I am a proud Pakistani(we are built upon Islamic values) and we honour, respect and love our woman.
LOL this is so far from the truth it's not even funny. Calling me a bitch and a telling me to fuck off is not respect. Ya this is how you respect people. I guess your Islamic values says it is ok to speak to people like you do.
We cover them with honorable dresses and protect them from bad sights. (we don't put them on sale)
LOL this is what dictators do tells women how they have to dress. It is a photo in a bathing suit you childish idiot, and does not put me on sale nor am I inviting people to fuck me. Your opinion means nothing.
==> @aknirob is not my brother <= I don't even know, who he is..
So tell us what rule did @zone-in break to get blacklisted.
.. when I started ignoring you, you did the dirty way to grab my attention.
So you are responsible for this and not me..
The screenshot is also not because of me.. it is their fault, they provoke me, and my boiling point was reached :D
I think you said, you left modeling. my guess is you were also sick of it.. :p cause it attracts the bad guys you know..
Fourthly .. that's not a lie, he is not my brother, my bro is 15 years old kid.
I do care about you halo, that's why I am answering your questions. don't harm yourself.
I won't be able to argue with you for long.. at some point, I will need to leave you alone.
You are not a kid, so you should know, what's good and what's bad for you.
these things, your father must have taught to you, or your husband should be telling to you.. and not me, cause you are a responsibility of your husband and not me but maybe he does not care.. and you found a solution.. why not fuck Bilal's mind since he is available to answer any nonsense :p@halo first part ==> you were provoking me, since past few weeks :p why is this, why is that, what is this, what is that. questioning everything..
Oh by the way my husband and father are proud of my modeling photos, they are not dictators like you, and your opinion does not matter to anyone.You are insane @bialahaider , it's ok you have ran me off bearshares for good and now I am just going to make sure everyone everywhere knows how you are. I guess it's ok for @axeman to post photos like mine but not ok for me. Strange how your rules only apply to certain people.
==> I will never allow you to post that crap
If you think it's dictatorship.. so I am a dictator..Yups, I don't care about @axeman or xyz but I do care about you that's why I stopped you from posting that crap.
You can never stop me from posting what I want.

In your own words , If you don't like it you can FUCK OFF
Bro prostitutes Can't change their profession okay so ignore her 😂😂. She will get that prize what she deserve we can't change her by doting like this!
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