The Halloween Party Pt. 2

in #halloween2 years ago

It's the day of Halloween. Ellie had trouble sleeping last night because she was so excited about the party. She got out of bed and started to get ready for school. She was getting ready quite fast because she was so excited. She could hear her parents getting ready for work.

"Morning mom and dad!" said Ellie.
"Good morning!" yelled Lilah and Jason, "Happy Halloween!"
"Happy Halloween!" yelled Ellie.

Ellie walked to her parent's room.

"Are you excited about the party tonight?" asked Lilah.
"I'm so excited! I got ready so fast this morning!" said Ellie.
"I see that you normally wear your pajamas to breakfast in the mornings, but you're already ready to go before you have even eaten," said Jason.
Ellie laughed, "That's true, but I'm just so excited!"
"Go have your breakfast," said Lilah.
"Okay mom," said Ellie.

Ellie went downstairs and made herself some waffles and a glass of water. She sat down at the table and started to eat her breakfast. She hadn't checked her phone yet this morning, so she looked at her notifications. She got the invite from Mandy for the party and so many people said they are going. Ellie got so excited.

She went outside to head to school. She met up with Maggie three blocks away since they don't live too far from each other. They walked to school together and talked about the party and their costumes. They were both very excited. They skipped to school.

After school, Maggie and Ellie met up and started walking to Ellie's house. Maggie decided she wanted to get ready there. By the time they reached her house, Ellie's mom was already home. They walked up to the house and greeted Lilah as they walked in the door.

"Hey mom!" said Ellie.
"Hey Lilah!" said Maggie.
"Hello girls," said Lilah, "you going to get ready for the party now?"
"You bet!" yelled the girls as they started running up the stairs.

The girls got into Ellie's room and started to get ready. Ellie already had everything she was going to wear laid out on her bed. Maggie took her things out of her bag. They were both so excited. Maggie was thinking about doing something different for Ellie.

"Do you want to be an evil nurse or a dead nurse?" asked Maggie.
"Oh, that sounds interesting...I think being an evil nurse sounds like it would be fun!" said Ellie.
"Yes! Thank goodness I brought my fake blood!" said Maggie, excitedly.
"This is going to be fun!" said Ellie.

Maggie did Ellies makeup and put fake blood all over her. Maggie was going to be an evil girl from the Purge, so she had a flashy mask and a bat for her outfit. Ellie decided that she would need a weapon too, but what kind specifically? She finally decided what she was going to take with her.

"Maggie, I've decided what I'm going to take with me!" said Ellie.
"Oh yay! What did you decide on?" asked Maggie.
"My mom has some old syringes, I can fill them with colored water and act like it's poison!" exclaimed Ellie.
"That is a great idea!" said Maggie excitedly.
"Let me go grab them and then we can leave," said Ellie.

Ellie ran downstairs and saw her parents with shocked looks on their faces as they saw her outfit.

"Wow, Ellie! That looks interesting!" exclaimed her parents.
"I know right? I decided on being an evil nurse," said Ellie.
"Well that's neat, I hope you have fun!" said Lilah.
"Do you still have those old syringes? If so could I possibly use some for my costume?" asked Ellie.
"Of course, just be very careful please!" said Lilah.

Lilah brought Ellie the syringes and taught Ellie how to use them.

"Do you have some kind of container I could use to put some colored water or something in to make it look like poison?" asked Ellie.
"I think so, let me look," said Lilah.

Lilah found a small container and put a tiny hole in the top for the syringe to fit in, but it also wouldn't leak.

"Thanks, mom!" said Ellie excitedly.
"No problem" said Lilah.
"Maggie! Are you ready?" yelled Ellie.
"Just a minute" yelled Maggie.

Maggie grabbed her things and some of Ellies that she forgot and ran downstairs. Ellie's parents were shocked at Maggie's outfit as well.

"Well Maggie your outfit is unique as well," said Lilah.
"Unique like you though!" said Jason.
"Of course," said Lilah.
"Thanks, Lilah, thanks Jason," said Maggie.
"No problem, can we get a picture of you two together before you go?" asked Lilah.
"Yes! Need it for memories" said Ellie excitedly.

Lilah took the picture of the girls and showed them, they loved it.

"Thank you!" said Ellie and Maggie.
"You're welcome," said Lilah.
"We got to go, a friend of ours that's going to the party is picking us up, they said they are just down the road," said Ellie.
"Ok, you girls have a good time and be careful!" said Lilah.
"Of course!" said the girls.

Ellie and Maggie ran outside and waited on the sidewalk for their friend to pull up. When he pulled up they jumped in and shut the door. Their friend complimented their costumes and they drove off.




Good to read the final part of the Halloween story. She must look so perfect in her nurse outfit.

There will be another part :D

Oh thats nice. I'll be waiting..

I'm glad you are enjoying it.