These were my practice runs, on myself, so just a stripped back hand:
Not perfect, we have some bleeding into the bones, but, this is a very fun bit of make up to do, and apart from that, very pleased with the overall effect.
This was the best bite of the night!
Nice bit of neck maul
My (not so) little bro, rocking a very infected bite
And patient zero!
Very sadly didn't take a good photo of my chest piece until I was like, mega drunk, so don't have the skin peeling away from my ribcage to show you... I may have to give it another go....
Just a bit of DIY make up, putting much paper mache on people, you start with the tissue layer, then, once it has dried, start painting! More fun to do than wear, but, very easy to take off at the end of the night!
Halloween Contest - you can enter numerous times, and I very much want to include a story (or two) but wanted to kick it off with a little entry in another category. There is plenty of time left to enter, so check it out and give it a go!!This is my first entry to @stevescoins
It's a great contest, so even if you don't wana enter, check fun variety of entries in the latest round up
The Rules of Entry
- You may submit ANY Halloween related material (art, fiction, photography, non-fiction, horror) you like: This is a free form contest
- You may enter multiple times
- You must resteem his post, OR make a short blog about this contest for each entry you make...he wants lots of entries, and lots of Halloween posting to Steemit
- You must link to the contest in the entry for every entry you make
- You may use previously written material, but you must create a new post (republish) for any material over 6 months old
Love contests? Love making stuff up? Check out the latest round of my contest Tell A Story To Me either, tell the tale of people who encounter the scariest story ever, or... Panda time!!

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Brilliant :D
what YOU did all that?!!!
Oh yeah!! i had so much fun doing it again and again trying to practise! I kinda wish his make up was acceptable for every day :p
these are GREAT! thanks so much for entering and adding another category for people to share!
Thank you, hopefully you get some more make up ;)
I was too curious and came to see that amazingly realistic Halloween makeup but now.. how can I sleep with patient zero's image in my mind!
I would recommend by an open window, on the ground floor, nice and easy for the infection to drift in!
Thanks for the advice!! 😂
Didn't see this post until now. Looks like movie makeup. Giving it a go?