Assuming Positive Intent! #178

Would you learn with me about assuming positive intent because this is fantastically helpful for being happy, for having healthy relationships, for not looking stupid, and for not getting so upset at something that really wasn't bad?

In day 178 of Happier People Podcast, we explore together the choice we have in the intention we perceive behind the actions of others, which ends up making a huge difference in the joy we experience each day in our own lives!

Assuming Positive Intent!

I am very grateful for the chance to share this post today because I needed it as much as anyone else could during a day of Steemit giving 504 errors and my wife @laurabanfield's first post!

Yesterday @laurabanfield made her first post which @veryscamfield (an account of @berniesanders and @nextgencrypto) discovered today and went to work on. At first I was assuming negative intent by default and I got angry. I wanted to make a post to complain and be a victim. Fortunately I have learned that only brings more of the same about which must be here already because of what I have already done.

Instead what I did is stepped away from the computer after plotting a post to fight back for 30 minutes and giving up on it. I opted instead to face the pain by laying on the couch, thinking only of it, and then crying for a few minutes. While I am used to taking what might look like a beating from criticism every day online, I felt especially vulnerable with @laurabanfield joining Steem and it hurt a lot to see the same thing done to me done to her also on her first post. Yes if you judge on manly points you can take some away there. Yes I realize other people are starving to death today and having much worse things than this happen.

Fortunately, I also realize that my own feelings are valid, however irrational they are, and must be faced if I am to be able to help with anything more serious than a few comments online. I choose today to judge on being a kind and loving person and when I accept the hurt that comes by just showing up every day for each of us in life, I can also allow myself the choice of positive intent.

As I experienced my pain, I realized this was truly being given to me by God and not by another human being separate from me. This was exactly what I needed and I might as well accept it and enjoy my day. I pulled out A Course in Miracles and read about anger in Lesson 347 of the workbook. I watched a video in my friend @tomasgeorge's course on Ableton live and then I felt inspired to try again on Steem with this post instead of some sob story.

This time with a new attitude I realized it was time to make this post and the subject absolutely floored me. It was just what I needed today. If that was not enough, I then checked @laurabanfield's post again to find a huge amount of upvotes by @cryptoctopus which put @laurabanfield up from a 7 reputation to a 48. Here come the tears again because that was just so nice. @cryptoctopus used a lot of his voting power to not just cancel out all the votes by the @veryscamfield but also to provide a few dollars on several comments which had previously been hidden.

Now after the generosity and helping hand from @cryptoctopus this is an interesting story (at least to me) that @berniesanders who is @nextgencrypto and @veryscamfield played an equally valuable part in by providing the opportunity for it to happen.

Life is fun and amazing because of the opportunities we have to help each other! We love stories like Harry Potter BECAUSE of Lord Voldemort who really is just Tom Riddle. Without the "great evil" there would have been nothing worth talking about. Without the curse in Beauty and The Beast, there would have been no growth in the prince and no love story. Often what is easy to condemn is also just what we need to have a beautiful life.

When we assume positive intent, we assume things are done for a good reason EVEN IF WE CANNOT SEE THEM at the moment. Just making the assumption that even what looks like evil and hate really fits into the big picture is really helpful because when we want to do something, then we assume positive intent in our own intentions as well.

Without assuming positive intent which I nearly messed up (again) by writing a post assuming negative intent just before this, I'd have to start fighting or acting like those comments were not hurting me somehow. I have done this so many times that thank God today I avoided doing it one more time.

Let's make some other examples of this that maybe we can relate to.

Every day my wife @laurabanfield goes out with my daughter and does something. Often she is gone a little bit longer than I expected. Now, if I assume positive intent, which I always do, then there's no problem.

There's no problem at all, is there?

"Oh, hi honey! Good to see you again."

Now, if I assume negative intent this gets real stupid fast.

"Where have you been? Who were you with? What did you do with our daughter? I can't believe… Well, how did you…? How dare? Oh my…"

When you assume negative intent it makes life harder on us and everyone around us.

When I assume negative intent it makes my life awful. I couldn't do what I do if I assumed every person commenting on a video and calling me a scammer, a spammer, a dirty rich white privileged thief, or whatever else was out there with the intent to take me down, I couldn't live with myself, which is probably why some people are trying to be helpful and saying, "Kill yourself."

It's certainly something I've thought of a lot during my life when I assumed a negative intent.

The problem is, I used to assume negative intent and when we assume negative intent we also assume negative intent about ourselves. I used to assume negative intent a lot, I'd go around thinking, "This politician they said this. They're trying to do this and screw everyone over and ruin the world."

I assumed frequently that if a girl didn't call, she never wanted to see me again, this was the end of my romantic life. Then, I would have to kill myself, or not getting to talk to her again.

"Oh, my God! What do I do?"

When I did that I had such a miserable existence where I desperately tried to even scrape a little bit of happiness out of having a whole bunch of numbing and a whole bunch of addictions.

Today, I'm grateful that I don't have to do that. When I assume positive intent, I don't need to wonder why someone hasn't called because I assume they haven't called for the right reasons. When I haven't heard back from someone I don't need to get impatient because I assume that there's a reason. I don't need to hear back from that person yet.

When I go and do my work online, I assume positive intent because this makes a huge difference in my life. You see then, when I go to do something I tend to do it with positive intent.

When I choose what kind of intent I perceive things with, then I tend to do things with positive intent as well. When I tend to look at people like they are screwing me over and have negative intent, then I also tend to do things with a negative intent as well. I tend to be sleazy. I tend to, like when I used to date, I very much was having negative intent and I assumed the girls had negative intent too, if they were not calling me, all these bad things.

Then I assumed that my natural normal needs to have companionship and sex were a negative thing and the worst thing to suffer with, is when we condemn our normal needs into being something negative. That's when we really are miserable because each of us has some kind of a desire to be connected and intimate with others. Each of us has a desire to eat, live happily and safely, and to have some comforts, and these are good desires. These are natural. These are normal.

We're not weird for wanting to have sex. We're not weird for wanting to eat or to have somewhere nice to sleep. We're not weird for wanting to feel like we belong in the human race. We're not weird for these things. These things are good. These things are normal, but when we assume that other people are weird for wanting to have sex, then we therefore are judged as weird for wanting to have sex as well.

When I used to judge and look at other guys, especially in girls too, I used to have such negative intent for everyone else's sex life.

"Well, he's just trying to have sex with her and he's never going to be a good boyfriend for her. She's just trying to use him for his money."

When I had negative intent for other people all the time, I got negative intent on my own desires. I felt like a pervert for having perfectly normal sexual desires. I wanted to have sex. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have sex whether you're a kid or whether you're a senior who is a 100 years old. These are perfectly normal desires.

When we label these things, when we see negative intent, when we judge things, you might have been like, "What? Kids don't have sexual desires."

I've had sexual desires as long as I can remember and that's not weird, that's normal. There's good intent behind sharing this, but that can come up again:

"Well, you shouldn't have shared that. That's too much! That's… Oh, my God!"

When we get into this negative intent the world is a miserable place to live in and the best thing we could hope for is the misery to end.

Then the craziest thing is when we get upset at people dying, it's crazy because we're miserable in this world, and how dare they leave us behind to go to a better place? They have bad intent. They died and intended to leave us behind. We assume negative intent for all kinds of tragedies that in our own world seem like grace.

"Well, this person went out and shot all these people. This person is horrible."

In a world where everyone's miserable someone that liberate the others from that world is ironically a hero. Are we all truly miserable or do we really want to live?

You see it's only sad if people are murdered when life is peaceful and happy, and worth living. Then, it's sad to see people go out and just slaughter each other, but if the world is this miserable awful place, if people are wrong, if these organizations are all to be feared, then you can't look and say that getting released from that horrible prison we call life is something that's bad either.

You see, I've given you some things here that I hope are challenging if you are able to stick with me and say, "Oh, I see that he's sharing this because he loves life. He loves me. He's giving me tools to love and enjoy my life. He's giving me a way of looking at life that leaves him happy 99% of the time, enjoying life and grateful to be alive, exploring playful fun and yet able to use higher mental functionality as well."

If you assume positive intent this post may be incredibly inspirational: "Oh my God. This is so good. I'm going to go do this right now."

If you assume negative intent though, you've probably not even been able to get this far in, unless you just want something to complain about today, and want to be able to carefully prove in the comments how I am a faker, spammer, circle jerk participant, etc. If that is the case, I am still grateful you are here regardless of what you plan to do with this because I assume you are here to help me even if it takes some serious prayer for me to translate your actions into help!

If you assume a positive intent in every situation, life is really good and almost everything gets fixed.

Even the driver that's tailgating you next time. Yes, you can assume positive intent with a driver tailgating you. You can just assume that they're doing their best. They're in a hurry. They're panicking. They're scared. They're afraid. They're not running into you. Their intent is to get where they're going as fast as possible. It's nothing personal that you happen to be the car in front of them.

My whole family was in the car the other day and a car nearly hit us. Amazingly I didn't assume negative intent. I assumed this driver was doing their very best. I assumed they were trying to get where they were going without wrecking. I assumed they were not interested in wrecking my car. I assumed they were a good person who might have been in a little fear, scared or distracted, playing around or whatever it was. I assumed this was a person doing their best driving who cared about getting where they were going in one piece.

That's assuming positive intent and it's so powerful.

That's why I'm so psyched up to share this with you today and I've put stuff in here that I hope if you're assuming positive intent you've flown right through that.

If I have not hit an issue yet that has triggered you, let me try again. How about gun control?

I almost bought an NRA lifetime membership 10 years ago. I then became a police officer and love guns. Since then, I've sold my guns because statistics show, and my own personal experience shows, the most likely person the guns will get used on is yourself, then your family, and then your friends, and at last maybe someone else.

So, it's not really worth having them personally, but I don't see the need to regulate anyone else's business either. If we all assume positive intent, if we love each other, if we take care of our fellow human beings, then our fellow human beings won't think the best way to get their needs met is to get guns and go shoot other human beings.

Every human being starts out as a beautiful baby love and along the way each of us learns the best way to get our normal natural needs met: how to have sex, how to belong, how to eat, how to fit in, and we learn to satisfy these needs based on all the programming we see around us, the sources we choose to input ourselves with.

If we choose to spend an hour a day watching the news, that is conditioning us as to how to have our needs satisfied.

If you watch my videos every day, that's conditioning you as to how to have your needs satisfied.

If you are on the Internet, the websites you go to and the things you watch condition you for how to get your needs met.

If you assume positive intent, you assume everyone's out there to help you. Even things that look bad can be guidance in a different direction.

I have a lot of bad ideas and all of those are helpful to point me in the right direction. All of those are helpful for my learning and growth.

Thank you very much for experiencing this with me out here through a combination of filming the original video in the Florida heat, even though it's October and then editing this post inside in the air conditioning a few days later!

Thank you.

I love you.

You're awesome whatever you have to say!

I've shared this with the hope that all of the same kinds of things I've heard can be given back to you and shared in a way that makes sense today, that has a huge powerful positive impact on your life.

Although, if you want to see negative intent, I'm sure you'll find all kinds of reasons why I've shared this, that relate to how disgusting I am. So, I trust you to interpret this however you want to.

Thank you for joining me for this Happier People Podcast, which the title of it is the point of it as well.

I love you.

I hope you enjoyed this episode of Happier People Podcast, which was originally filmed as the video below in the Florida heat.

I appreciate you being here and I hope you have a wonderful day today.

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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript by GoTranscript

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PS: Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because 100% of the rewards I receive are spent advertising Steem? Thank you to the 1617 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 718M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness


Jerry Banfield Steem Proxy


You are a scammer who tries to charge oblivious sheep who follow you for information that is readily available to anyone, and will be treated as such.

You are doing more harm than good to Steemit regardless of how many sheep follow you and jerk you off daily and I'll use my votes as I see fit.

What scam did he pull off? Please brings specifics.

Charging people $100+ for information on setting up a witness node. I'd say that's pretty scammy. That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a reason he's been banned from so many other sites.

That's not a scam. I regularly buy information products on things I want to learn. If someone is willing to pay, what's wrong with selling information? What's obvious for one is not obvious for another. I gave up on setting up a witness and would've had to pay someone to do it for me.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Then he tried to charge people $50 to create an account on Steemit when we have free services already. Here, let Jerry tell you what kind of person he is @cryptoctopus, maybe you will reconsider, or maybe not.

Scroll to 11:50 for some insight :

Or how about the time he threw DASH under the bus because he didn't get his way ...

Gee, I sure hope he gets his way here, otherwise ... he'll probably get banned like he does on most all platforms he uses and then attempt to destroy Steemit's reputation on the way out ... errr on second thought that would be really hard to do, but you get my point. ;)

His scheme for $50 to create account was a flop and even if there wasn't public outrage it would have failed because it's way overpriced for the market. The free option with takes way too long. But anon.steem is $10 which is good enough. I still can't qualify that as a scam just a really bad business idea. STILL it is not an excuse to go after his wife who herself hasn't done anything wrong.

From what I see on the video, I can identify since I was a stupid marketer once and I was kicked out of many websites because I was desperate. I was kicked out of the moz forum for example for posting links. I got my adwords account shut down too. He got is teeth kicked in like I did. Still, not an excuse to go after his wife account.

STILL it is not an excuse to go after his wife who herself hasn't done anything wrong.

For the record, whatever you're talking about has nothing to do with me. So, I'm not sure why, nor do I appreciate you trying to tie me to something I have no knowledge or part of.

I simply provided information on how this person operates and thinks, by request.

If you choose to operate and think like him then I can understand why you defend him. :)

why does he talk normal in the first video but when he talks on steemit he is like a really bad care salesman? He is ruining steemits reputation since day one he is on here. I think his videos actually drive people away from steemit. How can this guy actually be a top 30 witness?

It's the way he does it. You have witness' who are out there giving this information away for free, I.E. helping people. He makes witness' look bad. The idea is to be making sure your witness runs well, making sure you don't miss blocks. Not about making as much money from it as you can. But I guess when you buy the votes, you need to make the money back some how right? :puke:

Hustling is one thing, but he just takes advantage of people.

There are tons of videos on how to do SEO on website but you know what? People pay or buy products to learn how to do SEO. This isn't a scam or taking advantage of people.

Another example: I would pay for someone to setup a witness. Is the person who does it taking advantage of me because they got the information "for free" somewhere on the internet?

This is insane! I came here to leave a comment about how I have been watching all of @jerrybanfield youtube on steemit, and now I read this thread and I'm not only flabbergasted, but confused, and as a newbie in hopes of contributing to this platform.... That's not good. #sad

Are you aware of his history before coming to Steemit?

Jerry was run out of the DASH community, despite apparently being a masternode owner. He had a meltdown over not being given money "for advertising." (Sound familiar?)

He was kicked off of Udemy, where he hosts something like 2000+ videos that he posted in about a year(?).

He has a video for a Steem witness "tutorial" that he sells for $180. Some people have purchased said "tutorial," only to find out that it's crap and needed actual help from actual witnesses from the witness channel...which then got them up and running at no cost.

He recently tried to charge 50 STEEM for account creations, then lied about never knowing of @anonsteem. Or he wasn't lying and is just oblivious to what actually happens around here, in which case, he shouldn't be pretending to be a spokesperson for Steem/Steemit and running advertising campaigns.

Jerry continually puts out bad information/ideas, only to retract them as if they never happened - like encouraging everyone to be a witness because of how much money can be made (which isn't exactly true...or close to being true at all).

Also - he's a hypocrite who is now whining about self-upvoting when it was one of his big posts not too long ago that told users to upvote all of their own posts and comments for the best "ROI" - which many spammers then did. And who helped clean up a lot of that spam mess? Me and others who are not Jerry.

Sadly, he doesn't appear to be learning from any of his past mistakes, either on Steemit or in the previous communities he has been in. These may not all qualify as "scams," but it certainly qualifies as incompetence, deceit, and/or shadiness, at the very least. In any case, the auto-voting of his posts to $100+ every post isn't really warranted.

And people outside of Steem/Steemit see him as a joke/fraud, so it doesn't help the perception of Steem/Steemit not being scammy, as the reputation of this platform had already gained a long time ago.

I'm pretty sad about what happened the last week. I commented the post from his wife, some really strange timing for me.

I just think this is the absolutely wrong way to deal with such a great opportunity. Maybe minds will change, but with this greedness inside the people i see vantablack.

Cheers david

'Only top level posts can be reblogged' -> Why i cant resteem? :( Ah shit it's a comment. Sorry for this stupidity.

Where can I learn a little more information about Jerry and Dash community?

You can also search the bitcointalk dash announcement page and Dash forums easily

There is alot of scams aroud whales(not everyone). They make accounts and auto upvote them. They use their fans to flag people who go against them.

I was a bit on the fence with regard to this guy, but after seeing how he got himself kicked out of several communities, that's a clear sign as it is.

Why you think so Bernie?

Jerry make so much for steem.

Make a choice to be happier and do something fun every day.. Having financial freedom helps

Dear @jerrybanfield, I don’t know if you will ever read this. But if you wanna protect your wife, educate her in the same way you do this to your followers. She did actually the worst she could do when she started her introduction with „I am the wife of…“ and claiming in the last phrase to build up something from her own. I am sure she has absolutely unique talents, otherwise she wouldn’t be your wife, but being the-husband-of will never make a good impression in a community that stands for individuality and self-thinking. Show her how to start over with a fresh account, a nice nickname and no linking (in the beginning) to her husband. This is the basis from where we all start to get successfull. And THIS would make it more trustworthy. Yes, you can pump it up with a few bucks. This is what friends do, too. But let her grow and shine on her own and by herself. ☀️

Great job

OK so here it what I heard. There were people who tried to hurt your wife just because she was your wife. You felt guilty, and angry and wanted to fix it for her, because that what a husband does for his wife. right? You decided to own your feelings and experience them. You took personal responsibility for yourself and chose not to be a victim. You surrendered and decided to have faith and everything worked out( Just the way it always does). The next step would be forgiveness, understanding and compassion. We know that Hurt people, hurt people and its never personal. It has nothing to do with you. So here is my question. What if intent is neither positve or negative? What if intent is simply intent? When we act with integrerty, and do the right thing for the right reasons the outcome would be the same no matter what we thought about the intent. Those feeling that " negative intent" evoke are just as valid as the feeling that " positive intent" evokes. We are not defined by what we think, We are defined by the actions we take..

@sostrin that is a good way to look at it also!

Jerry you should have not ask for apologies about that should not always have positive intent......some people are bad people and we should deal that as the shit they are.....if I were in your place I would just give very fat upvotes to people that support you here and mute haters that come here to earn money on your behalf criticizing you and destroying......Since I was a kid, I used to defend the other kids that were being attacked....but once when I was attacked noone was there to defend me.....not even people I had defended in first place.....I understood that being good is not have to be strong....doing bad things to bad people is a good thing.....treating well bad people is doing evil because it's giving them strength......the haters and shit people will attack me for having defended you and you probably will not support me at that time...but I defend you anyway because it's what it's right......talked about you recently in a post...check

Thank you ! Really needed to hear these words of wisdom today. Assuming positive intent...such a simple and profound mindset shift that I know will have huge effects. I first heard of this concept in the advice "See the innocence in the interaction". Thank you for reminding me.

Very worked up and useful post bro thank you, upvote and I'm waiting for you upload more content👌❤

Too much negativity on Steemit amongst "leadership" will certainly sink the whole project. Steemit is struggling over the past few weeks thru ddos attacks and a general lull in participation. If we don't all focus on positive growth Steemit will just become another anecdote in the tales of failed social media adventures. Peace

Don't worry be happy :D

@jerrybanfield I always try very hard to keep thoughts in a Postive way. I know that one day at a time I do not need to get caught up in those that want you to buy into the Negative..................


Also, there is just intent without presupposing it’s value.

Ultimately there is no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ intent... which is what you’re kind of pointing to.... it’s the direction and value one plays on the intention that labels it as one or the other.

This is subjective however. What is ‘good’ for you may be seen as ‘bad’ by another. Clearly your critics have a polarised view to yours.

In Taoist practice, any intention we have is powerless unless the will empowers us to do something with that intention: make it a reality!

We all have filters that influence our perception, and knowing others’ intentions are just not possible!


That's interesting

Jerry knows the best way of steeming !!!! More and more dollars will follow !!!

awesome post! thank you for your work)))

Positive energy is triggered by the world. Energy words, enthusiasm and creativity come to full potential in your blogs. Thanks for you huge support @jerrybenfield

Very Nice post @jerrybanfield
i like'd it.

Jerry you do a great job thanks for sharing all your experiences with us

Positive thinking always drive us forward.. great post..
Enjoyed a lot
thanks @jerrybanfield

As you shall it be..its a great piece @jerrybanfield ..upped

@jerrybanfield yes i understand about your positive plan
I am glad to see your work
I will join about your positive plan
thanks for sharing
consider me

Jerry - you are amazing and so is life!!!! I have been married 30 years last week and could not be more happy .. Happy, beautiful, positive, loving, caring, sharing, fun, genuine thoughts are what brings me to where I am today!!! I love life and not a day goes by that I take anything for granted .. God has blessed me and will also Bless all my Friends .. Be happy and genuine and life will be happy to you!!! Love you Friend .. SUNSHINE247

great jerry! attitude is everything and you know it!

Create and you will create Jerry. Therefore, it is better to believe in the positive, to create a totally productive environment for you. A hug.

upvoted and yes its a good post

In my not humble opinion, I think that being positive, when in reality life sucks, means to just bend down and wait for the next banana to be ticked up where the sun never hits. I stay happy with my unhappiness that makes me free. Sometimes I'm happy, mostly when I can dance over the skull of my enemy :-) JMNHO

Thank you, @jerrybanfield for sharing this. You opened your heart and shared what you believe to help others. Thank you for continuing to give a solid message that can help others. Upvoted @ 100%

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Oct 16. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $131.00 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Oct 16 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Hi Jerry I always upvote your posts but you didn't... Plz UPVOTE me and resteem my post... Thank you..

Jerry please read the @fromportugal's very good advice.....Haters gonna hate

@jerrybanfield hi Jerry how are you ? , I never like to comment about other things on people's posts, but this is really important! , this is a warning for people(traders)!
I want to ask you if you can check these and tell me if you can write a post about it or talk in youtube about this! this is real, it happened to thousands of people and bittrex don't answer us! even verified accounts became disabled , I hope you can do this :

and also here is my post about this problem which Bittrex made for us :

I learned Bittrex from you and it was really great and helpful
but Bittrex is a big scammer !!
check Richie's Twitter he don't even answer us! it's been a long time we are sending good words to them many twitts and they don't care, that's why I told him be a human Richie!

richiela Richie tweeted @ 16 Oct 2017 - 17:33 UTC

I know not everyone likes every coin we launch but I hope no one gets $SALT-y with this one... @BittrexExchange

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Congratulations @jerrybanfield!
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  • Upvotes - Ranked 7 with 553 upvotes

Wow, awesome work! And also, you're really an inspiration for all of us to get the word about Steemit out there! Gets me to thinking how I can do my part :). Thanks!