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RE: What if taking medication, prescription pills, supplements, and drugs makes health worse?

in #happierpeople8 years ago

Prescription pills and Doctors don't cure anything.... nothing.... they only treat symptoms. Curing involves stopping the intake of shit into the body by eating the right diet for the human body and first and foremost periods of fasting so the body may burn up all the toxic shit that shouldn't be there in the first place making one sick. You see, by eating the bodies uses it's energy to digest. When fasting it uses all it's energy to clean house. It's really simple but most can't wrap their minds around the concept. Big pharma is absolutely a business with the green bottom line in mind not one's well being.The less of that shit you can take the better. You see, chemicals and toxins are what put us in the "sick " place to begin with. How do you cure it with more toxins and chemicals? You can't. They only lead to more pills. Hell, big pharma's even got the Dr's brainwashed and fooled. They may as well be drug dealers as all they do is prescribe, refer, and take your money. I wonder how many hours in class they spent on nutrition out of the many years they spent in school? They, like many of you more than likely, probably believe in the falsity of the four food groups. I had my issues and saw many White Coats over the years, so I speak from experience and all I can say is I changed my diet and medical field named B.S. went away along with all of them. Hell, I don't even get sick anymore. But to each his own and I wish you all well. Don't misunderstand me here though, if I were in a horrific car crash or even just broke a bone I'd want a Dr. They have their place but not misleading everyone into believing that more toxins in the form of pill are the answer. I mean think about when you don't feel well... where do you go first? The med. cabinet for an aspirin etc. We've been brainwashed into thinking this is the right way. A pill for everything when all it really is is the body deteriorating slowly over time from the wrong fuel being put into it. Big pharma owns the world and is tied into our food. Educate yourselves with a brilliant man on youtube..... Dr. Robert Morse. I digress......................Enjoyed.