How to set goals without stressing yourself

in #happiness8 years ago

I don't know how you are but sometimes when I thing about all the things that I have to do in a day I can feel my heart racing.

There is the typical advice in the self-help community that you should set small and simple goals, like that it is more likely for you to do it and less of a chance to fail.

But this doesn't work that well for me because, even if I set a small goal as an intermediate for a bigger goal, I still know where the final destination is and all the potential bad things that could happen on the way there. So it is still stressful.

Most of the advice I received and reed about goals, is to either trick yourself to do more than you would normally do, or minimize the amount of failure and trial and error you are going to go through in order to accomplish your goals.

Which I think is the wrong approach, what we tend to call failure in the modern world is really just part of the normal learning process. Whenever you are attempting to accomplish something you will definatly encounter some failure along the way.

It is the believe that you should accomplish things easy and without failure that gives you the impression that you deviated from the right path that makes you abnormally stressed.

In the deffence of everybody that is doing this, sadly this is how the education system is set up. Because you have been around people that punished mistakes whenever you were a child, you received wrong feedback for normal consequences of the process.

If you are going to set people for success in life, you have to do the opposite of that, you are going to teach them how to fail. How to take small calculated risks so they don't put themselves and anybody else in any amount of serious danger that will cause permanent damage. This is why the conventional school system is criminal, it have done almost nothing good then sabotaged generation after generation.

With the things that you want to accomplish in your life is not where you should avoid failure, it is where you should fail the most. Because that will give you the necessary experience to build the skills that you need to accomplish your goals.

I have developed a game I like to play with myself, whenever I fell unsatisfied wherever I am and stressed because of it. I start counting how many time I am going to fail each day until I accomplish my goal.

It is very likely that even if you are not at the finish line tomorrow you are getting in a very subtle way better and better every day, and acknowledging that will give you the right feedback that you are on the right track and diminish your stress.


I love setting attainable goals for my self it helps me get better.

Spot on. I do the same too as failing in unattainable goals can be a sort of let down.

World is very competitive so setting-up easy goals may not help in longer run....