Someone HACKED me...

in #hacked7 years ago (edited)

So. I was hacked. Lost my FB and my Twitter.
Also. . . Turns out, they REMOTELY wiped my Android phone. I lost everything. .

They deleted my Google account. Lost my YouTube channel. Lost my email. I lost everything.

I quit.

Goodbye Crypto world... It was real.

Update: looks like it was at least 2 hackers. BEC the one who has my Twitter don't know someone else locked me out of that email.... Fuck?

Update: Looks like this is Craig Grant. And Anon is going after anyone "promoting" Bitconnect but Grant is innocent...

Craig Grant wins. I'm done. My Bitconnect videos are down. I'll never speak about Bitconnect again. Looks like he wants only his bcc videos on YouTube. Monopoly well played.


Screw them, bro! Start a new channel, and you KNOW you have so much support. Are you still available for our interview on Wednesday... I'd love for you to share everything that's gone down for the community. Either as an intro for a new channel for yourself (there's no way to get it back, from YouTube- your face is everywhere!), or to share some words?

I'm so defeated, I have no energy to even try. All that I worked for, set on fire. I really appreciate everyone's SUPPORT but I feel dead on the inside. My anxiety and depression we're already something I struggled with. IDK if I'll recover from this.

Take some time. Stick your feet up and watch some shit TV. Disconnect and just chill.
After that see how you feel and make a decision.

Until then im keeping the trolls warm :)

Ps if you do decide to come back i wanna see you in an orange parker and John in a blue hat. I think you can figure out where this is going.
He came back every week, so can you :)

I understand, bro. I've suffered from the same, and have to keep moving in order to stave it off. Meditate a bit, treat yourself a little more than usual, and take it a step at a time. When you're ready to come back, you'll have so much you'll have learned for us, and you know we'll all be waiting. Got your back, so just shoot me a ring anytime you feel like you'd just need someone to talk to.

Love you brother,

Please help me get Twitter to deactivate @kennethbosak by reporting it as hacked. Thank you. And I really appreciate you bro bro. IDK if I'll ever come back to the limelight but I appreciate all of your support. Thanks for everything.

I think you can report it dude, I dont like what you did and how you acted in the last week. That said being hacked and exposed is not right, Hope you sort your shit out soon.

I just got hacked. I found a trojan on my PC trojan.password stealer, and my exodus walet is wipet out. Can you help ? I lost 200 OMG , $2200.
I have been told to contact you. I hope you can help me.
Thank you in advance.

I'm sorry to see they hit you.

They are a well financed and highly technical group of individuals.

Sometimes you just have to be Long on the Madness of Crowds.

The best defense against hackers is having your wealth locked up in steem power.

Can you help me get Twitter to deactivate my Twitter @kennethbosak thanks

Try to get everybody you know to report that your account has been hacked. They just need to go to your profile and click "more user options."


I found this link that may be helpful:

I have tweeted the situation to all my followers. Not sure what else I can do ...

I can't thank you enough!!

Also done now

I reported it, thanks for finding the form

Thank you

I reported to..

Your a friend of mine on FB, I will report to them that you have been hacked.

Bro that sucks! Dude, this happened to me once, I had to start all over but when I did, it was worth it. Never Stop Man!

Might want to look into using linux for your primary computer for cryptos. Most keyloggers are on the windows side of things if you know what I mean. I recommend linux mint for easy windows like experience.

Dude, are you serious @kennethbosak? gtfo . . . Someone had a vendetta? Have you tried to contact people in your network to see if anything can be salvaged? I am sure that there are some white hat types amongst your followers and fans. Surely you have many of your videos saved elsewhere. Maybe in the cloud or a hard drive? If some deactivated your fb it may still be there . . have you contacted them? Send a ticket to fb. Same with Google. There must be backups somewhere of Google accounts. Do you have any sort of cloud storage that automatically backs up your data?

Wow man . . I am really sorry.

My cloud was Google drive. That was deleted with my Google account. Lost everything. Everything....

I can't contact ANYONE... Even my VoIP # was hacked. I can't reach a single person in my network. This is all I have left. Steemit. Nothing else. Can't even text...

Duddeee this sucks so bad, I'm sorry! You know how to get a hold of me though don't you??

Please let us know any updates through Steemit man.

You can get your gmail, and youtube account back, just fill out the forms, - answer the questions, and they will let you back in, ive done it before. All your vids might be gone, but you will still have your subs.

Good luck

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

how did they do this?

Ill never know

Know that attacks like these usually happens in phases. You were probably compromised days ago but they took their time collecting all your data (passwords via keylogger).

Possibly. Maybe Mcafee will help me?

I wouldn't trust mcafee even with my wifi password. But, sure.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Possibly. Maybe Mcafee will help me? Most likely not tho...

Try #steemgigs and use the 150 steem I sent you as bounty.

Thanks for that steem btw bro bro ✊ yeah maybe I can put out 1 btc for a bounty. ...

Hold up?!?!? How did you find out it was Craig Grant? You can't just make accusations like thst without any proof or story. If it is true then you really need to let the community know how you came to this conclusion.

The community came to this conclusion and informed me. Based on the videos published by the "hackers". Other than that you're right I don't know for sure. I'll never know for sure. But odds are... In addition people have been warning me they are seeing hits on the dark web for Kenn Bosak. So this isn't a game. I'm not playing. I quit. I can't compete with hits being taken out on the dark web...

In addition people have been warning me they are seeing hits on the dark web for Kenn Bosak.

Did they happen to screenshot it?

Dude I don't know what to say... This is what really frustrates me about steemit. @dan you see the shit that is going down on your platform. Stop flagging @berniesanders and focus on this right here. I have a feeling if you never came to steemit you probably would not have gotten hacked. There is a reason they didn't hack your steemit account...

What are you accusing me of exactly?

Not accusing you of anything. I'm just saying that the hackers left your steemit account so they could give you one outlet especially if it's true who you say hackes you or at least initiated the hack.

That is fucked up.

Do you have another account on social media you're using? How do I keep in touch with you?

Just this. It's all I got left. I'm dead. 😭

you're getting a new phone I'm assuming

It was wiped... I woke up to a new phone. I think I downloaded a bad app or something idk bro. .. be safe.

i dont think you downloaded a bad app bro i think they used a keylogger check out this vid john mcafee said how hackers put keylogers on phones and pc

I still got your BCC vids on my channel. You obviously struck a nerve with some people, but hacking all your shit goes too far.

They had FULL access to my Android phone... Texts, apk, everything.

That's some bad shit. Someone in that group is a pro hacker.

Don't give up reporting on crypto, though. You say things that need to be said.

I think it was 2 different hackers now...

If you used your phone for Google apps like YT, once they hacked your phone, they had your Google login info. Same with Twitter.

Looking like that is what happen

Kenn , please come back to youtube, tell us your new channel, your subscribers will promote it, Your previous subscribers will resubscribe. You are not starting from 0. Remember that, nothing is lost on that front.

Wow, i honestly can't believe this happened, saw today that those anonymous crypto guys on youtube made a video about you. Hopefully all of your crypto is safe and sound. Just start over, we got your back. I teased the crap out of you but all in fun, i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. Let us all help you start over.

I don't think I can start over. I lost thousands. I lost every single social media account and every connection I ever made. Lost everything. My life is over. They win.

Nope its never over brother. No better time then right now to start.

I can't bring myself to even watch the video... Like I'm just going to ignore all of this. Fuck it.

Get back on the youtube immediately Ken, contact Ozzy he will put you on his show today. Prepare a new channel right now, thousands will join again, we'll all be there and more will come, but don't let time pass. This is a bump in the road, bitcoin still rules everything around you, mate! Rebuild! Start now!

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Hold up so he was targeted by anonymous? You have a link to the video? I'm starting to get worried myself to be honest.

anynomous don´t do shit like that ..this is exactly why they have a shitty reputation because others do sh*t things like this and post a video about it.. these are called an(a)lnonymous

Sorry I didnt make your show I was just waiting for the right time.

Come on yellow that sounds as if he just died or something. Lets cheer him up. Ken is the best interview right now in the cryptospace, someone should bring him on their show today, and as long as they didn't wipe out your mind you still have the tools to rebuild Ken!

How about a gofundme Page for Ken?

Kenn, the guys on my live stream wanted you to know that if you make another channel they'll resub to you. Don't give up man. When life gives you lemons you take them and put a lemonade stand. If you don't make a comeback you're letting them win.

Bien dicho, hay que llevarle a algun show esta misma noche. Que pueda explicar que ha pasado y entre todos le convencemos a volver a abrir su canal!

I agree with you, 21mil! Spin this to a positive. This may be some of the best content for your show (for the people that listen to what you have to say) that you have had in awhile... The most important part of crypto is ownership. Once you realize you are your own bank, you realize that you are also your own security guard for your bank...

Please help share your experience with us all! You have Steemit still...That means you have a fresh start on D-tube!!! I'll get you started with 2 questions... How has this Steem account not been compromised? What should my first actions be to avoid being a target?

I will help with what limited capacity I have... For now, I send you hope!

What a damn shame. I just met you at the Philly End The Fed. Thanks for the hat BTW and I hope you enjoy your shirts brother. You were a very excited and happy person. Its a shame there are vile elements within crypto like there are.

If you need to reach out to me, once this all settles down, reach me VIA

Don't let these cowards get the best of you. You can start over and be much more successful.

Keep your passwords complex and very long. Never use same password twice. Hope to see you back soon!

I owe you $ I didn't forget ... Post your btc address. And I'll probably never come back. This is it for me. Just gonna be a spectator for Crypto. Nothing more. I quit.

lets all give Kenn 100% upvote !!!

What the fuck?

Censorship SUCKS, I hate it.

This whole situation fucking sucks. And i already said to you that i understand if you hung it up now.
But i do think you could rise from the ashes like Phoenix! First get your security in order. Different email for each social media account. (Compartmentalization) then just drop onto crypt0s news group and announce your glorious return. Drop comments on other tubers videos as well and just glide back in if you ever choose to do so.

But its your choice at the end of the day and i dont think anybody would argue with your decision (no body that mattered anyway)

Anywho im unable to live stream and screen cap so i wont ask you for an interview. But if you can contact someone willing maybe have a good bye live stream.

Ultimately dont go silently into the night! Go out with a bang if nothing else on YOUR terms.

Stay strong man. We'll still be here if you decide to come back

high five

I really appreciate that. But, I think I quit life. . .

Knock that shit off. Hang in there.

Don't quit! Maybe people can help with different things. Social Media Accounts can be brought back or at least the connections, YouTube followers as well. As you once mentioned in your vids the ad revenue isn't that big anyway. Sleep over this a couple of days so you don't take any "stupid" decisions all heated up.

Its like a death in the family or a bad break up. Shits gunna hurt, your gunna get angry if you haven't already and eventually you will get through it.
#ShitHappens, we deal and we move forward.
You can evetually continue along the same path with more experiance and a fresh slate or carve a new one in a different direction.
... i may have had too much "cigarette"

I just want that Twitter account deactivated but Twitter wont delete my hacked Twitter account. It's fucked

This is your chance to shine Kenn, Dont be crushed we got plans with C Reefer to do, hit me up on FB, Your audience is ready.

I have no FB. They took it all from me. I have no energy to do anything. I just wanna die.

I think this is a stunt.

Dont be daft, This is HUGE !! Your chance to blow the roof off.

Hey Kenn, don't give up from you believes!
You are much grater than all your losses.
Believe in you self and learn from your mistakes.
You are going to get out of this much stronger.


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I quit.

You'll regret it. Take this as a life lesson and go HARDER.

I lost everything.

You still have arms and legs that work and fingers that can type.

I really like this motivation from you sir @fulltimegeek ...aside from having arms and legs and fingers that can type, we also have our minds to mine and to earn. Thanks man I'm also motivated.

Real easy to find out who initiated the Hack. And most of us have a good idea who he is.
Contact those white Hakers for some sweet revenge!

If you could report @kennethbosak as hacked on Twitter, I'd really appreciate it. IDK why Twitter hasn't removed my account. Everyone I know reported it as hacked yet it's still up... Thanks for the support brother I appreciate it. I hope to make a comeback one day but for the unforseen further I'm done.

Also, if you haven't yet, check out Ozzy's latest video about your hack. He may disagree with your opinions and such but recognizes that this should not happen to anybody. If I were you, reach out to him and listen.

Didn't you have most of your crypto on the Ledger? You still have that, don't you?

Yes. I have that. That's all I have left.

That's very good, I'm glad about that!
I hope you feel better today than you felt yesterday.
The majority of your community stands behind you and would love to see you back, myself included. You'd easily get your subs back. But I can imagine that such an event takes time to process.
Most importantly you still got your Crypto dude! 😉

Did they get you via this phishing email that tells you to encrypt your BitConnect account? Trevon showed such an email.

Don't give up! We got your back! Get it all up and running and we will get all your supporters together again.

The latest "anon" video said he'd prove grant was innocent of the hack (at least thats what i think they meant)
But lets be honest. He is off in Jamaica and it wouldnt be hard for him to fake it.

We shall not be silenced through fear!

Bro really no one can express the sorrow by which you are going through....i too have been hacked but eventually somehow got my account back.....i recommend you surf internet in inconigto mode and do not download 3rd party applications.....

may god put those hackers down to hell

bro' maybe it needs a bit more than just browsing in incognito mode, just think about it and do some research.

hoi, this is thick...
I have so many pass and keys and all kind of a crap...
I need to hack myself to get into my accounts and when I do I usually have zero notification and 500 followers took a dunk on me...

Nice post.........,,,,,,,,

This really sucks and I know you are very depressed at the moment, but it can also be a great opportunity for you. You may not see it now, but take some time, as much as you need, get back on your feet, and look at the big picture. You can help a lot of people from your experience.

If you uploaded my Bitconnect video on your YouTube please taken them down asap. I do not want anyone else in this hell with me. Be safe.

Lol the haters have already found me :)
I know the risk and im willing to keep going! I will not allow fear to win!

And im sure you've already seen Johns video by now but im posting it anyway

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I still have the five I downloaded up on my channel. So far, I've only got some random comments either praising you or trashing you. I'm leaving them up. Fuck 'em.

Sorry to see you go man. I was really enjoying your content. Best of luck to you man. Hopefully they didn't steal your crypto.

they took all of his crypto dude!

I don't think they took all his crypto from what I read but mostly all his followers and social media accounts.

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment
 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

He replied to me that he still has his crypto on his ledger. Maybe you should correct this in your article.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

I don't even want to at this point. I'm so depressed. I quit the internet. Steemit might be my ONLY outlet. We'll see if they let me enjoy this at least. But, idk if I'll be active here after today. This is killing me.

fight man!



They definitely win with this mindset and not moving forward Kenneth. Hang in there.

they only win if you let them.. make a new tube account and hit back twice as hard, this shit is not ok

try this also .. it worked for him..but don´t use your phone to register before you have got it scanned for intrusions..

You have 2FA and a VOIP phone account?? How they manage to get into that? Hmmm

They had access to my phone. Remotely

Dude, i saw that you have MGT Sentinel Sensor from McAfee in your setup, did you get any feedback from McAfee, it was a gift from him so maybe i could help you out?