Handy Helps Students Prepare for Finals Week

in #handy6 years ago


It is that time of year again. A time when students are preparing to go into finals week. This means that they are going to have little time to clean. Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s focus on getting you through the week. It is a very stressful time in your life, and Handy is here to make that stress a little less. If you follow the steps that we are going to provide to you below, you will have no problem completing your exams with the best marks possible.

Create a Study Guide

Just the simple act of creating a study guide will give you a lot of knowledge on the things that you need to remember. The best part is after you have completed making the study guide, you can use it to continue to study for your exam. All you are going to want to do is to recap the semester in as little space as possible. Focus on the most important things that were covered. These are the things that the professor is going to ask you about. The best way to do this is to look at the syllabus they gave you at the beginning of the semester. It should have a list of things you are expected to know by the end of the semester. These will be your top priority.

Review Sessions

Most professors end the lectures a little bit early. In place of more learning, they provide students with the opportunity to come to review classes. During these classes, they will often cover the material they intend on putting in the final exam. It would be in your best interest to attend any and all of these review sessions that the professor has offered. Don’t worry about scheduling, they will be scheduled in the class’ normal time slot. Avoid thinking that you know everything and can skip these classes. Often the students that attend them wind up doing the best on the final exam.

Start Early and Get Rest

Don’t wait until the last minute to study for your exam. You have often heard of students pulling all-nighters to study for a test. These students never do that well on the exam. The reason is that they have not had an appropriate amount of sleep. When you sleep, your body can take the things that you have learned and process it. It will map neural paths to the information so that you can access it when you need it. Take this time to let your body do what it needs to do. In the days leading up to the exam, make sure the that you are not out partying and get a full night sleep. There is plenty of time to party once the last exam has been written.


Handy wishes all the students taking exams the best of luck. If you follow the steps, we have provided you in the above article, you will be just fine. Remember, do the best that you can. No one can ask any more from you.