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RE: Cheapest Way to Feel Rich?

in #happierpeople8 years ago (edited)

"Fallacy of relative privation ("not as bad as") – dismissing an argument or complaint due to the existence of more important problems in the world, regardless of whether those problems bear relevance to the initial argument."

You guys do realize that Jerry would agree with the thrust of your argument, right?

Him attacking a psychological problem that happens to exist in a first world country (I would argue, mostly thanks to the corporations who have purchased the government, who can probably be held responsible for both some of your complaints about poverty in the third world and Jerry's topic in this post) is in no way a validation of what you are complaining about.

Do you guys go around shaming animal rescue charities because they are "wasting" money that could be used on humans?


No, I'm sorry, friend, that's exactly the point I was trying to make. I wasn't trying to shame anybody.

Jerry is showing us, in what I consider to be a humble manner, his acquisition of wealth. He isn't showing us a yacht, or a fancy new Porsche. He isn't flashing stacks of cash, or fancy jewelry. He is showing us that he has acquired food for his family's needs in case of a barren period.

What I was trying to get at is that in my country, I am surrounded by obese ingrates, 'Victims of Plentitude' if you will, who have their needs taken care of to the point that they make drama where none should exist. Screaming in the streets about some perceived injustice because somebody said a bad thing [which, mostly I agree, maybe the thing shouldn't be said, but whatever. its up to each person to be mature enough to control THEMSELVES], while just down the street from their "protests" a child is looking for a meal, or grandma can't pay her heating bill. It's disheartening, and it hurts me deeply that people have such twisted priorities.

Our respective locales sound alarmingly similar.