Wow! Qué maestro del Ski sobreviviría a ser engullido por una abominable, rápida y pesada avalancha... Tu poema me hizo pensar, al final, en poderosos superhéroes xD
Wow! What a ski master would survive to be engulfed by an abominable, swift and heavy avalanche... Your poem made me think, in the end, of powerful superheroes xD
Something tragic happens in the third verse!
I like the way you gave movement to your haiku, describing a quiet and still scene, then breaking the calm.
Wow! Qué maestro del Ski sobreviviría a ser engullido por una abominable, rápida y pesada avalancha... Tu poema me hizo pensar, al final, en poderosos superhéroes xD
Wow! What a ski master would survive to be engulfed by an abominable, swift and heavy avalanche... Your poem made me think, in the end, of powerful superheroes xD
Something tragic happens in the third verse!
I like the way you gave movement to your haiku, describing a quiet and still scene, then breaking the calm.