Hair Power - Scientific and Occult beliefs.

in #hair5 years ago
  1. Some hair facts I find interesting.
  2. Some ancient beliefs about hair.
  3. My 2-hair strands on the matter. 0.o


Short list of some - Hair Facts -

Hair is made up mostly of keratin, the same protein animals’ horns, hooves, claws, feathers, and beaks are made of.

Hair contains information about everything that has been in your bloodstream, such as medicine, drugs, minerals, and vitamins.

The only thing that CAN’T be identified by hair is gender.

If you counted the growth of all the hairs on an average person’s head, in one year it would equate to over 10 miles of hair growth. (I wonder, why would the body go through all this work)

Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body – second only to bone marrow. (Again... for something not so important, a lot of work sure goes into it)

A single, healthy strand of hair can withstand about 6.5 pounds. (The force is strong with this one)

On average, people have about 100,000 strands of hair on their head. (Oh, maybe I can make some rope out of it) :)

Each hair strand has its own muscle, nerve, and blood supply. (And retains all that information? It must be... Alive!)

The amount of weight an entire head of hair can support is equivalent to 2 elephants, or 12 TONS.

A single hair has a lifespan of about five years.

Now for some - Ancient hair beliefs -

There has been belief that hair acts as antenna, collecting details of the surrounding environment and channelling thoughts and feelings(energy). Therefore, the longer the hair, the better your spider sense(intuition). It has been said that cutting the hair and not allowing it to grow to it's natural length, limits memory, stamina and patience. Also it results in a lack of nourishment, as it is needed for regrowing cut off hair.

Historically cutting hair was used as a punishment for those who had been enslaved or conquered.

There is also the biblical story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was powerful, it is said he slayed a lion with his bare hands and massacred an entire army of Philistines using only the jawbone of a donkey. That is until he lost all his power due to his hair being cut.

How I feel about this...

Well for the past 1 year and a half I've been growing my hair. For the first time, I stopped listening to everyone else. Growing up I was always told that men aren't supposed to have long hair. So I always cut it short to please others,
friends, family, etc. After a while I realized how the world is so backwards.

For instance,(this is only my feelings on the matter by the way)... So every mammal on the planet has foreskin on the penis, yet some people act/promote, as if it's necessary every single person needs to be circumsized.

I know of people who believe in Gods power supposedly but, he must be wrong in the fact he made my hair grow. And also, children must be vaccinated more and more. (Let's give em some mercury, that'll ramp up their immune system).

Could it be, the act of chopping off what is probably the most sensitive part of a man, with the most nerve endings in the human body(penis foreskin). And cut off his hair, make him a little easier to control, a loyal to the system, militaristic man. I think of it like in the latest Spiderman movie. Without his spider-sense he would not have seen through Mysterios illusions.

Anyways, once again I ramble too much. Though there's plenty more to write. Those are my thoughts on the power of hair, for now, along with some probably unnecessary commentary.


And yes, I plan on, twisting, braiding, locking, tying, bun-ing, and going full-rapunzel.

Thanks to Pexels, Ryan Jvr and fauxels for the awesome photos.

I finally leave you with a pretty kool 2 minute video of a lady pulling a truck with her hair.