in #hair7 years ago

Hair loss is a natural thing that will be experienced by men. This is because men tend to experience baldness compared to women. By now, not uncommon when the age increased, the more a man's hair loss.

  1. Stress
    The first factor that causes hair loss is stress. Based on a study, stress is a factor that is most quickly cause of baldness in men. Usually in coping with stress, someone to deal with it by way of smoking or drinking alcohol. Whereas the actual smoking or drinking alcohol will get triggered on hair loss.

  2. Age getting older
    As for the second factor is because age is already getting old. Hair follicles are owned by men who are old, the longer it will increasingly be reduced causing the hair force one becomes increasingly weak and then suffered a loss. The weak hair follicles may also inhibit the growth of hair.

  1. Genetic
    The third factor, namely genetic factors. If a man has a family, tend to be bald likely larger in experienced baldness compared to people who did not have a family history that is bald. Therefore, it is very important to know tips in dealing with baldness the hair on a man.
    Talk about baldness, there is a tips to overcome baldness by using materials and natural way, certainly this is very helpful man in overcoming or avoiding the problem of baldness. The following tips overcome baldness.

· Avoid Sunburn
Although sunlight is known to be very good for the skin, but if too long exposed to the Sun or the Sun will make your scalp is dry so that it can trigger the onset of hair loss.
· Use The Shampoo And Conditioner In Accordance With The Type Of Hair
The second tip that is use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. Why? Because everyone has different hair types. Use a shampoo that cost dearly will not guarantee that your hair will remain in a good state. In addition, frequently changing shampoos can also cause hair to become a quick loss.
· Avoid The Use Of Chemical Overuse
As much as possible avoid the wearing or use of the chemicals are too often. Although shampoos contain harsh chemicals but does not harm such as entailed chemicals when doing the rebounding, smoothing, and so on. Indeed, the man can be said to rarely do treatment or changes in the hair. However, most men who use these materials would be faster causing kerkntokan on hair that would eventually culminate in baldness.

  1. Dry your hair before Combing

Most men often ignore treatment on hair, though trivial. But in fact, combing the hair in circumstances that are still wet will make the hair into a loss. This is because when the hair is wet, it becomes more fragile.

The following are some natural ingredients commonly used in addressing the problem of hair loss in men.

  1. Green coconut water
    Coconut water is identical as an ingredient to neutralize body when experiencing intoxication. However, did you know that shampooing with the use of coconut water turns can help address the problem of hair loss. At least, if you want to make the hair can keep growing with fertile, you can use coconut water two weeks once.

  2. Aloe Vera

The last tip is to use Aloe Vera in coping with baldness. It's been long known, that Aloe Vera is very popular as a natural remedy for healthy hair. In addition, the Aloe Vera plant is very easy to be found so that it can greatly assist you in troubleshooting your hair loss. How to use Aloe Vera to cope with loss is quite easy. You just need to cut a little Aloe Vera, then rub it on the hair, and then leave it a while before rinsing it off. Tips overcome baldness with Aloe Vera is proven to be very effective.