Trump turns the table on the gun control nuts - Information War is Here.

in #guns7 years ago (edited)

Trump injects common sense into the whole gun control debate. He brings up the fact that gun free zones are murder zones for crazy people and that teachers should be allowed to conceal carry guns to stop these mass shootings.

I hope Trump is serious about allowing teachers to carry guns in schools because this would completely destroy the media's push for more gun control. Watch as Trump flips the new cycle this week from banning guns to concealed carry in the classroom.

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teachers should be allowed to conceal carry guns

This is possibly one of the dumbest ideas ever. Sure, it might occasionally end up in a good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun scenario, but “accidents” are likely to kill even more kids.

Trump has got to know this is a non-starter among teachers. Remember after 9/11 when so many people suggested that pilots should carry guns? Pilots rose up and said no freaking way. Teachers will do the same. This idiotic proposal is going nowhere.

Are you familiar with CCW holders accidentally killing people because I am not?

As Casper Weinberger used to say, it’s a known unknown.

There is no central tally of the effects, with states often barring release of concealed-carry data...


So where does the homicide data come from?

Often and always aren’t the same.

Meh. If something like this can happen with a police officer in a school, what are the odds that teachers with guns won’t lead to similar incidents multiplied?

I know they aren't the same but where does the data come from?

Court records I would presume. Or maybe news stories like this one:

What accidents? You think a teacher that makes the decision to carry with intent to protect students is going to shoot a student on accident?

Last I checked airline pilots can carry a weapon if they choose to do so.

You think a teacher that makes the decision to carry with intent to protect students is going to shoot a student on accident?

Yes. There are more than two million teachers. You put two million guns into schools and I think that accidents are all but inevitable.

Last I checked airline pilots can carry a weapon if they choose to do so

No they can not. In fact, they will be arrested for doing so:

Yes. There are more than two million teachers. You put two million guns into schools and I think that accidents are all but inevitable.

Nice Strawman. The teachers who do not want to be armed will not be forced to carry a gun. Operative word, decision.

No they can not. In fact, they will be arrested for doing so

But it looks like they do allow armed guards on the plane, so pilots carrying is sort of a moot point.

Federal Air Marshalls are an exceptional case.

And please, you really think the teachers union is going to tolerate armed teachers? This proposal is going nowhere. DOA in Congress and DOA in schools.

The teachers who do not want to be armed will not be forced to carry a gun.

If some teachers start carrying, you can be pretty sure that those who don’t will start facing lawsuits from CC parents who are incensed that their little precious is in danger because of negligent teachers who are not CC. This is America, count on it.

Federal Air Marshalls are an exceptional case.

Lol, it's a trained dude carrying a gun. It's not that special at all.

And please, you really think the teachers union is going to tolerate armed teachers? This proposal is going nowhere. DOA in Congress and DOA in schools.

I wouldn't be so sure about it being DOA in congress.

If some teachers start carrying, you can be pretty sure that those who don’t will start facing lawsuits from CC parents who are incensed that their little precious is in danger because of negligent teachers who are not CC. This is America, count on it.

This doesn't even make sense.

Of course it makes sense. This is a litigious society.

Seriously, this goes nowhere in Congress. Maybe some committee holds hearings, then . . . crickets. Leadership types don’t generally advance doomed bills. All Democrats would oppose it. Some Republicans would oppose it (Rubio is just the tip of the iceberg). The Teachers Union would fight it tooth and nail.

Just not happening.

Trump just opened his mouth and said the first dumb thing that jumped into his brain. Anyone notice that members of Congress aren’t jumping out saying what a damn fine idea this is?

Make it mandatory.
The left loves making things mandatory!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Gun Control

don't be fooled though, he is trying to ban bump fire stocks, that is the beginning of a slippery slope.

Ya I didn't like hearing that but I think he did that to get the media off his back. He will send the AG findings to the congress where a ban vote would likely fail but it still makes him look like a caring president to the libtards.

I'm hoping it is just another stunt where they say that they tried to ban them but the law clearly allows them because they are novelties that don't really do anything. His little listening session was pretty brilliant, he got all those outraged kids to kiss his ass and agree that arming teachers is probably the way to go, that was awesome. We just need to watch him like a hawk, more than Obama and the Dems.

Yup you can bump fire a gun without these stocks so it rather pointless to ban them.

exactly, I have always enjoyed bumpfire without one but I feel like having them banned suddenly is a slippery slope. They were banned in my state and I find that alarming.

it is funny how some people will trust a teacher with their kids but not with a gun.

Especially when you hear stories of them taking bullets for the kids.

I don't take anything Trump does at face value but obviously gun free zone are playground for madman.

I like it because you will never hear the media say anything logical like that about gun free zones.

we need to be very vigilant right now, Trump will push some gun control through and it will be very hard to stop.

Trump with peace are very far bro lol @wakeupnd

WTF does this incoherent statement even mean?

Lost in translation I think.

No, if you comment, make sure you can understand what the message is or DON'T FUCKING COMMENT!

You should be a translator. LOL!

I commented because that's is what you do here and was asking for clarification. Sorry if I didn't use soft whispers which you beta cucks prefer these days.

Wow, ok then falla. Have a good one.

In Britain we had a school shooting twenty years ago, we then banned public ownership of firearms, we've not had a single school shooting since. Australia did the same after their last school shooting...twenty-two years ago, same result. It's not a coincidence, every country that has strict control has the same low level of gun related deaths. It's only in America people value guns over life.

"It's only in America people value guns over life."


Thanks, it's an admirable quality to have. Virtue only seems to be a dirty word when it conflicts with other's beliefs.

That's all part of the plan.

So stay there and let the muzzies hack you up with machetes. Real Americans that don't cave to the new world order agenda will fight enemies foreign and domestic. Now how do they say in britain, piss off, is it?

I assume by muzzies you mean muslims? and by Real Americans you mean Native Americans? Which tribe are your people from?

I come from the tribe of born and raised in the USA. Go be offended else where.

Who said anything about being offended. I'm just offering a counter argument to the author's article, facts that prove more guns are not the answer. While you're clearly the one taking offense.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Locked and loaded bruh