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RE: Assuming Positive Intent! #178

Charging people $100+ for information on setting up a witness node. I'd say that's pretty scammy. That's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a reason he's been banned from so many other sites.


That's not a scam. I regularly buy information products on things I want to learn. If someone is willing to pay, what's wrong with selling information? What's obvious for one is not obvious for another. I gave up on setting up a witness and would've had to pay someone to do it for me.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Then he tried to charge people $50 to create an account on Steemit when we have free services already. Here, let Jerry tell you what kind of person he is @cryptoctopus, maybe you will reconsider, or maybe not.

Scroll to 11:50 for some insight :

Or how about the time he threw DASH under the bus because he didn't get his way ...

Gee, I sure hope he gets his way here, otherwise ... he'll probably get banned like he does on most all platforms he uses and then attempt to destroy Steemit's reputation on the way out ... errr on second thought that would be really hard to do, but you get my point. ;)

His scheme for $50 to create account was a flop and even if there wasn't public outrage it would have failed because it's way overpriced for the market. The free option with takes way too long. But anon.steem is $10 which is good enough. I still can't qualify that as a scam just a really bad business idea. STILL it is not an excuse to go after his wife who herself hasn't done anything wrong.

From what I see on the video, I can identify since I was a stupid marketer once and I was kicked out of many websites because I was desperate. I was kicked out of the moz forum for example for posting links. I got my adwords account shut down too. He got is teeth kicked in like I did. Still, not an excuse to go after his wife account.

STILL it is not an excuse to go after his wife who herself hasn't done anything wrong.

For the record, whatever you're talking about has nothing to do with me. So, I'm not sure why, nor do I appreciate you trying to tie me to something I have no knowledge or part of.

I simply provided information on how this person operates and thinks, by request.

If you choose to operate and think like him then I can understand why you defend him. :)

why does he talk normal in the first video but when he talks on steemit he is like a really bad care salesman? He is ruining steemits reputation since day one he is on here. I think his videos actually drive people away from steemit. How can this guy actually be a top 30 witness?

It's the way he does it. You have witness' who are out there giving this information away for free, I.E. helping people. He makes witness' look bad. The idea is to be making sure your witness runs well, making sure you don't miss blocks. Not about making as much money from it as you can. But I guess when you buy the votes, you need to make the money back some how right? :puke:

Hustling is one thing, but he just takes advantage of people.

There are tons of videos on how to do SEO on website but you know what? People pay or buy products to learn how to do SEO. This isn't a scam or taking advantage of people.

Another example: I would pay for someone to setup a witness. Is the person who does it taking advantage of me because they got the information "for free" somewhere on the internet?

This is insane! I came here to leave a comment about how I have been watching all of @jerrybanfield youtube on steemit, and now I read this thread and I'm not only flabbergasted, but confused, and as a newbie in hopes of contributing to this platform.... That's not good. #sad