What makes me happy
- Nerdy shit
- Talking about nerdy shit
- Getting hype
- Learning new things
- Making new things
- Challenging myself
- Talking to smart people
- Interviewing people
- Creating a podcast
- Creating a video
- Writing
- Steemit
- Cuddling
- Making out
- Hugging
- Computers
- Personal development
- Steve Pavlina
- Zenhabits
- Weird stuff
- Stuff about reality
- Things I can use in my own life
- Life
- Money
- Having money
- Earning money
- Figuring shit out
- Beer
- Feeling smart
- Trying something new
- Being introverted
- Being extroverted
- The mind
- Using my voice
- Communicating
- Surrounding myself with people I admire
- E-mailing people I look up to
- Writing a blog post
- Creating something from scratch
- Cats
- Animals
- Food (vegan)
- Facing fears
- Therapy
- Medication
- Ability to communicate
- Cleanliness
- Keeping my place clean
- Having clean clothes to wear
- Clean socks
- Having my money increase
- Personal development workshops
- Traveling
- Seeing new places
- Photography
- Comprehension
what do you know about Big B?