" You will have to talk to Bernie about what he did to you. It's really nothing to do with me. I've given you votes for engaging in real discussion. I very rarely flag."
Oh sorry if you misunderstood I dont expect you to repair anything or change your mind I was stating my stance and explaining the reasons for it thank you for your time and the upvotes id return the courtesy but as you can see mine are rather worthless. I don't think I'll try talking with him thats how our animosity started, not everybody can take somebody having a different opinion than their own.
"If I'm just a 'face in a mob' then he took a lot of time to work out how much to flag me and to look up who else was commenting. I'd expect him to be relaxing on his yacht in Acapulco or something ;)"
Id definitely be retired by now :), being rich must be boring at least for some
Sorry to have offended by saying you are on the same side as sanders I didnt mean it as in thinking you to be the same type of person far from it.