Witches Candy Bowl // Wadah Permen Ala Nenek Sihir

in #halloween6 years ago

Hi ladies and gents!

Long week-end starting tomorrow here, in BC, Canada, woo-hoo!

What's more awesome, it's been sunny and a tad warm, 16 C, altho too freaking windy that most of my Halloween decorations on the porch got blown here and there, in other words, I have to fix them quite often lol

WITCH theme :D
Just a quicky tutorial, for another candy bowl that I am entering to @stevescoins Halloween contest, and this time it is a

Halo Semua!

Asiiiiik besok libur panjang, cihuy, bisa bangkong wkwkwkw

Cuaca lagi enak nih disini, agak hangat dibanding beberapa hari silam. Salju pun meleleh, meski angin ribut banget, masih disyukuri deh pokoknya :D

Nih aku mau bagi tutorial cara buat wadah permen lainnya yang bertemakan "Nenek Sihir" (ga seram sih, soalnya bukan Mak Lampir wkwkwk), untuk Halloween.

Dan tentunya, aku ikut sertakan tutorial ini ke kontes Halloweennya si @stevescoins


To summarize, here are the requirements!

The Rules of Entry:

- You may submit ANY Halloween related material (art, fiction, photography, non-fiction, horror) you like: This is a free form contest.
- You may enter multiple times
- You must resteem his actual post, OR make a short blog about this contest for each entry you make
- You must link to this contest in the entry for every entry you make
- You may use previously written material, but you must create a new post (republish) for any material over 6 months old
- Link your post in the comment box of his initial announcement
- Make sure your readers know to come and comment on your entry-comment on his actual post

At first, thinking I was done, the candy bowl looked like this, before I added the smaller size witch legs on the top picture. But my son and my husband thought it looked a bit plain, so I added the smaller witch legs (which was actually my old hair bando from past Halloween lol) and yep, they are both correct, it looks better (see top picture) with the small legs as decoration, don't you think?
Are you interested in participating? Head to @stevescoins announcement for the contest, here, https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize

Kalau teman tertarik untuk ikutan, nih ketentuan lombanya :)

- Boleh mengikutkan apapun asal mengenai Halloween. Boleh cerita, foto, karya seni dll BEBAS pokoknya
- Boleh mengirim karya teman sebanyak mungkin

- Boleh mengikut sertakan apa yang teman pernah buat sebelumnya, namun jangan buatan jaman jebot yah, setidaknya 6 bulan lah umur tuh karya teman
- Wadao, panjang bener neh ketentuannya, capek juga aku translate-nya wkwkwk Kalau dah selesai, ikut sertakan laman teman di link dia yah
- Ajak teman2mu untuk me-like ataupu ninggalin komentar di karyamu

Awalnya aku pikir udahan ah, aku dah selesai nih bikin wadahnya. Awalnya seperti dibawah ini, bukan seperti foto pertama diatas. Tapi terus anak sulungku dan suamiku ngasih masukkan, untuk menambah pernak-pernik. Jadi kutambahkan sepasang kaki penyihir yang terbalik. Untung warnanya tepat banget kan, sama-sama hitam hijau, seperti kaki dibawahnya :D
- Harus nge-resteem link berikut ini https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize, atau setidaknya menyebutkan tentang dia dan kontesnya di blog yang akan kamu ikut sertakan


To make this candy bowl, you will need:

- 2 paper cups
- 2 witches stockings, whichever color, either orange black, or green black like mine
- tube packaging - depending how thick your tube/cylinder packaging is, you might need extra socks to build up a proper look of human legs.
- gorilla glue gun
- serrated knife/scissor
- ribbons
- Halloween decorations such as snakes and witches legs hair bando
- skirt material, can be tutu or Halloween themed rolls from bookstore/Dollarstore even
- high heels, I got mine from thrift store, less than $7
- foam, if needed (I needed foam because the size of the high heels were whatever thrift store had, right, and they were a tad bigger than I had hoped)
- Halloween themed plastic bowl

Untuk buat nih wadah permen, mudah banget, nih bahan-bahannya

- 2 gelas kertas/plastik boleh juga
- 2 kaos kaki loreng-loreng
- sisa pembungkus kantor pos yang silinder atau biasanya kalau beli poster, kan ada pembungkusnya yang terbuat dari karton cukup keras/kuat - tergantung kalau tuh bungkusan kecil atau besar, kalau kecil tambahkan beberapa kaos kaki yak, biar kelihatan seperti kaki manusia nantinya
- lem kuat
- pisau/gunting
- pita untuk mempercantik
- pernak pernik yang berhubungan dengan Halloween (ular, laba-laba dll)
- kain khusus buat baju putri, disini sih disebutnya kain tutu, atau kalau ga bisa yah kain yang berhubungan dengan Halloween yak
- sepatu hak tinggi yang dah ga kepake
- busa, jika sepatu lebih besar ketimbang gelas serta pembungkus silinder, biar padat dan ga jatuh ketika menjadi "kaki"
- mangkuk plastik besar


- Glue paper cups inside the high heels, securing round it with foam which also need to be glued to the inside of the high heels.
- Cut your cylinder packaging into same height, so you would make two, left and right legs. Insert socks and stockings and glue them to the paper cup.
- Glue the bowl on the top of the cylinder packaging, glue and wrap the skirt around, make it prettier with ribbon.
- Attach two more ribbons either on the sides of the high heels or on the front, whichever you think is best, and your candy bowl is basically ready!
- Decorate as you wish with the snakes or spiders, etc.

- lem gelas kedalam sepatu, sisi-sisinya diberi busa yang juga dilem, jadi benar-benar kokoh yak, ga gerak-gerak
- potong pembungkus silinder kalian menjadi dua, sama panjang. Beri kaos kaki, dan dirikan di dalam gelas tadi, namun bawahnya harus di lem terlebih dahulu
- beri lem diatasnya dan tempelkan mangkuk plastik
- pada dasarnya dah selesai, tinggal dihias dengan pernak-pernik serta pita dan rok yak :D




Super simple but sturdy :D

Thanks for looking! Should you have the time, please head to @stevescoins page on this link, https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize, and vote/leave comment on my entry(ies)!

Terus ciptakan artikel yang menarik dan gunakan tagar #nusantara, dan juga vote thekitchenfairy sebagai Steemit Witness kalian di https://steemit.com/~witnesses Pada kolom yang tersedia, ketik thekitchenfairy dan klik VOTE :D
Tolong ke link ini yah teman, terus cari punyaku, ga perlu di vote ga apa2, yang penting bantuin komentar di punyaku :D https://steemit.com/halloween/@stevescoins/halloween-2018-open-medium-contest-20-shares-steembasicincome-as-prize

Vote Witnesses!

https://steemit.com/~witnesses https://v2.steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=thekitchenfairy&approve=1

If you leave ANY link on my blog, I WILL flag you down. This is to avoid phishing and shits


I love it, you really go as nuts for Halloween as we seem to in the UK nowadays. Very creative idea for the bowl, I think the shorter legs do work better - it's a superb decoration either way!

You have reminded me I need to dig our decorations out of the attic, my youngest was checking out the pumpkins yesterday and I told him it was too soon yet!

#thealliance #witness

she has some of the coolest posts imho

thanks pretty lady, you are the coolest! <3

share some pics!

Awesome candy bowl, Thanks for sharing @thekitchenfairy

howdy there thekitchenfairy! oh wow, what's this, another perfect post? big surprise. lol. great job, is it getting cold up there yet? lol.

yes and no, snowed, stopped, rained, stopped, foggy, stopped, warming up for 2 days, now back to -5 C lol

at least its not snowing so trick or treating would be nice!

lol, the joys of living in Canada! Ya gotta be tough to live up there!

Fun :)

yes it was fun making it, and i cant wait to put it out tomorrow :D this bowl will be filled with toys and stationary while the other bowl will be with sweets :D

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this post is going to be featured in the upcoming "Titans" newsletter, great post :)

thanks Yolandi <3