Have you ever lost momentum after having stuck with a positive habit for a while?
Too many times. In May I did a daily walking challenge using the Actifit app on an alt account. I was doing so well I continued into June. Then the scorching triple-digit heat arrived and it was challenging to stick with my evening walks. An attempt at shifting waking to the morning was short lived. So I stopped. I've tried to restart my daily walking streak several times since them, but wind up with only 2-3 days with large gaps in-between.
I'm hoping that once the weather cools a bit I will be inspired to restart and stick with the daily walks. The fact is #Move2Earn is rewarding both physically and monetarily. For me not to walk daily is costing me better health and potential rewards.
When trying to restart, did you aim for walking the same distances that you used to back when you had a streak going?
I had found a good route that got me to at least 5K steps during my walk. Which I have done since then. On days the weather is extra hot and challenging I will alternate the route to more shady streets and will try to get between 2500-4000 steps in. I figure any walk is better than no walk. I celebrate getting out to move at all. I always feel better afterwards.