How about some Self-Love?

in #happiness6 years ago


Morning rituals can set your tone for the day. One woman won't get out of bed until she has listed five things she is grateful for. "I find doing this before I even open my eyes, ensures that I wake up ready to face the day." This is wise counsel as studies show that gratitude can increase happiness levels by 25 percent. How about having an attitude of gratitude always. How much more happiness can that add to our life. Some people sip a cup of tea and some spend time with pets.

The frightening thing in these studies, was how many of us grabbed for our cellphones before even opening our eyes. I will suggest five rituals that can beat the social media habit and will be of worth incorporating in our lives. These suggestions can change the quality of life as we know that by more development the faster and unsurmountable life seems.

Morning Pages.


The author, Jane Austen, who was never married, rose early and made the family breakfast every day. This was her contribution to the household. Then she would spend some time writing. Writing morning pages, has long been touted as a ritual that helps you clear your head for the day. Buy a journal and find a peaceful place where you can write every day. Set your alarm as to get up before everyone else.

Eat breakfast with the family.


Both former US president Barack and Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos, enjoy early breakfasts with their families. This action can unify your family. It builds a sense of togetherness and sets you up for the day. Serve food that is easy to prepare the night before, such as yoghurt, fruit. Boiled eggs and toast is most often a winner. This will obviously give you more time and less stress.

Get Moving.


Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin group, exercises early every day. Exercise increases your focus on the next activity. This helps to set the tone for the rest of the day. My daughter and husband have 2 little ones. One who has to get ready for school. Her husband goes to gym at 5 am and when he's back by 6. Then she goes for an hour and has plenty of time to deal with her family. She feels healthier and in shape. Their morning ritual runs flawlessly.



Oprah Winfrey starts her day with 20 minutes meditating to clear her mind. "Knowing that even in the daily craziness that bombard us, there still is time for the consistency of stillness. Only from that space can you create your best work and your best life." Find a comfortable spot where you can switch off and have no disturbances.

Make your Bed.


In his book, The power of habit, Charles Duhigg says that the routine of making your bed every morning correlates with increased productivity. He calls it a" keystone habit " that can help other good habits stick. People who consistently make their beds tend to have a greater sense of well-being and a better ability to stick with a budget, he claims. I can't agree with him more. I make my bed the second I get up, and yes I make sure that my husband is also up. It gives me a feeling of well-being and comfort.

Sources : Star newspaper Independent Home. Images from Yandex.


I really liked your post, thank you so much for posting a nice one and you did not appreciate the pictures that were shared between us in the pictures, and I did not really have much to do in life, thank you so much for posting so nice.

I resteem your excellent post

Perfect regimen for someone who wants to stay healthy. Anything done for 21 days will normally become a habit for an average person - whether its being grateful for something or drinking loads of water or both. And when one focuses on good thoughts that one is thankful for, it reinforces a happy feeling for the day. Negativity stays away.

Meditation of exercise help achieve thw same thing. Blood circulation and oxygen levels - two important things fot staying active during the day. Making the bed and other things you mentionaled add organisation anf bring discipline. And we all get so lost in our outside life that family time suffers. I love coming back home and spending time with ny wife as that is the best time of the day for me. No work can replace that.