b]

+++ Stonefang Tunnel 2-1 : Right Path [SFT2a] +++

Now, heading to the right, and through all those dwarf's, there'll be a
massive pit in front of with some goodies inside. If you go around it to the
right, and smash through all the debris, you can find a small platform to
start your descent.

Step down, and look immediately to your right there'll be a body across the
pit with a [Chunk of Clearstone : 1], and some [Splinter of Sharpstone : 4].
Your best bet is to make a small dash and roll across the pit with X. With
light equipment and some luck, you'll make it.

If not, you can just fall down to a different platform directly below, then
another platform to the end of this one, above the side tunnel with solid
ground. From here, you can just jump down to the side tunnel.

Continuing from our daredevil jump, roll down to the next platform beside it,
and then roll to the next platform across the pit. Look down from here, and
you can see a small platform with a soul, containing a
[Ring of Disease Resistance]. There should be another soul hanging off a
beam with a [Traditional Soldier's Soul] inside it. Use that to get across
and to the side tunnel (and finally some solid ground) to slay yourself
another 2 shining geckos.

Go back to where you grabbed that Traditional Soldiers Soul, and fall down to
that other path below – It'll hurt, but you'll live. Keep following the paths
in a clockwise circle, where you'll have to roll down to reach a platform with
a ladder. Keep following this to reach another ladder with an
[Unknown Hero's Soul] at the bottom of it.

If you take the time to go back up to the first ladder and ROLL past it (don't
just drop down, you'll get stuck and have to use something to teleport back to
the nexus), you 'll land on a platform with another [Unknown Hero's Soul] on
it's edge. From here, just continue on with the section labeled [STF2d]

+++ Stonefang Tunnel 2-1 : Left Path [SFT2b] +++

After taking out the first PD to the right, there should be a couple of rail
carts with odd glowing orbs that look like souls on them just rolling in from
the left tunnel.


They're some kind of proximity explosive, that just conveniently looks like a
soul. If you get close, and quickly roll away, they'll explode, damaging
anything in the blast radius.

Use this to take out the other PD there, and continue down the tunnel.

In the distance, you'll be able to see another railcart with an explosive orb
on it, so be sure to dash past it as fast as you can, and you'll be fine.

In the room ahead, there'll be a Minister to the right, behind a pillar.

Ignore the elevator for now, grap the [Augite of Guidance : 3] on the right,
and head through the small tunnel in front of you. I prefer rolling through
the moulting that is blocking the path, but they can also be shattered with
normal attacks if you so choose. There'll be another PD inside, behind the 3rd
blockade of moulting so be careful.

When you get to the other side, there'll be a soul right on the edge of the
cliff containing an [Unknown Hero's Soul]. You'll get ambushed by a giant worm
as soon as you look at it, so be sure to run before it smacks you off the

I recommend either using magic or a long ranged weapon to fire at it's mouth
from a safe distance. A good strong attack from a Claymore or similar weapon
works well too.

There'll be another one the pops out when you take the path to the right,
which has a [Splinter of Clearstone : 1] and a [L. Splinter of Sharpstone : 1]
at the end of it.

Take out the shining gecko for more ore on the path to the left and make your
way back to the elevator, or you could get yourself to another shortcut by
taking a leap of faith.

+++ Stonefang Tunnel: Left Path Shortcut [SFT2c] +++

If you are gutsy, you can take a jump to the left of that last worm you killed
(look before you leap, please) to net yourself more
[Splinter of Greystone : 2]. The platform below that has a
[Chunk of Greystone: 1] on it's end which leads you to a [Great Axe], and this
path will connect you with the main path.

+++ See, told you it was a shortcut! +++

Taking the elevator down, will get you to a room with two gecko's running off.
You can kill them, but if they run into that tunnel, don't chase them too far!
There's two black phantoms waiting in that tunnel armed with Iron shields and
great clubs, and they're VERY aggressive, and will give most players a good
run for their money.

The greatest bonus to killing them is the Blackeye Stone they drop, which
allows you to invade the multiplayer worlds of other characters to steal their
souls! Give it a shot if you've got any guts!

Manage to get past them though, and you'll land yourself in a room filled with
shining gecko's! There's also a ledge with some [Pure Hardstone : 1] and
[Pure Sharpstone : 1] above.

Head back to the elevator, and take the other tunnel. Take the passage to the
right of the pit, and once you reach a sharp corner, run and don't stop till
you hear the explosion behind you! You'll have run over a very well hidden
explosive orb.

Up ahead, there'll be a PD waiting to ambush you around a corner. Take it slow
and he'll come lumbering out. Dispatch him, and grab the two souls with a
[L. Splinter of Hardstone : 2], and [Splinter of Hardstone : 5], and a
[Splinter of Clearstone : 1] in the other. Once you step out you'll see a
shady looking NPC and a... Bearbug. D:

Congrats on meeting your first Bearbug. They enjoy jumping on adventurers,
stabbing them with their weird mouth and being highly resistant to any attack
that isn't magical.

While the small ones are only mildly tough at best, the bigger ones have a
formidable health bar, and armor that sheds nearly any attack. To make matters
worse, the big ones explode when they die, damaging anyone and anything it
it's radius.

They are a good source of Dragonstones though...

Moving on, take the path to the right and clear out all those Bearbugs, and
grab the [Splinter of Dragonstone : 2].

Now that you have some practice killing bearbugs, chat with patches. Take his
advice, or not, and kill the Bearbug. You'll get a [Club] from that path
underneath it, and a [Ring of Flame Resistance] from patches once it's dead.

In the pile of junk where the Bugbear was sitting there's a
[Splinter of Greystone : 2] guarded by a worm that'll ambush you as soon as
you grab it. Go upstairs as far as you can, and grab the
[Chunk of Sharpstone : 1] on one end, and an [Unknown Hero's Soul] on the

From here, I would take the path that Patches was originally standing near,
and head down, following it till you find a [Renowned Hero's Soul]. From here,
jump to you right, onto the hill itself and walk under the path to grab a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1]. run a little up the hill to the left, and keep
looking downwards till you see another soul on a platform. Jump down to it,
and you'll find a [Dark Heater Shield +2].

Jump down from there, and you'll land on top of a vendor that sells plenty of
excellent upgrade ores. Whenever you don't feel like killing monsters for
ores, just come here to get any of the basic ones you need!

Take the right path, and you'll be confronted by more worms. Get past them to
grab a [Chunk of Hardstone : 1], and the run back down to the vendor. At this
point, you may start seeing flying Bearbugs, but you can usually ignore them,
as they hardly pose any threat.

Keep heading downwards, and you'll reach a flat area where 3 worms will pop
out as you go past them. There'll also be a [Traditional Soldier's Soul]
behind the bigger pile of dirt.

Roll your way through the Bearbug moulting, go through the fog gateway and
into the tunnel and take a right. You'll find another
[Traditional Soldier's Soul] there.

Take the left path, and then take either path to find a giant Bearbug in your
path. You'll have to dispatch it to move on, so just keep hacking at it.

Moving forward, you can take the path to the left to grab some
[Augite of Guidance : 5], then keep going till it intersects with another
path. Drop down, take the left, then take the left after that to find a
[Dragon Long Sword +1].

There is a couple of paths that lead to a river of magma, and lots of mature
and flying Bearbugs.

If you stay close to the wall and follow it, you'll find a passageway that
leads you to a body with an [Unknown Hero's Soul].

Follow the path back to that turn before you grabbed that Augite, and turn
right this time, and kill the Bearbug inside the tunnel.

You'll find a [Chunk of Clearstone : 1] behind it. Take the next right, and
you'll find a dead end with a young Bearbug, a shining gecko, and a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes]. Take the center path, and you'll find a path with
tons of molten lava, and a [Renowned Hero's Soul just a bit to the right.
Finally, take the left path, and you will reach a cliff overlooking a large
circular room.

+++ Where Paths Meet [SFT2d] +++

From this outlook, you can just jump straight down. You'll be greeted by 3
more worms at the bottom.

Head through the tunnel at the left, and turn left again, you can see a soul
containing not one, but 2 [Hands of God : 2] that will be guarded by 3 more
worms. No, they're not as awesome as that game by Clover, but they're still
pretty badass to those those that have high faith.

Turn around, and you can find some [Full Moon Grass : 4] and another
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] before you hit the Fog Gateway leading to the lair
of the Firelurker.


There really isn't any strategy for this boss, other than try to keep away
from the business end of it's explosive slashes, and wear all the fire
protection you can carry/cast. Other than that, throw every attack you have at
it, and keep dodging. You'll receive a [Red Hot Demon Soul] for killing, and
you'll find a [Traditional Hero's Soul] and a [Chunk of Dragonstone : 2]
scattered about the stage.

*** You got HEAT GUN! ***

While many may opt to leave the dungeon for repairs and supplies, you'll
be able to do the next section without fear of HP loss, mostly because
if you do get hit in the next stage, you'll instantly die anyways.

If you're feeling gutsy, and you're good with hiding, you could probably
finish the next section without breaking a sweat.


It's just one boss after another, but the Dragon God is no mere boss. Before
you run to the right, the left path leads to the [Keel Smasher], but only
if the tendency of this world is pure white.

Quickly run to your right, and hide behind the pillar until the Dragon God's
eyes turn yellow. Keep running from pillar to pillar, destroying any rubble
in your way with magic, or a strong attack.

Continue the pattern till you get to a large stone machine with a large rod
in it. Activate it, and watche the Dragon God's health plummet.

Grab the [New Moon Grass : 2] and the [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1] near the
stairs, and head to the left, repeating your pattern of running from pillar to

Get to the other machine, and fire that bolt into the other side of the Dragon
God, then take the right path, to find a [Masters Ring].

Head straight down, right to the Dragon God's face, and smack it to death.
Thats right.

How anti-climactic.

Just watch out for it's wheezing breath, it does some minimal fire damage.

Grab your [Dragon Demon's Soul]and [Pure Dragonstone : 1] and head back
to the Nexus.

*** Next episode, on Dragon Ball Z... ***

After this point, you can head back to Boldwin, and hand him the Red Hot Soul,
and he will be able to forge demon souls into weapons! Head back to the Nexus
for storage, and anything else you need, and get yourself to the Tower Knight

Boletarian Palace 1-3 [BP3]

After your cutscene, head inside, and you'll find a fountain littered with
bodies. There'll be two wolves in this area. Pick up the
[Traditional Soldiers Soul : 3] around the fountain, and head up the stairs.

There'll be a [Slaves Shield] up there, but after grabbing it, quickly roll to
the left before you get crushed by the boulders that come rolling down.

Run up, and you'll see another cutscene. Linger in the area for a bit (Don't
miss the Shining Gecko in the corner), and 3 AS will crash through the gate to
the right. Go through the tunnel, kill the Pikeman and LS, and drop off the
cliff in front of you to land on top of some [Full Moon Grass : 2]. Look out
for the 2 CB's, and drop down again. There'll be an [Unknown Hero's Soul] in
front of you and a bunch of New Moon Grass : ?] up top.

Drop down again, and go into the tunnel behind you to find an Assassin lurking
there. They're fast, and tough, but they're also a good source of New Moon
Grass and Secret Throwing Knives.

Turn to the left, and follow the path, and slay the CB up there. There'll be
some stairs, with a flaming boulder up at the top. Just run up, and look out
for the alcove to the left; There's an assassin hiding there.

At this point, you'll want to retreat and run to the right instead of getting
flattened by that flaming boulder.

Kill the Assassin and the LS that follows soon after him, go up the stairs,
kill the CB on the path to the right, head up some more, and turn right again.
There'll be an assassin that jumps down behind you before you can grab the
[Slaves Shield] sitting there.

Once you reach the top of the stairs, there'll be a Minister with 3 CB's on a
rampart, taking potshots at you. magic users and archers will have no problem;
us tanks will have to keep dodging.

There's a Fog Gateway to the left, but don't enter it yet. If you wait long
enough, a red eyed Claymore Knight will see you, and be unable to get past the
fog. Just keep slashing at him safely behind that colorless wall till he's
dead, and then enter.

After leaving the pathway, there'll be a rampart where another Assassin will
drop down. Finish him pff quick, because that Minister we just saw will come
charging over here with his Poleaxe.

These Ministers come with a new jumping attack as well. Take him out and grab
his [Iron Ring of Keys].

A few backstabs later, take the path the minister came from and wipe out those
annoying CB's; and if you're thinking of taking the ladder just after the
[Traditional Soldiers Soul], DON'T. It'll leave you open for those 2 SS, 2
CB's and the 2 LS's up there.

This little section with the 3 CB's will let the enemies come down gradually,
usually in the order of 1 SS, then the 2 LS one at a time. (From here, you can
jump down to another rampart with a [Traditional Hero's Soul] on it. I leave
it to you to figure out when you want to do that)

Now that you've wiped them out, I would go back to where you were getting
sniped earlier, and this time, head right. There'll be a doorway with a Red LK
inside. Lure him out, kill em', and then wipe out his two LS and AS pals

Head upstairs, and you'll find that Dredgeling vendor again, with a few new
and expensive goodies inside. Just outside on the roof, you'll find a Great

Head back to where you fought the Minister just now, and head upstairs to
finish off those 2 CB's and the last SS. Head up the next set of stairs to the
right, but look out for the Assassin and LS that will come charging down after

Upstairs, to the left and behind some cupboards, there'll be some
[Late Moon Grass : 5]. Keep ascending, but be ready for the rolling boulder
that will come crashing down. I just recommend rolling to the left. Get rid of
that SS up there, keep following the path till you see a GSK. Wait till he has
his back turned, then backstab him, and evade the bolts the the 3 CB's ahead
will fire ahead of you.There'll also be another [Traditional Soldier's Soul]
nearby too.

After wiping out the three CB's up here, move on along the path, grab the
[Half Moon Herb : 2] to your left, and take the stairs to the right. You'll
have to take out the two CB's here, but you can grab an [Unknown Hero's Soul]

Go back up to where you grabbed that last set of herbs, and take the left
stairs this time. Kill the SS up here, but look out for the CB behind him.
After dispatching them, you can grab the [Half Moon Grass : 8] and proceed
down the stairs.

You can easily backstab the minister staring at the gate, but before you can
finish him off...

Oh look, it's Ostrava crying for help again. Quickly pull the lever to the
right of you to open the main gate, and you'll let Ostrava, 2 LK's and one LS.
I'm sure you can easily finish them off by this point in the game, and after
you do so, grab the [Ministers Cap] off the Ministers corpse, and have a chat
with Ostrava.

Now, that Ministers Cap, as silly as it looks, stops Ministers from attacking
you! Handy!

While you're here, there's also a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes : 1] in that
soldier that got crushed under the portcullis.

Ostrava will have some [Pure Clearstone : 1] for you. Take it, and head down
the main path, killing the two polearm soldiers in front of you. There'll be
some [Late Moon Grass : 5] to the right, just past their corpses.

Up ahead you'll meet 2 SS, then 2 AS just a bit further ahead, with 2 CB to
back them up, and of course, 2 LS to back up the CB. After wiping out all of
these guys, try to single out the three LK's ahead by attacking one with any
long ranged weapon you have, crossbow, knife, spell, anything, and pull them
away from their pals.

Do the same for the second one after you've killed the first, and you'll have
one LK left.

However, if they do charge you first, running back to the first big gate isn't
a bad idea either, as they WILL CHASE YOU THAT FAR, OMG KEEP RUNNING! If
Ostrava is nearby, then, bonus!

He can distract them, while you stab them in the back! That's teamwork!

When the dust has settled, search about to find yourself some
[Full Moon Grass : 9] behind some cupboards, and a [Legendary Soldier's Soul]
out in the open.

From here you can ascend the stairs to find...


The penetrator is a pretty tough enemy that loves long lunging attacks with
wide swings, meaning rolling probably won't cut it. Unless you do the
unexpected, and roll AT the Penetrator. That's right.

In this battle, getting behind this imposingly tall and agile fighter is key
to victory if you're a melee character. Once behind, slash no more than a
couple of times, then roll back and repeat the process again.

If at any time the Penetrator raises it's blade for a stab attack, just dodge
to the side, as a backwards roll might just get you skewered.

Once it's dead, head for the Archstone for your [Silver Demons Soul].

*** I'd put a joke here... but it's too easy this time. ***

That ring of keys you found earlier unlocks the door to the right when you
spawn at the Tower Knights A.S. Going down there will lead you to a dungeon
where a Minister is holding Biorr of the Twin Fangs in a cell.

Kill the Minister, take the [Bloody Key] it's carrying and save Biorr, who
tells you to move on ahead, while takes a nap. There's also a
[Renowned Hero's Soul] in a nearby Cell, and if you follow the path, away
from the cells, you'll find another Gecko and a Tower Shield.


Now that Bloody Iron key is used on another gate, to the right of the fountain
where the wolves are in 1-3. Follow the path forward to net yourself a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] then take the turn to another gate. Through that, is
a bridge to another tower.

Head upstairs, (don't forget your Ministers hat) and a Minister will lower a
drawbridge for you! Backstab the hell out of the oblivious Minister up there,
then talk to Yuria, the victim of many “Sticky White Stuff” messages, and
she'll be just fine. Don't forget to grab the [Ring of the Accursed] and the
[Ring of Magical Nature] before you leave.

Also, if you take a jump from the stairs, you can nab yourself a
[Legendary Soldier's Soul] on a ledge.

Now you can head back to the Nexus for some well earned rest and magic lessons!

Boletaria Palace 1-4 [BP4]

Just after the Archstone, you'll see a dead dragon with 3 CB's on and
around it. The souls around the beast are a couple of
[Traditional Soldier's Soul : 2].

In the distance, you'll also see 3 Black Phantoms, one armed with a Longsword,
worth 13500 souls and was carrying a [Penetrating Sword] when I killed it, one
armed with a Scraping Spear and carrying/dropping a [Tower Shield], worth
16800 souls when dead, and the third, an agile femme fatale armed with a
longbow that fires magical arrows, a curved sword and buckler when you get too
close, and when it's really in a pinch, it releases a very painful AOE magic
attack that it uses in a pinch. She's tough, fast, worth 10050 souls, and
drops her nice [White Bow].

I ended up having to use the Penetrator for it's fast attacks just to kill
her, but the trouble was worth it.

After offing all three phantoms, I tip my hat in your general direction, and
tell you to go left for a [Stone of Ephemeral Eyes].

Head to the passage on the right, and when you take the next left to go inside
the building, look out for the LK that will come stepping out. Head back in,
and on the next platform, you'll find 2 CB's. While you're busy with them, I'm
sure an Assassin will drop down out of nowhere.

Quickly kill him too, because there'll be a CK heading down the stairs in a
hurry as well. After you're all done here, head to the top, and you'll be
greeted by a cool cutscene. Yep, more dragons. Better put on that Ring of
Flame Resistance and cast Water Veil.

When you get close enough, the dragon will begin toasting the path ahead, and
the Minister there with it. If you have a bow (You always carry one, right?)
lure the other Minister with an arrow to the face. He'll come running and get
toasted like his pal. From here, I would run as fast as I could without
stopping. Once you're inside, you'll be able to kill the Shining Gecko that
just ran inside with you. Head up and out of this rampart, and the dragon will
fly to a different position.

You can head back to the path you just bolted down, and pick up a couple
[Traditional Soldiers Soul : 2], then run back to the huge set of stairs.

Go down the stairs, and you can grab a [Knight Sword], and a [Knight Shield].
Now, from here, you can see the dragons great new perch, where it's breath can
immolate people, destroy statues, and toast adventurers like yourself in an

Being the brave, brave, hero that you are, you'll wait till the dragon's
breath is at it's end, and then dash up those steps like the personification
of death is chasing you! Don't worry about Biorr, he'll be just fine.

If you do have your bow handy (like I keep telling you to) you can turn
around, and fire on the dragon's head from below. After 150 or so arrows, it
should die, leaving you with a hefty amount of soul points, a trophy, and a
[Large Flame-Scale Demon Soul].

All those bodies on the steps are [Legendary Soldier's Souls : 5], meaning
tons of soul points for you, as an additional reward for killing that

Of course, Biorr might die if you linger here too long, leaving his
[Brushwood Helmet], [Brushwood Armor], [Brushwood Manifer],
[Brushwood Leggings], [Large Brushwood Shield], and his
[Ring of Great Strength]. You may have defeated a mighty foe, but you have
lost a fellow comrade in battle without any tendency loss.

His flame resistant armor will be put to good use, I'm sure.

Get up those stairs, and you'll meet... Ostrava.
He'll impart to you his final words and a request; to kill his father. He'll
hand you the [Mausoleum Key] and his spirit will be worth... 550 souls.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

+++ The Twin Blades +++

At this point, you may take the key, and head to that one section of 1-1 where
the red eyed SK was and use it to unlock the door there. Inside, will be Old
King Dorian guarding the blade Demonbrandt. He will challenge any come close
to him.

Just keep attacking him and lower his health to 2/3, and he will surrender,
and let you take the large sword [Demonbrand] from the stone.

Of course, I opted to do that after I was done with the boss battle here. It's
much stronger than most other large swords, and it's magical attack bonus
strikes enemies through their guards, so you might find it advantageous to
snatch it up as soon as you can.

+++ "I will name you stabby, and you, Slashy!" +++

Head up the next set of stairs and turn right to grab a
[Stone of Ephemeral Eyes] and go forth down the path.

In your way, is... Otrava's Black Phantom! With it's fierce attacks, you'll
have a bit of a fight on your hands, after which, you earn Ostrava's
[Rune Sword], [Rune Shield] and 12300 souls.

I'm glad I never pissed Ostrava off.

Head down the path, and after what seems like the longest elevator ride, you
catch your first glimpse of the mad king or Boletaria, Old King Allant, a
beast of a man.


His very slashes send shockwaves, either horizontal or vertical, and he seems
to be able to control the wind itself.

He usually opens up with a rush at you, followed by a wide horizontal slash.
Like the Penetrator battle, use this opportunity to roll behind him, and
attack twice. If he goes into a frenzy of slashing attacks, keep rolling

Sometimes, he'll just stop, and ready his blade with energy to thrust into the
You have 2 seconds to make one of two decisions.

If you're not within slashing range, or can't get a good ranged attack on him,
This ability of his creates a giant shockwave that'll cut through any guard
you have and nearly kill you.

Keep running backwards till you're out of lock-on range of him, and you'll be

The second, is to attack him with whatever you have. If you hit him with
enough damage, he'll get stunned and be unable to complete the attack.

Those with arrows, should summon a phantom to keep him distracted, and keep
firing at him. It'll occasionally stun him, and the constant barrage of damage
will make the fight easier for everyone to take him down.

Follow these patterns, and I wish the best of luck to you.

Oh, and he drops a [False King Demon's Soul].

*** “Old king Cole was a merry old soul, and a merry old soul was he,” ***

Head back to the Nexus for a well deserved rest, and get everything prepared
for your foray into the maze-like...

The Tower of Latria 3-1 [TOL1]

Let me start by saying; “This place creeps me the hell out.”

With that out of the way, equip your bow, and step forward out of the cell. AT
this point, you may hear a soft chiming sound.

Look around for a moving green light, and take aim with your bow.

Be sure to shoot the thing till it's dead.
Congrats, you just killed yourself a Mindflayer. These creatures have the
ability to cast Magic Arrow, Paralyze enemies, and create an orb or energy
around themselves that knocks back and damages anyone in range.

this is the not ended
so i try to next tims time
Thanks you all of friend



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